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Whats the best gaming console to buy?


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^ best game i've ever played.. by far. so addicting! haha


i've got a 360 i'm looking to get rid of if you are interested OP.. pm me. bought it off steve (jus2sweet) a year or so ago.


How much are you selling it for? I might buy it back lol

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Oh boy, another one of these threads...


Ok...Well, the 360 has the best multiplayer experience of the two consoles, as well as better content delivery (from my experience). PS3 has better exclusives, I think. So really, it comes down to whatever you want. They make most games for both consoles, and they look the same on both consoles, so really the graphics and stuff have no difference.


As far as multimedia goes, the PS3 has bluray, but the 360 has better streaming video capability, so its pretty tied there as far as usefulness.

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Guest tbutera2112
Oh boy, another one of these threads...


Ok...Well, the 360 has the best multiplayer experience of the two consoles, as well as better content delivery (from my experience). PS3 has better exclusives, I think. So really, it comes down to whatever you want. They make most games for both consoles, and they look the same on both consoles, so really the graphics and stuff have no difference.


As far as multimedia goes, the PS3 has bluray, but the 360 has better streaming video capability, so its pretty tied there as far as usefulness.


ps3 also has streaming video now

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Picked up an xbox 360 COD package today. two remotes, 250gig hd, and the game for $399. Honestly the extra controller won me over (sounds dumb) but after paying the xbox live fee (which i havent signed up for yet) they were basically the same exact amount.


Oh and how many of you are playing call of duty:modern warfare? Ive been playing with my girl all damn day, game is fucking addicting.

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The version of the 360 he got with the MW2 package has about a 10% failure rate. No where near the numbers seen with launch 360's and the version immediately following that. And I lol'd super hard at the guy who said Sony uses BR for better graphics. Also, keep an eye out for deals on Xbox Live subscription cards. I'm paid through like 2012 (no need to go further since the world is ending then) for about $60. You can usually find 12+1 month cards for $30 every couple months.
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Did you buy yet?


I'm a fan of the ps3. You can install a different OS (like ubuntu), mine has slots for SD cards and such, 4 USB ports, media server, free online play, rechargeable controllers, backwards compatibility (for ps1/ps2) I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting... I'd be totally pissed if I dug my console ot a few years from now and couldn't play online because my subscription wasn't current. I still get the old NES out from time to time.

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I recently read a series of reviews of PS3 vs XBOX 360 starting around the PS3s launch date, then another a year later, and the most recent in January of 09 (so pre-120GB PS3 Slim). I think the conclusion it draws is excellent:


So, which is better, XBOX 360 or PS3?


The answer is……. Neither! Look, each console has its “pros and cons”. If you primarily play online games, you will want to get an XBOX 360. If you have a nice HDTV and want to enjoy beautiful Blu-Ray movies, you will want to get a PS3. If you are an “achievement whore” you will want a 360. If you like to play import games, you will want a PS3. If you want to easily stream near-HD quality movies and TV shows, get a 360. It goes on and on. If you like Halo games, get a 360. If you are more of a Killzone kinda guy, get a PS3. If you want to spend less than $400, get a 360.

If you think the PS3 has “better graphics” get a PS3. If you think the XBOX 360

has “better graphics” then get an XBOX 360.


The fact is, the decisions that influence your purchasing decision are entirely up to you. What matters to you may not matter to the next person. But hopefully you have a clearer picture of “what matters” to you, and how the consoles compare after reading this article. If it’s exclusive titles, fine. Go with the console that has the games you like. If it’s “which multiplatform games play better on this console” the answer is… Well the 360 is a bit better, but the PS3 is improving in this regard (and buggy games do get patched).


