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Let us talk about GPS


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As I posted in the for sale section I am interested in picking up a GPS unit. At first I was thinking handheld but now I dont know. My first reasoning for wanting one was so that I could throw in my ski, 4wheeler, and anything else to get an accurate top speed reading. Then I started to think well these are made for outdoors people and I am an outdoors person so I might get more use out of it depending on what features are available. Since then I have also realized that I might be able to get a lot of use out of one in a car. I am not directionally challenged by any means but if I had one, then it might be easier to find something or drive long trips for vacation kind of thing. For you guys who have these what do you recommend? Do I look at handheld units or something more designed for a car that I can also throw in my ski for a 10 min run? Handhelds still do a little turn by turn in the city if I am reading right but I am sure it is limited. I would just like to pick up a cheap unit that does these basic functions and it has to be waterproof.
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I think some of smaller units for a car are rechargeable and thus can be used as a portable unit as you mention on your ski.


I have two, one for the car and then I also use the one on my Blackberry. I'd go iPhone if/when they do turn by turn as nicely as BB.

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I used to think these things were for idiots who had no directional skill, but boy was I wrong. I drove Chad's truck to Pittsburg a while back and the built in GPS is awesome, it's so cool to drive and know the roads. It really shined at night when you can't even see most street signs. After playing with it I really changed my mind.


Sorry I don't have much helpfull info, but this is become something I would like to have and I look forward to finding out more about the aftermarket set-ups.

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I have zero sense of direction what so ever, and I really dont know too many roads outside of a 15 mile radius of my house by heart. I would be so lost in a lot of cases if I didn't have Mapquest/YahooMaps/Google Maps, or what has replaced them, my iPhone.
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A lot of the handheld ones are waterproof(they even float). I dont plan on getting wet with it really but part of the reason I want it is for my ski so I do get a little wet, I mean I am on water. I would just rather not have something sensitive to water. Anyone have any 2 cents on handheld units? It looks like the majority are pointing towards vehicle types. How are the speed readings on the Garmins?
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A lot of the handheld ones are waterproof(they even float). I dont plan on getting wet with it really but part of the reason I want it is for my ski so I do get a little wet, I mean I am on water. I would just rather not have something sensitive to water. Anyone have any 2 cents on handheld units? It looks like the majority are pointing towards vehicle types. How are the speed readings on the Garmins?


They've seemed pretty accurate from what I've seen. I haven't gone very fast with it before so I'm not sure about it. I will try it with the cruise control sometime and see what the result is.

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Speed results are the same with all 4 GPS units I have used. I have a cheap off brand Car GPS from meijer, wife has a TOMTOM, I have had gps programs on 2 different cell phones and they all displayed the same exact MPH.


I haven't used a Garmin but I love my wife's TOMTOM. We paid extra so it verbally says the name of the street to turn on and it also tells you which lane to get in. Useful for traveling on the highway in a state you never been in before and/or any road that has many lanes and exit only lanes.


As long as it has signal my wife can drive anywhere. No more calling me lol !

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I have a Garmin Nuvi 260 and I love it!!! When I put bigger rims on my truck the speedo reads 5mph slower I didn't know until i checked on the garmin...Then I got stopped by a highway patrol and he stated why was i doing 76 in 65...The Garmin was right on point!!! And he let me go!!!
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