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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


Stranger: I'm masturbating right now, if that offends you, or if you are male, please disconnect.


You: i am to


Stranger: you are male, or masturbating?

You: both


You: can u breath heavy for me


Your conversational partner has disconnected.





Good times....




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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: do you have friends?

Stranger: Yes but only a little

Stranger: I'm a social reject

You: i don't have any

Stranger: We can be friends

Stranger: What's your name

You: Jeff

Stranger: Nice to meet you

You: my nose hurts :(

Stranger: Why don't you have friends

Stranger: awws

Stranger: How old are you?

You: 13

You: it's bleeding again, i wish that they didn't hit me

Stranger: Who hit you?

You: the other kids

Stranger: that's mean

You: they beat me every day

Stranger: You should stay away from them

Stranger: move out jeff!

Stranger: move out!

Stranger: change your school!

You: i can't, my dad is dead and my mom is on drugs

Stranger: oh

You: we don't have a house anymore

You: we live in the car

Stranger: :|

You: but mom always brings weird men back to it so i can't stay there often

You: i'm at the library right now

Stranger: I see

You: we don't have a computer

Stranger: OH

Stranger: Oh

Stranger: If what you say is true

Stranger: That is so sad

Stranger: I want to help you

Stranger: lol

You: why would i lie about it?

You: i was hoping that someone on here could help me

You: maybe

Stranger: I see

Stranger: Where do you live

You: cleveland ohio

Stranger: Or try to call 911 and tell them your problems

You: the cops don't come to our part of town

Stranger: I see

You: and they don't care about people like us

Stranger: Well

Stranger: You can be my friend :)

Stranger: I'm from california though

You: whats your name?

Stranger: James

You: hi james

Stranger: hello jeff

You: are people mean to you like they are to me?

Stranger: Hmm a bit

Stranger: :(

You: do your parents care about you?

You: i wish my dad was still alive

You: he was a cool person

Stranger: Yes, a bit

Stranger: Can yo udescribe him

You: he was a very nice man who did a lot for my family

You: he worked in a factory

You: he didnt make much money

You: but we were happy then

You: he got shot on accident by a gang member

You: and then mom got really sad and started acting funny

You: that's when she started the drugs

Stranger: i see

You: the kids didn't like me before

You: but theyre even worse now that we have nothing

You: they spraypaint the car

You: and spit on it

Stranger: I think you should go somewhere

Stranger: like an adoption house?

You: there aren't any around here

Stranger: I see

Stranger: What about your relatives?

You: i dont know any of them

You: i havent seen them in a long time

You: and i dont know where they live

Stranger: oh

Stranger: Does your mom work

You: the men that she brings to the car pay her

You: she tells me to leave

You: so i dont know what happens

Stranger: oh

Stranger: I think I know what happens

You: what happens james?

Stranger: I can't tell you

Stranger: I think you're too young

You: does it have to do with sex?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: :(

You: i always thought that's what it was

You: sometimes i think it's not worth it

You: i'm not going anywhere with my life

Stranger: something might come your way

You: i don't know

You: maybe

You: but things have been so bad

You: theres this bridge by where our car is parked

You: sometimes i go there at night and look off

You: i want to jump sometimes

Stranger: don;t do that

Stranger: Someday it will get better

You: no one at school helps me

You: the teachers all make fun of me

Stranger: Why?

You: i didnt do anthing to them

You: i dont know

You: they give me bad grades though

You: they erase my answers and put the wrong ones in so it looks like i failed

Stranger: Are you serious?

You: yeah

Stranger: if you want to, you can email me from time to time

Stranger: anyway i have to go now

Stranger: bye!

You: i dont think i will be abel to email you james

You: i dont have an email

Stranger: you can make one now

You: and i think i am going to jump off of the bridge tonight

Stranger: dont do that

Stranger: :(

You: nothing will be bad anymore thoguh

You: and it won't hurt

You: the cars go really fast underneath it

You: my computer time is up james

You: it was nice meeting you

Stranger: okay bye

You: i will see you in the clouds someday

You: :)

Stranger: :)

You: by the way, don't worry bro

You: i've been fucking with you for this whol etime, i won't share your email with anyone

You: it's been fun

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Stranger: nipples


You: love 'em


Stranger: who doesnt?!


You: Have two of them, myself


Stranger: Really!


Stranger: no way!


Stranger: I do too!


You: pics?


You: no?


Stranger: not here!


