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FYI...ITS A BOY!!! Fathers, I got questions.


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In the first 6 months of our daughters life, we've learned...


stock up on diapers.. they go through about 15-20 a day. Don't let them sit in their own piss or shit long as that will cause rashes.


like said before.. stock up on the ass wipes. You'll use a ton of these.


if your wife breastfeeds, then that will be free food for the baby for the first 6 months.


We took no classes, the nurses go through everything at the hospital


Everyone will be telling you it's so hard, so much work, blah blah blah.. it's not at all. Just remember this time will not last forever so enjoy every moment



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dang.. my wife kicks ass.. she didn't bitch or complain her entire pregnancy.


Make her ass workout too! Mine worked out 2 days before our daugther was born.


Another thing.. EAT HEALTHY. Have her take omega 3 fats as this is proven to help develop the babies brain.

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Get ready for a 9 month long period brother!


Didn't read other replies, but noticed someone mentioned buying diapers. . DO NOT BUY DIAPERS until your baby is born. He may be allergic to a certain type and break out in rash, and you won't know til you try some.


Good luck, and grats!

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Jesus so much to take in, lol



yes/no. sounds like a lot, but you adjust and roll with things better than you would ever expect. believe me. one kids is like a dog...no real big change unless you create the drama for yourself. life is good and pretty easy. 2:1 is way easier to deal with.


add a second kid and go to 2:2 ratios and you'll see an exponential change in difficulty level, but with one down the second makes that transition easier than you'd expect. today, the wife and I are dividing up the day/kids. Until 5pm she's with my daughter and I'm wiht my son. Movies and sledding until game time.


I can't imagine life without our two. well, I can, but then I feel broke once I come back to reality :o


enjoy the ride.

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yes/no. sounds like a lot, but you adjust and roll with things better than you would ever expect. believe me. one kids is like a dog...no real big change unless you create the drama for yourself. life is good and pretty easy. 2:1 is way easier to deal with.


add a second kid and go to 2:2 ratios and you'll see an exponential change in difficulty level, but with one down the second makes that transition easier than you'd expect. today, the wife and I are dividing up the day/kids. Until 5pm she's with my daughter and I'm wiht my son. Movies and sledding until game time.


I can't imagine life without our two. well, I can, but then I feel broke once I come back to reality :o


enjoy the ride.


ain't that the truth. You can also spot the first time parents a mile off. They're super protective and worried about everything.....that goes away. You worry about everything for a while then when the second kid comes along you're more in stride with things.

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Completely random and most of you probably had no idea my fiancee` and myself were expecting but our first childs going to be a baby boy!!!!!


So uh... the rest of you dad's out there, do you happen to have any suggestions for a new father that I can look out for during this pregnancy? I've got books, im checking out random stuff online and in class but I like hearing from people I know. Heheheh I hope he's into racing like I am.




you all ready know my comment:p COngrats of course!!!

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