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Liter bikes...


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I just figure with a liter bike I will:

1. Get in even more trouble

2. Pay more for insurance

3. Use more gas

4. Do too many wheelies

5. Buy rear tires more often and at a higher price

plus... I feel a 600 is just more fun to ride aggressively

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Capability is a word that has different meanings. To some, it is the ability to go fast in a straight line. A lot of those guys use all the power of the bike in question.

To some, it is the ability to ride the bike HARD in the twisties. How the bike lays power down and handles overall.

To some, it is the ability to be able to ride two up and have enough power to do it well. 600s suck with riding two up all the time. 1000s and bikes like 14s, etc do this VERY well.

To me it is a performance deal. Sorry Nick, I throw the 14s and Busas out of this even though I have seen guys ride Busas hard enough to embarrass a LOT of riders. To me, however, I can ride a 1000 faster and easier. That said, I look at things oftentimes on a track basis. I also look at street riding. I have enough experience in seeing this first hand and even due to the fact I ride a 190hp beast now vs. some bikes I have had before. 1000s are tough. They require a LOT to ride them hard.

Anyone who says they can ride TO or BEYOND the capabilities of a liter bike is an idiot. I watch Haga ride liter bikes and make that thing do things that nobody else can make them do. I see Spies ride so damn smooth and know first hand that these 1000s aren't smooth at even the slower pace I ride them.

It's a whole thing to me. Not just elements. Then again, we see kids come to the track with a liter bike they've had years of seat time on and they are so much better off on smaller bikes. These bikes are hard to ride hard in an overall sense. Hell, all these sport bikes are hard to ride at or even near their ability...

Overall, if it fits the needs of what you are using it? It's perfect for you.

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well i rode a r1 for the first time last week, and i DID enjoy have unlimited power clear thru the rpm's.......even in high gears. And there's nothing like breaking a tire loose at 80mph. It felt a little bulky compared to r6 but not a HUGE diff Imho.

now all i need is the power of a 1000 in the body & weight of a 600!!

Sounds like you are looking for a gsxr 750 :p

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1000 makes me feel like I have more power than I can use = good feeling. Enough power to get you into trouble...yet enough to get you out.

600 feels manageable- I can slam the throttle around with a 600 without the fear of launching the thing to the moon.

Both have pros and cons.

I will never go back to riding only a 600... But I would have one in addition to the 1000.

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this just may be food for thought, but I think the need for a certain sized bike can not only be based on the rider's desires and abilities, but I think it has at least a bit to do with the rider's physical nature as well. I know I will be corrected (and at the more advanced levels, rightfully so), but I believe that for most regular riders, the size of the person in question should have an impact on what is 'necessary' for them. My example would be Nick's 636. Being the size he is, he could slam the throttle on that thing and in a straight line, use up most of what it had to offer on any given day. However, at my manly 127lbs, that same bike would fly me to the moon. Unless I'm a racer of very decent caliber, I'm not going to need a liter bike to get my tiny ass moving.

I've already seen my 600RR keep easy pace with 750's hauling large riders. If power-to-weight ratio is what makes acceleration fun, then the power should be chosen in proportion to the weight involved. I may never ride a liter bike in my life simply because I may never be good enough to require the obscene amount of speed a 1000 would provide to a little leather-clad garden gnome like me.

That wasn't really an argument for or against the liter-lovers, I'm just tossing in my tiny two cents...

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^^^^^^ I am kinda in the same boat as Jarvis

Being 6'3 200lbs, my 600 doesn't always have the power I want. I love the ability to be able to flick it back and forth, but as for speed coming out of corners and traffic, I am wanting more. And when I double up with a porker, my 600 now feels like a 250.

Granted I will probably never use the full power of a 1000 on the street, but it would be nice to have the power/weight ratio in my favor.

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Lets discuss the most common statements associated with Liter bikes...

Liter bikes are for lazy people that don't like hearing the sound of their own drum (see exception to those who added a racefit to their 1000, those people are just lazy)...it's almost like buying a car with one of those automatic/manual shifts or better yet, why not just gear your 1000 to have one gear. :nono:

What exactly quantifies using all the power of a liter bike?

I guess (in a straight line) when the speedometer stops climbing and you can't twist the throttle anymore, you've reached all of the power of your liter bike...

As far as curves...when you're backing your liter bike into corners and draggin your elbow in others...who's going to tell you that you're not using all of your liter bike?

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Liter bikes are for lazy people that don't like hearing the sound of their own drum (see exception to those who added a racefit to their 1000, those people are just lazy)...it's almost like buying a car with one of those automatic/manual shifts or better yet, why not just gear your 1000 to have one gear. :nono:

WTF are you talking about!?

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These days a liter bike's weight is not really an issue, especially the new 1000RR and they can do corners rather well. I'm glad I upgraded since the 1000 is alot better for long distance riding as opposed to the cramped 600RR I had previously. For the street, I prefer the 1000 since good twisties are a ways away from where I live.

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I didn't mean for this to be a pissin contest between people with 600s and 1000s, but oh well. There are many reasons why someone would prefer a liter bike over a smaller bike. I just wanted see what the neh sayers to having a liter bike because you can't use all of its power would consider using all of its power.

Casper, NinjaNick and Lizard made good points as to what it would be to use all of its power, the rest of you, mostly 600 riders just turned it into a dick measuring contest and I bet most of you haven't spent enough time in the seat of one if ever to to even justify critizing.

So with that said I say you're mostly too chicken shit, affraid that with your lack of throttle control you'll just loop the bike.:thefinger: The 600 is safe for you and thats alright, just don't cut on the guys with the balls to push their limits. Sure there are the idoits that shouldn't even be on a big bike or a bike at all. There are guys on 600s that are the same way. Don't lump all of us liter bike riders together, some of us actually have the skill to leave your ass in the twistes and its not because you're on a smaller bike. :D

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Meh, a VTwin liter bike isn't the same... it's more like a porky inline 600.

Maybe the guys on the RVTs will argue that 'porky 600' comment since they have a little more power from their Red Wing twins - or maybe the guys on the Ducs and Aprilias. But for me, the SV is just a fun bike... I'll use all of the 120hp it can muster.

You blasphemous punk. I shall smite thee with a hefty dose of my RVT power then turn my RC 180 degrees without crossing 3 county lines unlike your vaginally clad 'busa. :D


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Your penis is sooooo small

"how small is it"

Your penis is soooo small that you ride a liter bike.

Just be lucky you're not on a 'busa where your penis actually inverts into a vagina.

thats because when you cut loose the power it sucks your junk back into your body.... kinda like a gay moon launch.....ask sambusa, he'll tell ya!

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