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How many of you have 300+ WHP


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I agree but you have to realize your in a sport where people put 20-30-40k into a car that does not happen overnight. Things break and people do their own work. I agree. I have not been out for a few summers, I come to CR because I enjoy reading peoples build thread's, and everything that goes along with car lifestyle.

anyone can run a stock car with bolt ons, I feel the sport has dedication when you have guys going 10.90's when 3 years ago it was a 15 second car. You have guys now building there own cars that could with the right money be a dedicated track car. This is a sport where guys are always trying to measure their dick and balls, so you will always have all the bullshit to go with.


Trust me I know the score I have been around racing my whole life. I understand the cost and time it takes to build a track car. My dad's Nova sat for 8 years while all 3 of his kids went though college.

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Trust me I know the score I have been around racing my whole life. I understand the cost and time it takes to build a track car. My dad's Nova sat for 8 years while all 3 of his kids went though college.


Welp thats life some people have more money, more skill, To be honest I wish CR was like it was in 2001-2004.

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Welp thats life some people have more money, more skill, To be honest I wish CR was like it was in 2001-2004.


Exactly and that is why it will take time for me to do my car. I want to do all that I can on my own so I can enjoy it and be able to put the good parts I want to as well.

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Exactly and that is why it will take time for me to do my car. I want to do all that I can on my own so I can enjoy it and be able to put the good parts I want to as well.


Yeah I know that feeling, as I start putting my car together now, I tell myself not to go to far and get in too deep. Sometimes you have to decide what you really want, because If i could ,I would strip it to metal and buy everything . Now I just take small steps at a time.

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iv never had a car that DIDNT make at least 300whp haha


No offense but did you just pay someone and drive them? or did you build them? There is nothing wrong with either , Im just curious how you can afford all that stuff being 21? I know its none of my business just curious.

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Nope 280hp here but I would be willing to bet my pos under 300hp car will fk most of cr up this year :) who wants some of the neon.


I've never had a chance to run a srt4 before so I would be curious to see how I would compare.

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Mine can do both Too!! you pick! how about 20$ and the loser has to buy lunch that day at the track? best out of 3?
CR DRAG DAY (when ever ur cars ready) lock it in sweet!


I've never had a chance to run a srt4 before so I would be curious to see how I would compare.

im game ill race anything sign up for a drag day

Get on the list buddy!!

wooohoo takin names !

interesting thank 94% of you for legit honest answers so far

your slow :p when we gonna race




disclaimer: i know my car is a pos an its slow but i know 90% of cr is all talk :lol:

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