You: that's a shame


Stranger: it really is


Stranger: I dont think you wanna see em anyway


You: depends


Stranger: trust me


Stranger: you want nothing to do with these nips


You: It says you're a stranger, and my mother said to never trust a stranger


You: But my mom was usually wrong, so I'm gonna believe you


You: this time


Stranger: shes a smart lady then


Stranger: lol


Stranger: good call


You: Are you talking shit about my mother?


Stranger: hell no


Stranger: shes a smart lady!


You: yes she is


You: from where do you hail?


Stranger: Canada. the land of drunks and geese


Stranger: you?


You: The US, the land of drunks, and drunks.


Stranger: hahah, true enough


You: Are you talking shit about my country?


Stranger: not today


Stranger: maybe tomorrow


You: fair enough


You: what's the topic for tomorrow?


Stranger: um...


Stranger: not sure yet


You: oh


You: well, be sure to let me know when you find out


Stranger: if I ever find you, indeed I will


You: you planning on stalking me, Stranger?


Stranger: not particularily, its very expensive to go all the way to the states from here


You: Not to mention, boring here


You: seen the moon there lately?


Stranger: yeah, its around


Stranger: usually at night


You: I've heard you goose fuckers can't see that thing


You: any truth to that?


Stranger: nooo, we sure can see it


Stranger: and only a few of us fuck geese


Stranger: they bite


You: Does it look the same as in the sweet ass US of A?


Stranger: I assume so


You: Get'em drunk, like the rest of your population


You: perhaps some PBR


Stranger: not as many drunks any more


Stranger: YES


Stranger: PBR


You: that's a shame


Stranger: alot of dope smokers


You: You shifty ass Canadians


Stranger: we love our dope!


Stranger: ahha


You: Can't be trusted


You: I think the US loves your dope, too


Stranger: fuck, If I was a yankee, i wouldnt trust us either


You: enough with the name calling


Stranger: hahah


Stranger: its cool


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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I love this site. :lol:


Stranger: Hiiii

You: why did you put three i's on the word hi?

You: are you retarded?

You: apparantely you are,

You: see the buttons on the rectangle in front of you?

You: press them and make words

You: it's that easy! :D

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: sup?

You: hello?

You: hi!

Stranger: 春哥纯爷儿门

Stranger: HI

You: You don't speak the English do you

Stranger: Are you a male's be still daughter's?

You: your translator is failing

Stranger: why?

You: because that makes zero sence.

You: do you know Paul?

Stranger: NO

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey ... 24 | M | Holland ... looking for hot chat with a guy ... you're in?

You: i am a hot guy for sure

Stranger: sweet ;)

You: i have a big penis

Stranger: cute is fine ;)

You: yes

You: what about you?

Stranger: suckable size

You: what is your name?

Stranger: stranger ;)

Stranger: where are you from?

You: My name is Cthulhu I come from the the sunken city of R'lyeh

Stranger: I like to sink deep

You: what do you look like?

Stranger: 1.84m, 76k, curley hair, blue eyes

Stranger: u?

You: i will need to convert those numbers

You: in google

Stranger: haha

Stranger: sorry

You: what is it in english please?

Stranger: no idea

You: I have a hideous appearance and I am gargantuan in size

Stranger: sounds cute

You: I sort of look like a half man half octopus

Stranger: so you have a lot of penisses ? yeah!

You: i guess you could say that

You: my face looks of pure evil

Stranger: sweet

Stranger: and you can suck yourself

You: sometimes if i am drunk

You: I like to drink PBR beer have you tried it?

Stranger: nope, don't know

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: yes

You: u?

Stranger: i?

Stranger: male

You: me

You: female

Stranger: chat sex okay?

You: sure but Im newtothat kinda stuff

You: im only 19

You: u?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: 28

You: wow you are old

You: past your prime?

You: soooo?

You: you're notvery good at this online sex

You: got to be really bad in person

Stranger: haha

You: why are u laughing did you just look at your penis?

You: CR?

Stranger: CR?

Stranger: what is CR?

You: its a bandim listening to

You: Commander Ralph

You: CR

Stranger: sorry....

You: for what?

Stranger: may i lick your pussy?

Stranger: sorry for i can not understand what is CR

You: Its a band

You: I can lick my pussy

Stranger: sure

You: im serious

Stranger: i use it

Stranger: wow

Stranger: i lick it...

You: shamwow!

You: do u always lick it b4 u stick it

Stranger: yes

You: what if it has a funny odor

Stranger: i lick it and swallow your juice

You: i think i just threw up a little in my mouth

Stranger: no

You: its true

Stranger: let's try 69 ok?

