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What happened to the good ol' Days of CR?


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What happened to the days of Daily Racing? Spring, Summer, Winter, snowstrom, on foot, didnt fucking matter someone was racing.


I miss the days when I could stroll into town and be garunteed a race, and a blow job froma random campus skank- all in the same night.


I miss Tilley, with his Chizzled features and high cheekbones, his mini blowout/fo-hawk stiff as a board like he was auditioning for Jersey shore. first, conquring all in his mythical Vette, then turned into a Spinning tires IPS powrered time bomb ZO6. Dont forget to bring the fire extignusher.



I miss Sam, hitting Golf balls out of his front yard at oncoming traffic without a care in the world, skanks gallor. His side 110lbs kick Sonny talking shit to anyone that did not look like they belong to his local KKK group-he is whipped by the pussy that he once counqured


I miss riding/driving Cavin's cars, hitting on his mom, and encouraging him to make bad desicions in cars he should not have been driving int he first place. Now, he just eats his mom's cookies and goes to school


I miss Linn-the swag to literally race everything withing his guido like vision, cars, skankes on high, bikes, and a squat of highway patrol on road and on foot. Now, he just hopes to not get caught driving at all by the man.


Shanton and the Party rock crew race no more, just parade around Campus in all glorious douchbaggery, with my aid breaking into houses and literally taking over the party. Now? "Real life"?!?!?!?



What happened to CR!:gtfo:

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Cr hasent changed for me.. still the same people online talking about what there GOING to do, an never do it.. cr in the last few years has alwayys been an always will a bunch of peopel who just run there mouth online an not in person its a fact its ok.


then there are the people who actually do work...


i wasent aroudn for all the activites you listed above but u know im down no matter what ... even watching ur rx7 put lengths on me haha

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Cr hasent changed for me.. still the same people online talking about what there GOING to do, an never do it.. cr in the last few years has alwayys been an always will a bunch of peopel who just run there mouth online an not in person its a fact its ok.


then there are the people who actually do work...


i wasent aroudn for all the activites you listed above but u know im down no matter what ... even watching ur rx7 put lengths on me haha



so much irony in this.

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perfect example of what cr has become :jerkit:


Not everybody thinks it is cool to go out put their lives along with innocent people's live's in dagner by street racing.


Besides I think I was out doing acutal racing more than you this summer.


If you don't like this site, the people on it, or what it has become than log off and don't fucking come back. It gets old hearing people whine about the "old days".


If you don't have the ability to log off shoot me a pm and I will take care of it for you :)

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so much irony in this.

oooo ahhh eeee FUCK OFF


Not everybody thinks it is cool to go out put their lives along with innocent people's live's in dagner by street racing.


Besides I think I was out doing acutal racing more than you this summer.


If you don't like this site, the people on it, or what it has become than log off and don't fucking come back. It gets old hearing people whine about the "old days".


If you don't have the ability to log off shoot me a pm and I will take care of it for you :)


1 i know for a fact u didnt :ninja: 2...

20 bucks says i made more passes ... :bangbang:

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oooo ahhh eeee FUCK OFF




1 i know for a fact u didnt :ninja: 2...

20 bucks says i made more passes ... :bangbang:


1. I don't count street racing as real racing. No time slip no care

2. Yes you made more because I don't treat my car like a skank from a frat party.


Besides hot lapping sounds like some fort of dirty mexican sex act performed by someone in a Doctor's outfit.

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