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Not a very good day at my house


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Was getting ready this morning excited to head over to Brians, bring my son and have some fun. Then the phone rang.


Sad news is that cancer is like a middle name in my family and it turns out it's after yet another family member. I lost my brother just a couple years ago after a 12yr battle and am still recovering from that.


My mother has been religious about exams and upon her last mamo, she was put through a battery of tests and scans only to get a call late day yesterday that she has breast cancer on both sides. I can barely even type that all out it hurts so bad.


While dealing with the news and making plans to go home to be with her as she sees the surgeon, the tax people call to tell us that we owe....big time. Like they don't already take enough from everyone, yet again, even with quarterly payments and adjustments to our budget as it is, we need to cough up enough to equal two vacations. That's the least of my worries now though.


Hate to piss in the wind with bad news, but I had to unload it. Off to go try and put a plan together.


I'm sure others here have dealt with breast cancer so any and all links to good information most appreciated. I hope to know more Tuesday as I'll be headed home Sunday for the week.



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Very sorry to hear the news. However, the cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence.


My Mother was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in August of 1971. Two surgeons confirmed that she wouldn't live until Christmas of that year. She had surgery and they tried to fight the cancer with primitive radiation treatments to extend what time she had left and perhaps provide some pain relief.


She died from heart failure in 2007 at age 86, having outlived the two surgeons, three subsequent primary care doctors, and two oncologists.


No one knows the future.


Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.

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I'm really sorry to hear about this Tim. My aunt had breast cancer about 10 years ago. She had surgery and chemotherapy. She's still doing very well to this day, no new cancer has formed and she has no long-term affects from the treatment.


My high school friend's mother had breast cancer back in the late 1970s at a young age. She's still alive and kicking after 3 decades.


Just be positive and support your mom with anything she needs and hope for the best.

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sorry to hear that news, My wife is a breast cancer survivor I know all to well how cancer affects the ones who has it and the ones who are close. I was not even sure if I wanted to do a reply because Iam still getting over my dads passing from cancer .That almost got the best of me. No history of it in his family. I dont talk about it much but it does you good if you can,so I myself understand why you made the post. It helps to get it out sometimes. You can PM me anytime . My name is Brian also.
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That sucks, but like the Doc said, it isn't a death sentence by any means, especially if caught early.


A girlfriend I had years ago, her mom had breast cancer. Minor surgery, chemo, and she was good to go (okay, that over-simplfies it, but she survived, and survived well).


Hopefully the same will happen with your mom.

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Really sorry to hear about your mom getting diagnosed.


To hopefully give you some more hope along with the others family survivor stories. My mom just celebrated her 1 year anniversary with being completely done with all of the breast cancer treatments, surgery, everything! It's amazing what they can do now. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

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Thanks guys. It was a pretty rough day fielding phone calls from family and friends to arrange for support for her and my father. He's pretty frail himself and there's no way he can care for her alone once treatment begins. It's also time he puts the car keys away given his age and condition.


I really appreciate the opportunity to reach out to those of you that are available. I likely will at some point.

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My dad goes in for prostate cancer surgery on May 18th. NO history of cancer on his side, and well, it sucks. They caught it early. So hopefully along with the regular screening,and catching it early your mom and him will be ok. You are not alone in this fight is what I am trying to get across. It hits a lot of people.
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my ex g/f's mom has had breast cancer twice, went through chemo both times, just recently I found out she has it again so this is the 3rd time she is dealing with it, she also has bone and skin cancer, her mom is a trooper she has been through all that plus several surgery's since 1999 IM thinking like 15 surgery's for everything
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