You: I sometimes like to watch my daddy shower

You: 69 is scary 4 me

You: how about 68 and u can owe me one

You: do u think im wierd because i like to put pennys in my ass?

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Ok im done now but thats some funny chit...

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: hi


Stranger: hi


You: howz it going


Stranger: asl


Stranger: fine u ?


Stranger: asl


You: u first


You: ASL


Stranger: 17.f,eua


You: mmmm hmmmm ... so your a 17 yr old female that always asks for ASL, first thing into a chat ?


Stranger: yep


You: Im a 21/m/us


Stranger: ok


Stranger: cybersex?


You: yeah sure but I am new to this ...


Stranger: relax


You: will do


Stranger: u start


You: so you here Im new to this and you want me to start !?!?!


You: Sink or Swim?


You: Ouch thats a lot of pressure ...


Stranger: swim


You: OK, hmmm ... what do you look like ?


Stranger: i like bad guys



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Stranger: from?


You: usa? you?


Stranger: brazil


You: damn


You: a/s?


Stranger: 16 f


You: thats prolly good.


You: what are you doing today?


Stranger: talking with a stranger


Stranger: and reading a book


You: damn same here!!!!


You: wow what a small world


You: what book?


Stranger: dracula


You: really? vampires?


Stranger: yeah


You: what do you think the aids infection rate is amongst vampires?


Stranger: i hate vampires


You: yeah, they suck


Stranger: but....u readed Twilight?


You: nope that book is for 16 year old girls

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ASL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Stranger: 21 f

Stranger: u?

You: 21/m

Stranger: from?

You: US

Stranger: asia

You: nice

You: nudes?

Stranger: not all asians are naked

Stranger: we have clothes u know

You: you could be

Stranger: we manufacture clothes, and send them to ur country

Stranger: which is why you're probably not naked

You: why would i not be naked, i'm always naked when i'm on the internet

Stranger: hahaha

You: nudes?

Stranger: no.

You: how about now?

Stranger: neither

You: you are no fun

Stranger: yawn..

You: all i want is nudes of a stranger

Stranger: ur fun is pretty limited

You: all i have is masturbation and the internet

Stranger: go stare at the mirror

You: should i wank off onto my reflection?

Stranger: you could

Stranger: are u the kind of necrophilliacs they show on american movies that hunt down people and kill them in the wilderness?

You: no, i do it for money

Stranger: killing people?

You: yes

Stranger: how much do you earn?

You: depends on the hit

Stranger: u should prob go back to wanking

You: i have no nudes to wank to

You: thank you very much

You: prude bitch

Stranger: sicko

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi I pose a conundrum to ya, I riddle if you will

Stranger: eh, ok?

You: What's the difference between you and a mallard with a cold?

Stranger: idk

You: One's a sick duck and I can't remember how it ends, but your mother's a whore.

Stranger: good one

Stranger: What is the difference between you and a bucket full of shit?

You: your mother is still a whore

You have disconnected.


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A little long, but I though it was pretty funny. I almost got his phone number. I did get his myspace page and email, though. lol If you do get bored and decide to screw with his myspace or whatever, don't tell let him think it's me. I'm going to screw with him some more and eventually tell him the truth. BTW, that's not my real email address. ;)


Stranger: ok


You: hello


Stranger: how are you?


You: I have a problem


Stranger: whats that?


You: How are you?


You: Well... It's a little strange.


Stranger: im good


Stranger: go on


You: I think I'm two people spliced together.


Stranger: what do you mean?


You: Well, I thought it'd be nice to shave 'my area' for my gf, but while shaving I noticed a seam on my nutsack


You: Right down the middle?!


Stranger: thats normal


Stranger: i have one too


You: What?! Wow, that's great. I think. She'll never believe me.


Stranger: its on all dude


You: We're very young.


Stranger: how old


You: What should I tell her.


Stranger: how old are you


You: 18, but we come from very sheltered communities.


You: Should I show her pictures of others, too?


Stranger: im 19 its normal man just tell her thats the way u were born


Stranger: every guy has it


You: Ok. I wish you could be there, though. It'd be easier to convince her if she could see someone elses, too.


Stranger: lol


Stranger: if she doesnt believe you then call me


You: Cool. Thanks.


You: Wait!

You: How would I do that? Are you just jerking around with me?


Stranger: no where do you live?


