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Dog indoor barrier


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Our dog has a really nasty habit of getting on our nice couch when were not around. We've got baby gates, but she has been knocking them down to get in and on the couch.


Has anyone used an area shock collar, using a radio transmitter for zone protection, with their dogs? I know this would work, because we have a small "scat mat" on the couch and she won't go near the part of the couch. I'd get another scat mat, but if I could keep her out of the room we could eliminate baby gates.


Any product reviews? Thanks!

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Our dog has a really nasty habit of getting on our nice couch when were not around. We've got baby gates, but she has been knocking them down to get in and on the couch.


Has anyone used an area shock collar, using a radio transmitter for zone protection, with their dogs? I know this would work, because we have a small "scat mat" on the couch and she won't go near the part of the couch. I'd get another scat mat, but if I could keep her out of the room we could eliminate baby gates.


Any product reviews? Thanks!


We used one years ago on our boxers. Worked for a while, but eventually we were worn down as I got tired of putting the collar on, and she was smart and knew that if it wasn't on and didn't beep, she could jump up there. Besides, once kids are in the picture, dogs become less of a concern in terms of potentially damaging things :D


Good luck. They work if you're consistent. I looked around for it a while ago but we must have gotten rid of it at some point, otherwise I'd let you use it.

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How old is the dog? If its a younger dog, the crate might be the answer. Although I don't like keeping a dog locked up. We have two dogs, one of which is still young and like to nibble on the couch. He still goes in the crate and we are hoping he grows out of his annoying habits.
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we use several different training collars for our dog... we used to use a bark collar alot, but now, we just keep a training collar on him all the time. (he has a nasty habbit or pushing his way out the door and taking off) so now we just keep the remote handy and it only takes a couple times for him to realize that he's not allowed... now he rarely jumps on the couch or bed and if he does, I just pick up the remote and he gets right down.


BTW, what has helped us alot is we put one of his dog beds next to the couch... he knows that's his area and he will lay down on it when we're watching TV or playing video games.

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It is Blue. She's 10 years old. She just jumps over the shock mat if it's on the floor. In regards to crate training, she's never taken to it. When we tried to crate her in 2008 (leaving her bed in the crate with the door open, treats, positive reinforcement, etc...) she would scratch the bars so much while we were gone she would get bloody. Clearly not an option this late in life...plus, I don't want to restrict her to the rest of the house when all I want protected is the couch.


I may just get another scat mat to cover the rest of the couch (It's a long couch/chaise combo), as I also see myself forgetting to put the collar on her sometimes...


Thanks for the advice, peeps!

Edited by zeitgeist57
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We lay something across the couch when were not in the room where the dog likes to get up on the couch. If she sees its on there, she wont try to get on it.


Yup, I put a cover over the part of the couch that Zeus is allowed on. If he doesnt see a blanket on the couch he just lays on the floor. Took about two weeks to train him. I just treat it as a reward when he is good.


Funny story... One day after my wife did laundry he saw the blanket on the top of the laundry basket. He grabbed it and tried to put it on the couch himself. It was classic.

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This is a little extreme...but I have read about people who put a couple of mouse traps on their couch and lay newspaper over top of them. When the dog jumps up, the traps snap underneath the paper and scare the living crap out of them. It's supposed to deter them from wanting t jump up. I don't know how many times you would need it to happen in order to get the point across. I would think a couple of layers of newspaper would keep the trap from actually getting the dog's feet. We have four dogs and this is something I have never tried.
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We lay something across the couch when were not in the room where the dog likes to get up on the couch. If she sees its on there, she wont try to get on it.


This, I've seen aluminum foil work when layed across the couch for some dogs.

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Y not make a spot for the dog in that room? Comfy bed or something. there is a reason he wants in there so why not try a positive thing for him in there.


Is there windows in tgat room he can see out on that couch? What makes that couch room so important to him?

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