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I say hell no! How about you?


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I'm ticked with all the news coverage and hype over the Mayor and Police Figures lobbying for the income tax increase. Hell No! I say.


I think the powers that be are dumb asses and are leveraging the threat of releasing the police to get the people to pass the increase. There are a number of reasons that it's not a good idea, both in terms of politally being a bad move as well as the overall impact.


That said, I sure as hell am not volunteering up any more of my money. No increases in taxes for schools or police to make up for their poor management of the funds they already have.



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I agree that increasing our taxes is the wrong solution at the wrong time. However, my wife and several people we know will probably lose their jobs if it doesn't pass. The impact to our family is well under $1000/year, well worth the cost for her to keep her position and keep doing great things in her department. As well as continue the good work of others who are threatened, and potentially reinstate a few who were doing great things for us and have already been cut. We'll be voting for it.


The correct solution is to reform how our city government does business, because as we see the sympathetic side of the situation we also know the darkness of running the system. There are vastly too many high paid people riding out their positions to retirement, dragging down the system and wasting copious amounts of money in the process. For every three great employees in the city, there is one completely wasting resources and gaming their position.


If you want to begin to make an impact, write letters to city council and the mayor asking them to reform our city government employment process and cut out the cancer within the ranks - not the good people who go first because of ridiculous seniority rules and hen order.

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The impact to our family is well under $1000/year, well worth the cost for her to keep her position and keep doing great things in her department. As well as continue the good work of others who are threatened, and potentially reinstate a few who were doing great things for us and have already been cut. We'll be voting for it.


I certainly understand and realize there will be impacts to good people. However, the local gov't needs to take responsibility and account for them through responsible management, not us the people through continued income tax increases that are not ever just temporary. More of my good money after their irresponsibility isn't the answer.


It pisses me off that whenever the city is in need they press us for more money, yet when it comes to stupid as decisions on using crappy contractors and materials to pave my road that falls apart every two years, that money is essencially wasted without me having any direct input. I don't need 6 LEO's from three different departments sitting on 270 tagging people between 23 and 161 on the NE Side as they go to work. Nor do I need a park in place of the empty City Center Mall, or God forbid that dumbass Rail System Coleman has a hard on for. That Rice-a-Roni bullshit is useless in Cbus.


The correct solution is to reform how our city government does business, because as we see the sympathetic side of the situation we also know the darkness of running the system. There are vastly too many high paid people riding out their positions to retirement, dragging down the system and wasting copious amounts of money in the process. For every three great employees in the city, there is one completely wasting resources and gaming their position.


That 1 in 3 is the exact reason I'm not voting for it and will be at the meeting on Morse Rd tonight. It's time the bullshit stops. Giving them a nickle more while it still exists is like giving a kid throwing a fit a cookie. No thanks. Let them feel the pain while it is rough for them. The pressure will perhaps help force the needed changes. However, part of the problem is our Democratic Governor and dumb as Mayor.


If you want to begin to make an impact, write letters to city council and the mayor asking them to reform our city government employment process and cut out the cancer within the ranks - not the good people who go first because of ridiculous seniority rules and hen order.


I've been actively involved. However, I do believe it falls on deaf ears and they will do what they can get away with regardless. The masses in gov't that are needed to make a change don't give a shit. A few maybe do, but they are the minority and can't make it happen alone. People respond to one thing more than anything......money.....so hit them where it counts.

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My wife is running for Columbus City Council (http://www.roseannhicks.com) ;) so I've been seeing a few of the things that happen at council meetings and such. You should see how everything passes at the meetings with no discussion. I've yet to see a NO vote on any issue. Something else I found interesting was how they are awarding contracts to companies and waiving bids. Council is awarding company contracts without even letting other companies bid on the job at hand.


I hate to see people lose their jobs, but using our safety officials for leverage whenever the city is in trouble due to mismanagement is pretty low.