You: Ohio


Stranger: oh i live in texas


You: That's too bad. Maybe, (we don't get to use the phone much, it's a community phone), I could call you and you could confirm it with her if it comes to that?


Stranger: sure


You: Thanks alot!


Stranger: or message me on myspace real fast http://www.myspace.com/behee69


You: MySpace? I've heard of that but I don't have any of those things.


Stranger: get one


You: I dont really know much about it, though. It's rare I get to use the internet.


Stranger: oh that blows


You: We wanna leave the community. We should've when we were 16.


You: Well, thanks for you help.


You: I know a number is too personal from what I hear, so that's ok


Stranger: yeah i would but


Stranger: i can give u my email?


You: I have one of those! It's been a long time. hang on. Someone I know made if for me.


Stranger: lol ok


You: raginrican@hotmail.com


You: I believe


Stranger: mine is b_boypimp@yahoo.com its old


You: ok


Stranger: just email me

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this is how it started...

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: say pullthe the trigger

You: i will do it!

You: i want to die!!

Stranger: als?

You: I have nothing to live for

Stranger: hey

You: hey

You: i have a gun in my mouth

You: its my dads

Stranger: nononononono

Stranger: Relax

You: he doesnt lock it, even tho he has locks, i think he wants me to do it

You: he thinks im a whore

You: daddys little girl cant do drugs!

Stranger: omg

You: daddys little girl cant hang out with boys!

You: ever since mom left us, all i want to do is be up there with her







you dont know whats its like!You: when daddy calls you a whore even tho it was okay for him to touch me

You: i told him i didnt like it

You: mom wouldnt listen.. said your father would never do a thing like that

You: then they put me on meds

You: meds make me a zombie

You: well this zombie is going out with a bang!

You: real bang

You: good bye...

Stranger: hey~

Stranger: relax

You: its just so hard to relax

Stranger: how old?

You: 15

You: and a half

Stranger: omg

You: i mean i can almost drive i should be able to do what i want

Stranger: i'm 25

You: okay

You: so what

Stranger: so what?

You: just cuz ur 25 means you know everything

You: or do you want to abuse me like every other man

Stranger: I do not

You: well... then. i just dont know what to do

Stranger: Is someone at home?

You: no, thank gd

You: god*

You: if dad would see me like this, i wouldnt b able to leave the house for weeks

You: he doesnt have to hit me

Stranger: you






Stranger: Let our friends?

You: are you retarded?

You: let our freinds?

You: my name is tiffanny

Stranger: yes

Stranger: no retarded

Stranger: tiffanny?

Stranger: you?

You: mY name is tiffany.

You: my dad abuses me

You: i want to die!

Stranger: Your girl?

You: you make fun of me

You: im a girl

Stranger: nonono

You: why are you sooo mean

Stranger: never

You: this is why i dont want to live

Stranger: Did not understand

You: cuz ur retarded?

Stranger: sorry tiffany

You: do you have the aids?

You: i now just want you to die

You: how can you even look at yourself in the mirror and not feel like a total dickbag

You: making fun of me.. i told you what i have never told anyone

You: no one... no except my mom... who died of breat cancer!

You: why dont you make fun of her

Stranger: no

You: im sorry

You: i just dont know what to do

Stranger: sorry

You: i tell them i want to die and all they do is make me a zombie from all the meds

Stranger: i can not help

You: then if i dont take them, i have a gun in my mouth

You: ready to pull the trigger

Stranger: no

Stranger: tiffanny..

You: why cant i just die and be with my mom

Stranger: tiffanny

You: what?

Stranger: Where do you live

Stranger: I'll go

You: atlanta

Stranger: atlanta?

Stranger: seattle?

You: you are retarded!

You: i cant talk to you

Stranger: sorry

You: where do you live

Stranger: me?

You: yea

You: you!

Stranger: okok

Stranger: france

Stranger: Clumsy in English

You: very

Stranger: sorry

You: i dont know french tho

You: so its okay

You: alot of gays in france?

Stranger: I want to help you

You: buttsex?

Stranger: I'm different

You: how are you different?

Stranger: I'm friendly

You: are you a gay?

Stranger: no

Stranger: never

You: do you like girls?

Stranger: i love girl

You: what do you look like?

Stranger: Um..

Stranger: i dont know

You: you have the aids?

