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rode deals gap today


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and it was awesome.. not nearly as bad as alot of people make it sound.

it was a great experience, and i plan on coming back for a weekend here.


rode 28 (hell bender) 129 (deals gap, tail of the dragon) 321, the foothills, weavery rd??


great riding down here. i reccommend it to all

Edited by AJ
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the first few miles will freak you out a bit.. but once you get used to the blind turns and traffic popping up out of no where its all gravy.

key is to ride below your ability so you have room for error

the turns are amazing so many variations alot i havent experienced before.. its a great rode for sure

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ok hellbender is fun BUT if you keep going instead of coming back 19 you can go all the way to highlands and that road of 28 is bad ass.



129 was a let down for me

But I think it would have been more fun on a bike

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