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What do you want from CR?

Guest Hal

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I'm curious, what do you all want from CR? What is your reason for being here? I'm not interested in why/when you joined but, why are you here now.


Hopefully Anthony's little time out made some people think and we'll have some answers.


Also, please keep in line with the current "serious" tone of things. Please no dumb answers (ie. "I'm here for the buttsex")

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i showed up to meet fellow gearheads. and talk cars. just like i do at the street races "where no one races"

mostly just talk about how fast we went at the last test and tune and what we are planning next.

next for me is add timing new converter and probly 4.11s. then 8s on e85 and a carb with 9lbs of boost god willin

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I initially joined because I was told about it by a man with a supercharged Viper way back when. Now, I am on here for business of course, because I like this site, I learn from it, but in addition to that to talk to, meet, and get to know the people that I have grown to look up to.


I'm sure that there's other reasons that I've chosen to stick around here, but those are the main points.

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Guest fist302
I came here to network with fellow gearheads and find out meeting spots, thats pretty much still what i am here for. I try to stay away from the BS even if that means i dont get 1k posts. I also come here just to see what other locals have done with there cars.
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I joined because I liked the idea of being apart of a local car community.


I like the idea of being able to come here and ask a few questions and maybe get some answers to solve my car problems instead of automatically taking it to the shop.


In return I like being able to help someone out with my knowledge of Electrical so they dont have to automatically have to go hire an Electrician.


I like having the opportunity to go to events if I can.


I have lived here for 6 years and I still dont know to many people around because Im usually out of town working. So I kinda like thidea of possibly making a few friends..


Oh, and having fun is something else I like to do...

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Pure fucking entertainment! Even the past few days with all the drama where something to kill time.


Seriously though CR does have much to offer. There are many quality threads on a daily basis with good factual information from knowledgable users regaurding cars, local news, meets, ect. Its just the growing number of useless, sometimes personal drama (bullshit) that normal users either get sucked into or clouds the positive reasons to be a part of this forum.

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At first I joined to get into the car/street scene and learn as much as possible about my and any cars. I now feel that I have got a good relationship with CR members and enjoy meeting up and reading all the threads knowing all this stuff happens right where I live. The tech help section has been a huge benifit to me. Anytime I get into a bind I know I can ask CR in tech help and get a fast and very accurate answer. Most of the time the answers are quicker here then the big forums.
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i like to judge other peoples cars from home.

that way when i say, WTF to your car, you cant get offended and no fight will ensue.


but, i keeping coming back to CR for all the fucking drama.

i love to laugh at other peoples problems/stories. it makes my life seem better.



nothing will ever top brians shart in the shower post.

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mainly to keep in touch with the local car scene. now that i've moved out of columbus, i guess i still feel like i'm part of the community. entertainment, knowledge, and some stress relief. no one that i work with is a gearhead, and i spend quite a bit of time at work--i need this release.
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Well, I really like to meet other people and learn about their projects. Most of it isn't my personal taste, but I can still appreciate it all the same. And likewise, I like to share my own project with other people because I feel it's not something they'll see otherwise. I do appreciate the humor and information I can get about local events going on from this board.. but I especially like the boobie links. :D
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I am still here because of the fact that I have made many hopefully life long friends. All you ever see on the forums are stupid haters who really have nothing better to do with their time, which is unfortunate, because the TRUE CR community is nothing like that.
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I am here to communicate with other fellow automotive enthusiasts. Like JJ(CRAWDAD) said at a recent Auto-X meet, "I don't care what kind of car you drive. If you are into the same thing I am into then we are cool."
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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

I like CR because it is like a little window into the brains of people I see, and hear about, everyday...sometimes the glass is crystal clear...sometimes it would be best to use a razor blade to remove some of the crud, and by crud I mean dirt.


I'm here for the cars, humor, comraderie, friendships, jokes about dudes/mullets/camaros (classic comedy trio, almost as classic as Larry, Curly and Moe)...and general infotainment. Anything that can produce a Chuck Norris-ism is alright by me.


A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be somewhere else.

Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty.

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