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Trails call-out


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you arent signed up so you wont... OWNED!




oh an little guy will be beating thorne


corderll will be scared to spray an lose to alot of everyone


starkmaster will not dip into the 10;s on his r1


Paul please stop doing such hard drugs man. Your my friend and I hate to see someone ruin there life with such hard substances.



ME VS YOU Heads up double or nothing. so for an amazing 12$!!!!!!!1!?!?!?!?!?!?1oneoneoneoneone111!!!!!

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Paul please stop doing such hard drugs man. Your my friend and I hate to see someone ruin there life with such hard substances.



ME VS YOU Heads up double or nothing. so for an amazing 12$!!!!!!!1!?!?!?!?!?!?1oneoneoneoneone111!!!!!

well seeing as you still owe me 6 bucks from the last bet....... im down !!!

I am debating on if I should bring the Z06 or the cobra. The vette just got cleaned up so I hate to get it dirty. LOL

the cobra... ive been wanting to walk that thing for some time now :bangbang:..... or you could always bring both :p but you wouldnt wan tto get your garage queen dirty(this could work for both your z06 an your mystery mustangs)

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What happens to a car that runs a 10.8 after you replace the front wheels with skinneys, remove a half a tank of gas, replace et streets with slicks, plug in the trans brake, and spray off the line instead of second gear?


Magic, thats what happens.. pure magic.



(Then I put in the 250 jets and see how many passes it takes before the motor pops)


I see "blah blah blah 25lbs of actual weight loss blah blah blah traction problems blah blah blah soon to be other excuses blah blah blah" the only race between you and Anthony I see is the race to make the first excuse why their car won't pull a sick whore off a piss pot.

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I found just a tiny bit of play in my rearend, and decided to say fuck it. Chances are good that if it breaks it'll stay inside the case. I'll just have to take my chances, but I've seen worse get beat on.


If you oil-down the track, expect a CR-style virtual nut kick so hard your mother will feel it. I'm not fucking with you.

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If you oil-down the track, expect a CR-style virtual nut kick so hard your mother will feel it. I'm not fucking with you.


whats it matter to you, your not racing. even if you were your mustang wouldnt have enough power to spin in the oil :p

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Hopefully better than one without a driver :p


I figured that there would be atleast one smartass on here to give this response. I mean that I would like to see someone who has a fucking clue behind the wheel drive a Z down the track. Hopefully that helps :).

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If you oil-down the track, expect a CR-style virtual nut kick so hard your mother will feel it. I'm not fucking with you.


You know as well as i do if it does break it'll most likely just shear teeth and get pushed off to the side. If I thought it was going to break I wouldn't be bringing it out. Anthony's oil gushing 10 bolt has a better chance of breaking then mine.

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I figured that there would be atleast one smartass on here to give this response. I mean that I would like to see someone who has a fucking clue behind the wheel drive a Z down the track. Hopefully that helps :).
lol hey it was funny though. but yea his z06 should be bad ass with him driving it. but i want that poopstang of his


btw cant wait to see your car run too mmm blowersss


You know as well as i do if it does break it'll most likely just shear teeth and get pushed off to the side. If I thought it was going to break I wouldn't be bringing it out. Anthony's oil gushing 10 bolt has a better chance of breaking then mine.
your good captain


Engrish much?
meh not usually ha


are you coming down ?

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whats it matter to you, your not racing. even if you were your mustang wouldnt have enough power to spin in the oil :p


It matters to me as a race enthusiast. I'll virtual nut kick you just for the asking, fruit cake.

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You know as well as i do if it does break it'll most likely just shear teeth and get pushed off to the side.


Or you'll send pinion parts to the moon. It's an Fbody, they're the prince of breaking shit in unexpected ways.



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