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5 Things You Think Will Make You Happy (But Won't)


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I disagree about the money thing. Disappointment is having money to buy things for th same of having things.. HUGE houses filled with crap you can't use is dumb, and bound to depress you when you realize that people don't give a shit.


However, Money can give you the TIME and OPPORTUNITY to find your own happiness. It takes money to travel the world in search of the perfect Hamburger. It takes money to follow your dreams of becoming a professional racer. And if you find that perfect Hamburger, or reach Formula 1 and find out that you're not as hapy as you houghtyou would? Well, you've got the money to try again and follow your next ambition.


Disappointment from money stems from seeing money as a goal in and of itself; raw materialism. But seeking money o you have more options in life can help you find that happiness.


At least, that's my philosophy. That reminds me, I gotta go get a lottery ticket.

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I disagree about the money thing. Disappointment is having money to buy things for th same of having things.. HUGE houses filled with crap you can't use is dumb, and bound to depress you when you realize that people don't give a shit.


However, Money can give you the TIME and OPPORTUNITY to find your own happiness. It takes money to travel the world in search of the perfect Hamburger. It takes money to follow your dreams of becoming a professional racer. And if you find that perfect Hamburger, or reach Formula 1 and find out that you're not as hapy as you houghtyou would? Well, you've got the money to try again and follow your next ambition.


Disappointment from money stems from seeing money as a goal in and of itself; raw materialism. But seeking money o you have more options in life can help you find that happiness.


At least, that's my philosophy. That reminds me, I gotta go get a lottery ticket.





If you are not an idiot money makes everything easier. I'm not rich obviously, but I am very content with my income and how I have progressed over say the past 5-10 years. I can generally buy what I want, go where I want, and not worry about bill collectors knocking on my door. :)


The ability to go on vacations and several mini-vacations a year does wonders for relaxation and calming. Not worrying about how you are going to pay your bills does that as well.


Everyone needs to work toward a goal, and while it is true that you get used to your "new" life and always want more, that is human nature. What is wrong with always trying to do better for yourself?

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Everyone needs to work toward a goal, and while it is true that you get used to your "new" life and always want more, that is human nature. What is wrong with always trying to do better for yourself?


I am pretty sure that is one of the best things I have seen come out of jones mouth on here.


Money makes everything easier I dont care what anyone says.

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