I’ll finish off with some comments that are purely subjective. It is my personal opinion that it just ‘feels’ better to play games on the Playstation 3. After reading this entire article, the PS3 has some advantages and some disadvantages, but for some reason I just like playing games on it better. It’s quiet, I don’t have to worry about it Red Ringing on me, and I actually prefer the DualShock 3 controller (when the connection is not cutting out, which seems to happen with less frequency now that I think about it). I am more of an offline gamer when it comes to consoles, so the XBOX 360’s huge advantage of being the superior online gaming system doesn’t apply to me. I just want a console that will do what it’s supposed to do, and do so quietly. Other people will feel just the opposite, and that is perfectly fine. I have my reasons, and you have yours. And neither of those should affect one another. That’s the whole point of writing this article in the manner that I have.


if you want to read the whole article, its very in-depth in terms of looking from all angles (netflix, etc) http://www.hardcoreware.net/playstation-3-vs-xbox-360-two-years-later/




edit: the fact that you can actually store a majority of video formats (such as AVI) on your PS3 hard drive is the main selling point for me. The "media extender" funcion on the XBOX 360 never really worked well enough for me and you can't store anything that isn't WMV, which is retahhhded.

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360 has best online content and games. Down loadable addons etc.

PS3 is fucking awesome if you love RPGs. So many good ones on there that are not on xbox.


PC is best of both worlds. You have access to anything on xbox plus most of PS3 games. PC looks better then both of them combined. Good games tend to come out on the PC first before other consoles. If you feel this is incorrect you have the wrong type of computer and you fail. I am one of those guys that has NES games in my dvd rack, I play anything and everything but PC is the best.

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The version of the 360 he got with the MW2 package has about a 10% failure rate.


So my best friend just got the rrod on his mw2 360(4 days of playing). 10% fail rate my ass. He called MS and they said that hes not the first one with the MW2 360 to get the rrod. So i don't know where you got that 10% FAIL RATE buddy you got proof to back that up. Or you just a 360 fan boy. Thats why we call it the shit60.

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The version of the 360 he got with the MW2 package has about a 10% failure rate.


So my best friend just got the rrod on his mw2 360(4 days of playing). 10% fail rate my ass. He called MS and they said that hes not the first one with the MW2 360 to get the rrod. So i don't know where you got that 10% FAIL RATE buddy you got proof to back that up. Or you just a 360 fan boy. Thats why we call it the shit60.



Wow, people are such xbox fanboiz that they somehow think thats acceptable. "Oh yeah bra, xbox is way tighter than ps3. Ps3 sucks bra! Lets go play beer pong and chug some nattys....whose got the Axe?"


PS network goes down for a couple of hours yesterday and Xbox people are like, yeah see how much PS3 sucks. But your fucking console explodes every 3 seconds but thats totally fine.

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Psh, you're just jealous of the xbox360's totally awesome exclusives like HALO and forza. And Xbox is totally awesome, it sounds like a jet engine! As soon as it spools it's mad boostin' yo! And since you have to replace the controller batteries you can always have a bunch of mostly used batteries around for other appliances like hand-douchers, frosted-tip spikers, miley-cyrus pocket games, and tons of other cool toys! Hella sweet dog!
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bicranium - The version of the 360 he got with the MW2 package has about a 10% failure rate.


So my best friend just got the rrod on his mw2 360(4 days of playing). 10% fail rate my ass. He called MS and they said that hes not the first one with the MW2 360 to get the rrod. So i don't know where you got that 10% FAIL RATE buddy you got proof to back that up. Or you just a 360 fan boy. Thats why we call it the shit60.


Judging by your grammar and English composition in general, this may be too much of a read for you but I'll link you anyway...




PDF so you need Adobe reader. Has failure rates and projected failure rates of all the consoles. With the release of the Jasper chipset, as more data begins to roll in, they project a 4% failure rate.


Wow, people are such xbox fanboiz that they somehow think thats acceptable. "Oh yeah bra, xbox is way tighter than ps3. Ps3 sucks bra! Lets go play beer pong and chug some nattys....whose got the Axe?"


PS network goes down for a couple of hours yesterday and Xbox people are like, yeah see how much PS3 sucks. But your fucking console explodes every 3 seconds but thats totally fine.


Funny that you're bashing a number I was trying to recall off the top of my head (10%) when that's the exact failure rate of PS3's as shown in the PDF I linked above. It's cute, really.

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