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This is why our justice system sucks.


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The sad story here is this is the mother of a very, very nice lady that I work with daily. We in the office heard her take the phone call that said her mother passed away. She obviously wasn't told the details at that moment as she had a 2hr drive to Cincy.


We found out the details today during and early morning meeting. News like this is hard for me to read period, let alone when it's a good friends own mother. 93 years of living only to end at the hand of a piece of dirt that should never have been let go 10 years earlier.


Off to go kick a bag at the gym. :mad:

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but are you also saying that you don't believe in 2nd chances?


NO WAY....not for anything that involves the death of another human being. IMO, if he's mentally ill AND has harmed another person, no question, he's as dangerous as a mad dog. Put him down. /fuck his rights and family wishes. He's an apple that's core is rotted. Toss it out, not worth saving any part of.


We as a society waste way too much time, money and jeopardize the innocent worrying about lives that are not worth a damn. We carry "civilized" living to the point of stupidity. If he was a Lion cub, his father would have eaten him at birth.


And yes, I'm completely serious.

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I'm a blink from being sociopath and all it is gonna take for me to snap is for someone to harm my little girl. I'm enraged enough about the little girl down in Florida whose body was found in the landfill because some fucking soulless shitbag discarded her like she was yesterday's trash. I had to watch this little girls mother cry and beg on National TV (the Today Show Wednesday morning) for her little girl to not be harmed and returned. Then Yesterday she got to find out what happened, her daughter was returned alright. The fucking details told to her had to be more painful then any physical tourture someone could inflict to a single living person. I want to fucking rip apart, with my bare hands, the piece of shit that is responsible, and it's not even my little girl. If this woman happened to kill the person responsible, I would stand in hell next to her for eternity, for I feel she would have done what should be done. There is no justice for this magnitude of pain.
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NO WAY....not for anything that involves the death of another human being. IMO, if he's mentally ill AND has harmed another person, no question, he's as dangerous as a mad dog. Put him down. /fuck his rights and family wishes. He's an apple that's core is rotted. Toss it out, not worth saving any part of.


We as a society waste way too much time, money and jeopardize the innocent worrying about lives that are not worth a damn. We carry "civilized" living to the point of stupidity. If he was a Lion cub, his father would have eaten him at birth.


And yes, I'm completely serious.


I completely agree, we need to have more firm consequences. You might think twice about doing something knowing your own life is on the line.

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what this guy did was horrible, and the mental institution should have known that he culdn' be released back into the wild so to speak, but are you also saying that you don't believe in 2nd chances?


"apparently has been in mental facilities for a decade for stabbing other women in that area in the late 1990s."


That is the answer as to why there shouldn't be such a thing for a repeat offender. I believe in a 2nd chance for vigilante justice though.

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I sure am glad that none of you people are in charge. Why is one persons life worth so much more than another? You guys probably beat your kids half to death for making a mess with there toys don't you? It's very sad to hear that people think this way.
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I sure am glad that none of you people are in charge. Why is one persons life worth so much more than another? You guys probably beat your kids half to death for making a mess with there toys don't you? It's very sad to hear that people think this way.


My kids are responsible and taught to pick up toys. People like this worthless dung are simply not worth saving. He's like a rabid and disturbed dog that should just be put down. But hey, if you want to "save him" then by all means, let him move in with you and yours.

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I sure am glad that none of you people are in charge. Why is one persons life worth so much more than another? You guys probably beat your kids half to death for making a mess with there toys don't you? It's very sad to hear that people think this way.


Reverse your question and ask yourself:



Why is this guys life worth saving after attempting to take 2 lives previously, and succeeding in taking 1 womans life recently?


Why is his life worth so much more than theirs?




It's sad to hear people support the life of murderer's because they feel "killing someone" is out of the question. Ironic really.







FWIW, I think eye-for-an-eye punishment should be law of the land. For some, life in prison is better than life on the streets. stricter/harsher punishment however could curb that enthusiasm.

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I sure am glad that none of you people are in charge. Why is one persons life worth so much more than another? You guys probably beat your kids half to death for making a mess with there toys don't you? It's very sad to hear that people think this way.


You are absolutely ridiculous. Your ethics system is clearly contradictory. In case you are oblivious to the real world, capital punishment actually does still exist and many people in power still do believe in it, it's just that a lot of us think it is justified more often then it's being used.

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