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Our "honeymoon" day today...


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Since we have three kids in school, we're unable right now to take a true honeymoon. The week so far has been spent doing marriage changes to medical, car insurance, military coverage, etc. My Dad was cool enough to pick the kids up from school today and keep them for a few hours so Tina and I could enjoy a day away together. Here's how it went...


After dropping the kids off at school, coming home, grabbing the blue Formula, and dropping off some paperwork at my Dad's house, we left Reynoldsburg at 10:00am. We were heading to Roseville, in Muskingum County, to visit the abandoned Roseville Prison. We took 70E to SR22E and ended up on OH93S. After heading into Roseville, we drove around aimlessly for a bit until we finally stopped and asked an older gentleman for directions, as the prison is very vague on location on the internet. It ended up being on Ransbottom Road, with one of the intact guard towers along the side of the road.

We parked by the tower, and no shit, within about twenty seconds a guy came hauling ass up to us in a modified buggy powered by a VW Bug engine, yelling at us to leave. No pics, no questions, no nothing. Leave, private property, etc. I ended up snapping a phone pic while Tina calmed this guy down by asking him about his buggy. We ended up standing there for an hour talking to him and his son, learning the history of the area and the prison. Turns out, his parents own the 27 acre area (his mom came out once to tell to make sure we weren't taking pics) and they have had issues with people being disrespectful and playing around in the prison, which some parts are fucked. They didn't want any liability, so I can see their concern. After telling us about a good diner in McConnellsville about forty miles away, off we went.




We ended up backtracking up OH93 to US22, then heading east past SR555 and going south on OH60 towards McConnellsville. OH60 runs parallel the entire way just off of the Muskingum River, which is a beautiful and scenic journey.

We drove into downtown McConnellsville and had lunch at the Blue Bird 50s Cafe, which is on the corner of Main Street across from the municipal building. The food was cheap (less than $5 for a burger, fries, and drink), tasted good, and the decor wasn't too bad. I'd definitely eat there again, and their menu is pretty diverse.


From there, we took SR78E and passed through some of the best twisties I've come across in Ohio, with amazing scenery and killer hills. We passed through some smaller Ohio towns like Ringold, Glouster (the 1920s Industrial Era called, they want the town back), Hollister, and Murray City. Amazingly, the only cops we saw today were in these small towns running speed traps. There's the town's income I'd guess.


Once off of SR78, we caught OH13W into Nelsonville and then onto US33N. We stopped in Logan at an antique market, picked up some nostalgic automotive items, then headed a bit more down US33 and into the antique mall in Rockbridge. Then we headed home and got to the house about 630pm.


It was a very relaxing, beautiful day and Tina did all the driving. I took in the environment, as I love the historical aspect of Ohio and all of it's hidden secrets.


An amazing and beautiful day with an amazing and beautiful wife :)

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Good times and nice weather for sure. Not sure why the woman is so grumpy about pics. there's tons of them of the prison on the internet. I have a bunch somewhere on my file-share. I was there at the auction when the property was sold and able to wander all around the place. It was covered in black mold though, so i'm sure you're better off not having gone in there.
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Good times and nice weather for sure. Not sure why the woman is so grumpy about pics. there's tons of them of the prison on the internet. I have a bunch somewhere on my file-share. I was there at the auction when the property was sold and able to wander all around the place. It was covered in black mold though, so i'm sure you're better off not having gone in there.


I'm not sure, but she was pretty adamant about it. I've heard stories of people stopping on the road to take pics, a public road, and one of them running around and creating a fuss. Weird people.


I've also heard about the mysterious illnesses people get hanging around there, I didn't plan on going inside at all, lol.

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I'm not sure, but she was pretty adamant about it. I've heard stories of people stopping on the road to take pics, a public road, and one of them running around and creating a fuss. Weird people.


I've also heard about the mysterious illnesses people get hanging around there, I didn't plan on going inside at all, lol.


I took a lot of them from the road. Hell the property itself is a wreck, so the best shots are from far away. They can create all the fuss they want, if I'm on public property, I can take a photo of anything there I want and the sherrif will gladly come and tell them so. Hell, makes me want to go do it this weekend as I go to my brother in laws place out that way. Camera in one hand with a gun in the other :ninja:

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It was a very lovely day and I completely enjoyed all the twisty roads and beautiful scenery. 198 miles of driving.


The guy in the buggy was actually really nice, and definately cool to learn some of the history behind the place.


And to top off an awesome day, my wonderful husband happened to find me a beautiful black Porsche 928 hot wheels car to add to the wall collection. :D

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Yeah I could have told you the people that own the property are a bit crazy, but with good reason for all the idiots breaking in there at all hours. It is a cool photo location, but now that it is private property, don't step one foot on the property.


All in all, sounds like a cool drive.

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