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Yet another new Dad!


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My son Aiden Alexander Bentley was born yesterday at 12:29 pm and followed by his brother 19 minutes later, Gavin Roy Bentley. Both were around 5 lbs even, around 18-19 inches long, and 7 weeks early :(


They are in the NICU at Riverside, due to some lung maturity issues, they weren't breathing to well on their own. they were supoosed to be in there for 2-3 weeks, however they are already off the breathing machines and feeding tubes, and i fed both of them with a bottle today, so looks like they'll be just fine, and hopefully coming home next week early. Hell if they take after me ain't a whole lot gonna hurt them, i hope to christ i passed that on to them lol.


But yea, crazy fuckin expierence! i pussed out and avoided watching them crown, i did see them born and cut both cords, and cried for the first time in a very long time lol, those lil fuckers about floored me. Greatest thing i've been part of so far, bar none. I'll try to get a few pics up in the next day or 2.

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Congrats man! Glad to hear the boys are healthy. One of my best friends just had a kid about a month or so ago and that was the first time I've ever held a new born baby and its a pretty cool thing. Best of luck in the years to come!
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  Mattsn2o281 said:
My son Aiden Alexander Bentley was born yesterday at 12:29 pm and followed by his brother 19 minutes later, Gavin Roy Bentley. Both were around 5 lbs even, around 18-19 inches long, and 7 weeks early :(


They are in the NICU at Riverside, due to some lung maturity issues, they weren't breathing to well on their own. they were supoosed to be in there for 2-3 weeks, however they are already off the breathing machines and feeding tubes, and i fed both of them with a bottle today, so looks like they'll be just fine, and hopefully coming home next week early. Hell if they take after me ain't a whole lot gonna hurt them, i hope to christ i passed that on to them lol.


But yea, crazy fuckin expierence! i pussed out and avoided watching them crown, i did see them born and cut both cords, and cried for the first time in a very long time lol, those lil fuckers about floored me. Greatest thing i've been part of so far, bar none. I'll try to get a few pics up in the next day or 2.


congratz man don't worry they will do fine mine were born 9 weeks earlier and are complete monsters now. :)


Welcome to the multiples club.

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Thanks guys, yea they should be ok i was just down there playing with them, feeding em, and changed the most god awful diper 've ever seen. how the fuck fuck can something so small make such a huge stink?


Anyhow, a few pictures:











Cant catch this kid awake for more then a sec or 2 lol.



And for shits and giggles, their protecter, My pit Bailey


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  Mattsn2o281 said:
Thanks guys, yea they should be ok i was just down there playing with them, feeding em, and changed the most god awful diper 've ever seen. how the fuck fuck can something so small make such a huge stink?


Congratulations man! Especially on having two!!


If you think their shit stinks now......wait until you start them on real food :eek:


It's all good though.

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