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Flat bench: 3-4 sets, reps differentiate

Incline: same sets/reps as flat

Butterflies: 3-4 sets, 8+ reps

Tri pull downs: 3-4 sets, 8+ reps

Curls: 3-4 sets, 15+ reps

Tri push down (machine): 3-4 sets, 15+ reps

Seated chest press (HEAVY): 3-4 sets, 3-5 reps

Seated pull downs: 3-4 sets, 3-5 reps

Skull crushers: 3-4 sets, reps differentiate

French press: 3-4 sets, reps differentiate



The list goes on. I don't hit all of these things in a given workout, but my trainer tries to include as many as possible.

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Run 1/2 mile on treadmill


3x8reps regular bench

3x8 fly (or some similar chest machine)

3x10 row

3x10 tri pulldown

3x10 lat pulldown

3x8 overhead press

3x8 hammer curls

3x10 shrugs


Run 1/2 mile


Sauna + hot tub for 20 minutes to sweat out everything bad that goes into my body

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We joined the YMCA. With all its benefits for the family(pool, basketball courts, sports leagues, classes) it seemed like a better fit than a regular GYM. I wanted to go with you but you never responded to my requests.


What requests?

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Run on treadmill for 20 mins @ 8:00min/mile or faster, @ 1% incline. May play with speed (i.e. drop down to 6:30/7:00/7:30 pace for a minute or 2, return to original speed, then repeat this over and over again 3 to 5 times during the run)


Lift a combination of lower and upper body:

Shoulder dumbell press: 3x12-15 @ 35 or 40lbs

Skull crushers: 3x12-15 at various weights

Leg press: 3x20-24 @ 210, then 220, then 230

Abs workout

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Monday - Heavy bench, arms, and chest

Tuesday - Cardio

Wednesday - Squats, back, and shoulders. Alternate with deadlifts every 3 weeks

Thursday - Cardio

Friday - Light/speed bench, light arms, light chest


Alex, you're probably going to overtrain if you do that. If you gain enough strength, you can end up with fairly serious muscle injuries from if you don't split correctly.

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5x5 method. alot of west side barbell methods, bands/chains on alot of stuff

powerlifting. Last heavy bench was 315, DL 500, Squat 455

1 body part a week except minor compound exercises (ie. tri's)

leg pressing 1100 for 12-15 reps consistently

weighed 180 when i started and up to 250.

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Day 1: Bi's, Tri's, Forearms

Day 2: Shoulder (Major) Chest (Minor)

Day 3: Upper Back (Major) Bi's (Minor)

Day 4: Off (Cardio if your feeling it)

Day 5: Chest (Major) Tri's (Minor)

Day 6: Legs (Major) Lower Back (Minor)

Day 7: Rest and Recovery


Everyday also consists of no less than a mile on the treadmill whether your walking, sprinting, jogging. Also consists of no less than 20-25 minutes of Abs.


Always stretch prior and afterwards of a workout.


Constantly stay hydrated, because drinking a bunch of water before going to the gym thinking it will help is wrong.


Start small and work your way up, don't let someone else's routine be an example of how to do your's because we all have different physiques.


Prior to going make sure to set your short term goals and long term goals. With short term goals you will fill more accomplished at the end of the week rather than questioning why you aren't ripped up in three visits. Play it smart you'll do fine.


Hope this helps.

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Day 1: Bi's, Tri's, Forearms

Day 2: Shoulder (Major) Chest (Minor)

Day 3: Upper Back (Major) Bi's (Minor)

Day 4: Off (Cardio if your feeling it)

Day 5: Chest (Major) Tri's (Minor)

Day 6: Legs (Major) Lower Back (Minor)

Day 7: Rest and Recovery


why train tris on day1 then do shoulder which include tris (military press) right after?

Might work for you but doesnt work for me

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Theres way to many machines for me to know whats worth it vs. what to stay away from. I try to work on cardio, at the moment, I stear clear of the treadmill, no use in trying to walk. My wife enjoys the row machine, ski type machine, bicycles, so I just join her. I will do some lightweight curls but thats about it. I have been giving it about an hr a night this week. Not sure what goals or what time frame there should be.
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Theres way to many machines for me to know whats worth it vs. what to stay away from. I try to work on cardio, at the moment, I stear clear of the treadmill, no use in trying to walk. My wife enjoys the row machine, ski type machine, bicycles, so I just join her. I will do some lightweight curls but thats about it. I have been giving it about an hr a night this week. Not sure what goals or what time frame there should be.


Machines make life easier, stay away from them


If she enjoys the rower then she's not rowing hard enough. :D Next time, try rowing a 2000m as fast as you can ;)

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