I know there are other places to trim the fat on the budget rather than by threatening to cut our police officers/fire fighters. It's just that these things are what catches the public's eye the most as they try to "scare" people into voting for a tax increase.


Don't let them fool you by saying, oh we cut 4.5 million from the budget! That is less than 1% cut from the city budget but yet they want to raise our city taxes by 25%!


Here's something else to ponder. Get ready to get hit with a school tax levee in 2012 to increase what you pay to live in this city among other taxes disguised as a levee or fee.


My .02

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Why is it every time there's a shortage of funds it's the Police and Fire that are getting cut?? Is that the only place they can cut funds? What about unneccssary overtime they keep finding out about by some city employees?


I know they're cutting from everywhere but this I believe is another scare tactic in a lot of ways.

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Why is it every time there's a shortage of funds it's the Police and Fire that are getting cut?? Is that the only place they can cut funds? What about unneccssary overtime they keep finding out about by some city employees?


I know they're cutting from everywhere but this I believe is another scare tactic in a lot of ways.


it's a bullshit tactic for sure. funny thing is we've had the street cleaner unit come down our side street twice this spring. Now, I'm all for it as it does pull the leaves and debris from the gutter, etc...but really......is it fucking necessary on my suburban side street? No. Most of us clean up the curb when we cut the grass. Those that don't have attention to detail usually hear about it at the block party or through gossip.


We also don't need a cop to direct traffic outside the two churches behind my house on Sundays. Put up a fucking light that only activates on Sundays and call it a day. Why pay the officer to stand their for hours every single week. Automation already!

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I agree that increasing our taxes is the wrong solution at the wrong time. However, my wife and several people we know will probably lose their jobs if it doesn't pass. The impact to our family is well under $1000/year, well worth the cost for her to keep her position and keep doing great things in her department. As well as continue the good work of others who are threatened, and potentially reinstate a few who were doing great things for us and have already been cut. We'll be voting for it.


The correct solution is to reform how our city government does business, because as we see the sympathetic side of the situation we also know the darkness of running the system. There are vastly too many high paid people riding out their positions to retirement, dragging down the system and wasting copious amounts of money in the process. For every three great employees in the city, there is one completely wasting resources and gaming their position.


If you want to begin to make an impact, write letters to city council and the mayor asking them to reform our city government employment process and cut out the cancer within the ranks - not the good people who go first because of ridiculous seniority rules and hen order.

I am sorry your wife may loose her job, but I don't believe in this tax increase at all. Our gov't in general is too big as-is. We need to spend less money. We are inefficient, too many kick backs, too much buddy-buddy crap going on.


We don't need more welfare programs...we need less! We don't need to spend money on more parks and other BS. This is my money too, and I don't like how it is being spent...because I don't want it spent at all!


And don't get me started on school taxes. The people that should pay those are the people that have kids going to school!

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People respond to one thing more than anything......money.....so hit them where it counts.


I see the guilt trip constantly. I think it was great that one of the school levys did not pass and they cut sports because that was a prime example of guilting people into more money and the people did not fall for it.


On this note of cutting costs, if foreign people want to be a part of our country they can fucking pay for school themselves. I wish I could go to another country that I don't belong to and have my school paid for by people there. Let's get our own people through then after that consider getting other people through. Why have we not started cutting useless government funded organizations either? If all these organizations have so many people following them, why don't they fund themselves? They are literally just a bunch of little clubs like the SCCA etc... that the government wants to see continue, if there isn't enough interest let it fail, if the automakers can't move cars, let them fail. We need to accept failures, we are a great country, but that does not mean everything goes well ALL OF THE TIME.

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I see the guilt trip constantly. I think it was great that one of the school levys did not pass and they cut sports because that was a prime example of guilting people into more money and the people did not fall for it.



Exactly. I'm not going to vote for a school levy that helps everyone elses kids play ball. I'm sorry, I know it means a lot to them, but then you as parents should pay for it. If my kids play, I'll gladly pay, but I sure as fuck am not expecting everyone else to pay for him to play ball.


