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My motorcycle accident on Saturday...


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This is a perfect example of why you wear gear. I'm not a rider, but I've heard people who say shit like "What goods a helmet goanna do when you get hit at 65-70 mph!?"... Ummm, it's probably goanna save your life.


Do you plan on riding again once you recover? I think it would be kind of tuff to enjoy after something like that, but either way sound like you'll go about in the safe/ smart way (gear).


Well, like everyone else has said, glad you're okay and hopefully you make a quick recovery.

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Can you get the dash cam video from the state trooper? Since you're okay, I'm sure that would be worth a laugh (thinking the video of McLovin getting decked in superbad).


Again, glad you're okay. One of my close friends has a bike, and I'm always concerned when he rides (especially nights).

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damn ice, we will have to get a beer soon.


We will... As soon as I can hold a beer bottle...


Akula - Question about your bike, do you have loud pipes on it?


-Yes it did... Saved my life... ;)


Leviathan - Sucks to hear man. Glad your ok other than the cosmetic damage. Hopefully didn't effect your bball skills gonna need em next time the cr basketball crew goes out.


- It will be a while before I can play B-Ball again...


Not Brian Either - Wow!!!! Did it all feel like it was happening in slow motion???


- NO... It felt like it happened very fast...


Thank you very much guys... I hope to see you all soon... Typing with 2 fingers on my left hand sucks...

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It will most likely be the insurance company that I'll be going after... Medical bills and stuff...


Oh yes for sure but you can sue the driver of the van that caused the accident as well. Just a thought...

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Loud pipes save lives. I have a friend with a Harley V-Rod. It is pretty quiet, when I ride with him on the fat boy, he notices a difference with the soccer moms. Loud pipes keep people aware of you in the blind spot. That and riding in good lane position are probably the biggest way you are going to avoid being run over.


BTW, Sue them for everything they have.

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Loud pipes save lives. I have a friend with a Harley V-Rod. It is pretty quiet, when I ride with him on the fat boy, he notices a difference with the soccer moms. Loud pipes keep people aware of you in the blind spot. That and riding in good lane position are probably the biggest way you are going to avoid being run over.


BTW, Sue them for everything they have.


Sometimes you HAVE to ride like an asshole. There are times I won't obey the speed limit because it literally puts me in danger on my bike. I'll speed up past the speed limit just so that I'm NOT in someones blind spot. To me it's worth breaking the law so that some doofus in a cage that isn't paying attention actually notices me.

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This is a perfect example of why you wear gear. I'm not a rider, but I've heard people who say shit like "What goods a helmet goanna do when you get hit at 65-70 mph!?"... Ummm, it's probably goanna save your life.

The assumption that kind of idiot makes is that every motorcycle accident is exactly the same as slamming face-first into a concrete wall. Aren't most bike accidents like this, where you get knocked off the bike and tumble/slide down the road? A helmet might not do shit in the concrete-wall scenario, but it's gonna save your fucking life in a tumble.

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