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Yeah, to know the whole story you would have to be on OR too. I didn't read every single post in every single thread involving these two, but what it comes down to is jcroz being a monumental douche canoe. Hell, damn near the entirety of regular posters on OR was ripping him a new asshole, Tyler included. And if you ask me, he deserved it. Jcroz just started flipping on Tyler for razzing him a bit on here as well. I've actually seen this jcroz kid get in a pissing match on facebook with a 30 year old that was twice his size. He's obviously a butthurt little brat that thinks teh intarwebz aer serius bidness. Good riddance.
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I swear to god if anyone quotes the shit I'm about to fucking say, I'm going to fucking hulk-out on the next motherfucker I see. Not necessarily even the person that fucking quoted me. Just the next person I see is gonna get straight Lagarette Blaunted into the next cycle of typical local date keeping. That's how fucking angry I get online. Motherfuckers.
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i love how 2 dumbass agru and im the drama lama. why, cause i posted it , and its funny for every one. or the fact this jcock fuck still owes me money from over the summer? thats why i posted this lame ass shit
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I swear to god if anyone quotes the shit I'm about to fucking say, I'm going to fucking hulk-out on the next motherfucker I see. Not necessarily even the person that fucking quoted me. Just the next person I see is gonna get straight Lagarette Blaunted into the next cycle of typical local date keeping. That's how fucking angry I get online. Motherfuckers.


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