Stranger: im have a gilrfriend

Stranger: one

You: my dad says al the french guys are pussies

Stranger: nono

You: like little nacy fairy boys

You: who like to dock

Stranger: tiffany is full of complaints

You: you know put the tip of your penis to another mans and pull his foreskin over yoursthen he pulls your foreskin over his

You: and you go back and forth

You: till both of the get jizz and aids everywhere

Stranger: omg

You: thats what dad says

Stranger: I want to sleep with you

You: im only 15

You: and a half

You: but im not a virgin

Stranger: I do not care

Stranger: you have a boyfriend?

You: no

Stranger: why not a virgin

You: my dad raped me

You: well kinda.. it was just with his tounge

You: and fingers

Stranger: Really?

You: he is not my real dad

You: i just call him dad

You: he adopted me

You: and he loves me

then ended like




i have a boner right now, do you?

You: im sitting on the plunger

You: its up my ass

You: im gonna smell it

You: ewwe smeels like poop

Stranger: ....................

Stranger: you rich?

You: do you still want to sleep with me?

You: im a dude, at work, fucking with you faggot!

penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!you like penis, faggot!Stranger: good

Stranger: I do not care

Stranger: hahahahahahaha

Stranger: hey Idiot

Stranger: bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: What?


Stranger: hi


Stranger: ?


You: what?


Stranger: what?


You: in the butt


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ok, ok one more...


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: i crush pussies

You: with my pinky finger

Stranger: okey`?

You: its true

You: do u have a pussy?

You: in need of crushing

Stranger: yes

You: fuck yeah

You: is it tight

Stranger: ....

You: put a finger in your pussy right now and tell me what it smellslike

You: if it smells like an ass you need to make sure u whipe from front to back

Stranger: who r u?

You: i am a really cool guy

You: who r u?

You: CR?

Stranger: costa rica?

Stranger: :D

You: i used to fuck a hott ass bitch from costa rica

You: oh i get it now

Stranger: where in costa rica?

Stranger: ?:D

Stranger: haloo r u there ?

You: yes

Stranger: HALOO

You: sry

You: I just ot done jacking off so I had to go clean up

You: kinda sticky

Stranger: ok

Stranger: but where in cr `?

You: on the coast over by the hills

You: about 6 miles east of San Carlitos way

You: u been there

Stranger: no

You: do u whipe from front to back?

Stranger: i lived in jaco

You: wtf is jaco

Stranger: place in costan rica

Stranger: costa rica*

You: do you have big titties

You: i think im getting hard again

Stranger: how old r u?

You: 22

You: u

You: I have lots of stamina

Stranger: 45

You: i can go over and over

You: id fuck the tittes off of your 45 year old ass

You: make u see Jesus

You: u got myspace

You: or facebook

Stranger: no

You: i want to see a picture of that acient pussy

You: ancient

You: whens the last time you got fucked and I mean fucked like a dirty whore

Stranger: im sorry but im 45 i got 2 child and a man

You: im betting that your man isnt crushing that pussy like it needs to be crushed

You: Im talking ballz deep penetration

You: ypwuts up?

You: we gonna e-fuck or what?

Stranger: ?

You: tell me about your pussy

You: c'mon, is it shaven.? can it fit more than 3fingers it in. Have you ever been fisted?

Stranger: fuck u

You: now we are talking

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Stranger: hi,i'm looking for a girl who is willing to cyber with a cam,

You: okay

Stranger: cool

Stranger: where you from?

You: ohio

Stranger: i'm from belgium

Stranger: msn or yahoo?

You: i prefer yahoo to msn

Stranger: okey

Stranger: whats ur adress?

You: for what

You: how old are you?

Stranger: 19

You: im 14

You: is that okay?

Stranger: oh..

You: is that a problem?

Stranger: think so :s

Stranger: bit young i guess

You: why dont you have a seat right over there...........

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: sup?

You: hello?

You: hi!

Stranger: 春哥纯爷儿门

Stranger: HI

You: You don't speak the English do you

Stranger: Are you a male's be still daughter's?

You: your translator is failing

Stranger: why?

You: because that makes zero sence.

You: do you know Paul?

Stranger: NO


haha asshole

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Stranger: hii

You: well hello there little one

Stranger: I am a lesbian!

You: me too

You: but sadly I'm trapped in a mans body

Stranger: nicee

You: lets see your stats muff diver

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You: so you here Im new to this and you want me to start !?!?!


You: Sink or Swim?


You: Ouch thats a lot of pressure ...


Stranger: swim


You: OK, hmmm ... what do you look like ?


Stranger: i like bad guys



Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Bwhahaha WINNER!!!! Just know that if I could + rep you anymore I would!!!

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