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Fuck you DeVry!


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I received this letter in my email yesterday from DeVry,


Congratulations on your decision to pursue a degree program that will offer you more career choices and a higher earnings potential after graduation. DeVry University is proud of our students and graduates, and we look forward to the success that earning your degree will help you to realize.




DeVry University programs prepare students for careers in high-demand fields with competitive starting salaries and lifetime earnings potential. In fact, for DeVry graduates system-wide between October '07 and June '08, 92% of those in the active job market were employed in their chosen field within 6 months of graduation at an average entry-level salary of $45,000. In many cases, that's more than the typical DeVry student borrows to pay for college.




To meet the continuing needs of delivering our high quality programs and services as efficiently and effectively as possible, a modest tuition increase will be effective with the July 2009 semester. Our undergraduate fee structure has also been simplified. The new undergraduate tuition and expenses may be viewed at: http://www.devry.edu/tuition/your_cost.jsp.


Remember that your investment in your DeVry education today will pay off down the road. On average, individuals with a bachelor's degree earn significantly more during their working career than those with only a high school diploma. At DeVry, you can complete your degree and enter the workforce with real-world experience in the shortest time possible.




We realize that many students depend on financial assistance to meet their educational costs. Your Student Finance office has already begun work to determine your financial needs and eligibility, and many of you may have received award letters to cover the new tuition costs. Your Student Finance advisor will assist you to apply for any additional assistance you might need.




Best wishes for a successful and productive year.




David J. Pauldine







What the fuck is your definition of moderate increase? Every damn year tuition increases a small amount and now the structure has changed and you want to charge more?


Classes used to be 15 weeks long with a 1 week break in between. Now all classes are 8 weeks long with half the class online and that includes some labs for class. How in the fuck are you going to make half the class online then start charging more when you lazy fucks don't have to do anything to make money.


Not only this but I got fucked over on one of my quizzes and got a 8/50 because DeVry's fucking online software screwed up and they are trying to say I only did part of the homework. I even called the technical support and he said my connection timed out when i submitted it and that's why my quiz didn't go through. I'm so damn glad I have 24 more credit hours left at that school till I get my bachelors. I was thinking about going for my MBA but after all this bull shit, I think no.


Fuck you DeVry.



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It seemed like I got a tuition increase letter every other semester while there. I will admit though that they did help me get a good internship while there which later turned into my full time career once I graduated.
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