If I do pay to have your boy play ball, then those that go on to benefit from it and play pro ball should be forced to give some of their earnings from said pro contracts to the school system they benefited from.


Kids are in school to learn and the school system can't fucking make that happen so until they do, don't fucking worry about making sports such a priority.


People who vote for this shit in the ways they are typically presented are dumb. They allow the public officials to take money without any proven plan ahead of them or repercussions to things not going well. On top of it, there are no time limits to the taxes.


I don't about you, but .5% this year and the next and the next (x times) how many fucking levy's and taxes? 100% is all there is folks. I only bring home about 60-65% of my money as it is now. I'll be damn if I'm giving any more up without some accountability and measures being put in place.


$17mo for a $40k year income.....fucking $40k and $100k homes? who the hell uses such low numbers......get real, those of us that make way more than that pay way more and have way more homes that we've EARNED the right to have and pay for and sure as hell aren't interested in giving up the $100mo it's going to cost us. Regardless of the income level, those dollars all add up so by saying it's ONLY $17mo is bullshit bookie-math.


Coleman goes to Israel and takes assistants with him? Fuck that.....where's my plane ticket and hotel. I know way more about selling than he does. He just needs to stay here and approve the tax abatement I talk to business about and I'll bring shit over hear vs elsewhere.

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school wise and running them....what the city needs to do is bring in people with expertise in running businesses and proven leaders to act as the "CEO" of the system. pay them through tax abatements on their businesses or other creative ways that will impact their bottom line and get them to kick this shit into shape.


the problem is the public figures running shit come from public office or have some level of success in the private sector but are not true business people who have run and proven they are effective at running a viable and profitable business. they may know the business or industry but can't make shit happen.


who the fuck hires these people anyway? hell, 99% of the time, I could care less what someone has done. Do they have a proven track record? cool, then what can they make happen day forward? That's key.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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On this note of cutting costs, if foreign people want to be a part of our country they can fucking pay for school themselves. I wish I could go to another country that I don't belong to and have my school paid for by people there.


You obviously dont know how it works. If you dont pay taxes, you dont get to go to school. Private school is the only way foreign kids whose parents arent here on a certain visa or green card go to school.

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You obviously dont know how it works. If you dont pay taxes, you dont get to go to school. Private school is the only way foreign kids whose parents arent here on a certain visa or green card go to school.


No, I am talking about the people who come over here legally for the sole purpose of going to school here then sending all their fucking money back to their country instead of keeping it here.


Secondly, I am paying for that. In other words we are supporting people who support other countries, not our country.....

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If I do pay to have your boy play ball, then those that go on to benefit from it and play pro ball should be forced to give some of their earnings from said pro contracts to the school system they benefited from.


I don't about you, but .5% this year and the next and the next (x times) how many fucking levy's and taxes? 100% is all there is folks. I only bring home about 60-65% of my money as it is now. I'll be damn if I'm giving any more up without some accountability and measures being put in place.




Very well said.

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No, I am talking about the people who come over here legally for the sole purpose of going to school here then sending all their fucking money back to their country instead of keeping it here.


Secondly, I am paying for that. In other words we are supporting people who support other countries, not our country.....


They are paying for their schooling here one way or another. Be it with taxes or private school tuition. Don't really see how that's hurting anything, I see more good than bad from that. Now their parents need to be working in the US in order for them to be able to live in the US, and they may be sending money back home. Which will be a small amount of their income, after taxes and cost of living. It probably balances out through Americans doing the same thing abroad, tourism etc. I don't see the problem.


How are you paying for this exactly?

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What pisses me off is that they say the reason for the tax hike is for cops, people can't say no to protection and to men and women who put their life on the line. The lame council knows that if they put their "energy-efficient-reforms" for the parks and rec budget up for a vote everyone would vote that worthless stuff down. How about they work on public safety first, then the stupid green projects
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