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Well, I don't know how much "faith" I'm willing to put into that considering the source, the lack of any fbi (or the like) investigation into it, and the fact its on Fox. Not saying it isn't possible, but it's definitely not something I'm going to lose sleep over.
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Interesting....the guy said they have WMD here on our soil, but due to the sensitive nature of his converations with LEO's that he can't say what they are ? :rolleyes: :gtfo:


Now, I do believe something like those camps shown likely exists. I don't think the video and locations are bullshit. But, I can say that I would bet every single person that steps foot on that property, including the freaking UPS and Mail man are likely under surveillance so intense it can be called an electronic anal probe.


I just hope the powers that be really are tapping phones and looking away from the constitution when it comes to dealing with this shit. But then with so many folks pushing the liberal way, I bet these groups really are enjoying the holes in our system. :mad: We worry way too much about violating the rights of a few vs protecting the lives of many.

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