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Post up your Pre/Post Workout Supplements


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I see a lot of wasted money there thats about all


Yeah I would have to semi agree, unfortunately your body can really only absorb so much.


Expensive urine :)


As for me, post work out - within 30 minutes to an hour for maximum absorption. I have vitamin C&E, and then tuna/chicken/fish natural proteins.

Oh an a big ole glass of chocolate milk, research that one :).

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Yeah I would have to semi agree, unfortunately your body can really only absorb so much.


Expensive urine :)


As for me, post work out - within 30 minutes to an hour for maximum absorption. I have vitamin C&E, and then tuna/chicken/fish natural proteins.

Oh an a big ole glass of chocolate milk, research that one :).


This guy knows. Yogurt can also be a substitute when there's no chocolate milk.

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Thanks for the kind words Shanton, Ive put on 22lbs in 2 months :cool:


Spring break baby, spring break!


Damn, 22lbs in 2 months is no joke. Big ups to you on that, homie. Judging from the pic you posted on FB, I'm guessing your body fat percentage is still relatively low - which makes the 22lbs in 2 months that much more impressive. :cool:


As for me:


Pre-workout: some carbs (e.g., few slices of wheat bread) + 8oz of orange juice mixed with one scoop of whey protein + caffeine or NO Explode


Post-workout: Muscle Milk (32g protein) immediately after OR two scoops of whey protein (if I can make it home to a blender within 30 minutes from getting out of gym)

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My pre-workout meal is my lunch at work. Consists of a chicken breast, some brown rice, yogurt, and a vitamin pack. After workout is a shake with a couple scoops of protein powder and about 50g of maltodextrin. Then I eat a couple more meals before bed. Lack of sleep with the baby is making it a little harder to keep up in the gym, so I might have to change up the pre-workout meal and sleep some more.
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Damn, 22lbs in 2 months is no joke. Big ups to you on that, homie. Judging from the pic you posted on FB, I'm guessing your body fat percentage is still relatively low - which makes the 22lbs in 2 months that much more impressive. :cool:



Thanks duder, its been a tough couple of months :cool:


As far as BT's if someone were on steroids, Id say make sure you have the correct estrogen inhibitor in hand....or just never get off roids :D

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Lots of expensive poop in toilets I see. Sorry guys, but 99.9999% of the stuff is junk. It has more of a psychological effect than anything. I guess if that is what it takes to give you the mental boost to work harder that is ok. Biochemically your body will reject most of that stuff. In other words, it does NOT make it past your intestinal walls to be processed.

Just eat a decent diet.


I have turned a new leaf myself and I am down about 13lbs. I have been jogging about 2.25 miles per day. I developed a knee problem and had to slow down a bit. I was planning on doing the Arnold Classic 5k, but we will see how the knee goes.

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Lots of expensive poop in toilets I see. Sorry guys, but 99.9999% of the stuff is junk. It has more of a psychological effect than anything. I guess if that is what it takes to give you the mental boost to work harder that is ok. Biochemically your body will reject most of that stuff. In other words, it does NOT make it past your intestinal walls to be processed.

Just eat a decent diet.


I have turned a new leaf myself and I am down about 13lbs. I have been jogging about 2.25 miles per day. I developed a knee problem and had to slow down a bit. I was planning on doing the Arnold Classic 5k, but we will see how the knee goes.


So you are rejecting that protein causes an increase in weight?

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Since the picture isn't clear: My side is simple, Monster Milk (Muscle Milk's new Isolate Protein), Jacked (basically a ton of caffine), Red Yeast Rice, Taurine, COQ 10, and a couple other goodies. You must remember that the picture is of THREE peoples stuff. I understand the concept of what the body can/can't absorb in a certain period of time. :thumbup:
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For My Side:

No Explode- Pre work out mixed with creatine

Cell Mass- Post Work Out

Syntha 6 - Protein



Red Yeast Rice


Fish Oil

And a few appetite suppressants



BTW how many people saying this shit is junk actually has set foot in a gym??? I will post Before and after pics March 15th

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I guess since everyone is so but hurt in the thread we can all post before and after pics?


I will.


son i'll be more jacked than you by then and i'm not even going to PCB.


as for me, low carb,low calorie,high protein diet consisting of grilled chicken, grilled fish, tuna, lots and lots of veggies and salad, yogurt, and cutting back on alcohol a lot.

taking an ECA right now and i have dropped 9lbs of water weight over the last 2 weeks.


ordering some Super Pump 250 and Battle Fuel testosterone boost tomorrow.

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I've understood Muscle milk and Monster milk weren't the best for a post-workout protein source because it's basically a time released formula that should be taken earlier in the day, and then you suppliment with a whey or different protein within 30min of your workout.
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