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So my Roommate just got a new rifle


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My roommate placed an order and has gotten word that his new rifle is built. He is in Iraq right now and I will be the one who picks it up for him.


Here is the website for the gun....




So my question is where can I/He shoot a .338 Lapua Magnum?

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  Austin said:
The South End?


161 area wouldn't be a bad choice either. Tell em you're hunting potential Somalian Pirates.


Tell him to invest in a good spoting scope, and a range book. If he doesn't have any experience in long distance calling, he might need to get some read on.

Army FM23-10 covers "sniper training"


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I am a bit late to the party, but Briar Rabbit is a good choice or there is:


Big Darby Creek Shooting Range, 875 Middle Pike, West Jefferson, OH 43162. Phone: 614-879-0457


I took a carbine class at that range and it is pretty nice. They have a 300 yard range.


Sweet rifle BTW

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