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how much is your monthly smartphone plan? - veizon


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just trying to get some ideas...i really have never had the need or want for a smart phone...with my upgrade time coming up soon, and being sick of my razr v3m, its time to start looking...really, verizons selection for non smartphones seems to be almost nothing.


i dont do a lot of talking, i have 450 min now, and never go over that. usually use about 350 non VZW to VZW texts, and have unlimited for like $10. i see with most of the phones it has to have a data package of $29.99. so is my only option to have to go with a $90/mo plan + taxes + $5 for insurance, which im sure will probably put it up to what i guess would be $105-110/mo?


maybe im just spoiled for being able to keep my talk/text plan ive had for 3+ years that i pay <$61/mo for.


and damn, i definitely cant spell verizon tonight. lol

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  DarkWS6 said:
+ $9.99 for 3g phones

+ 29.99 For smart phones


whats the difference? all this stuff is foreign to me...all ive ever used a phone for is to make calls, send texts, and the occasional picture. i was even kinda irked that the razr i have now has mp3 capabilities, since i'd never use it. i was out with a couple friends tonight and both of them had the new droid and were able to get on the internet and had some goofy apps, i think one was basically a version of the "FML" website.

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I have the Envy (an older version), i think i have a 400min package with unlimited text messages and I never pay over 53$ a month. I looked at some data phones a while back but everything required a data package that was an extra 40$ on top of my monthly bill. Back when I had a Motorola Q that same data package was like 49.99$ so at least its gone down but still, an extra 30$ a month is more than 50% of my current bill.


The only thing i wish i could do on my phone is check movie listing's. That might be the thing that makes me go to a smart phone.

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I have the 450 min AT&T iPhone plan with unlimited messaging and roll over minutes. I have a couple thousand of those by now. I pay like $85/month including taxes and everything.


And +1 for what Shawn said. I couldn't go back to a normal phone.

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  jeffro said:
i pay 77$ a month for my t-mobile account. im by myself, and ive got 450 anytime munites, free nights/weekends, unlimited date(includes internet and texting). i use the HTC G1 from google. wouldnt give it up for the world.


ur gettin ripped off...


I pay $85 after taxes for 1000 anytime minutes and unlimited everything else on t-mobile

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  JaSSon said:
I have the 450 min AT&T iPhone plan with unlimited messaging and roll over minutes. I have a couple thousand of those by now. I pay like $85/month including taxes and everything.


+1 im doing the same thing however i pay a bit less due to my government discount.

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I have 2 blackberries around $140 a month. It is $60 for 700 shared minutes, free night and weekends and free verizon to verizon. I get 20% off that for employee discount.


Plus $10 for 2nd line. Plus $10 each line for unlimited text and picture. Plus $30 on each line for blackberry data plan. $140ish after taxes and my discount.

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I have 3 phones.... 2 of them have unlimited txt and nothing else, the other phone has EVERYTHING including the unlimited data, etc.... its right around 124 a month for the 3 phones... I don't figure that's too bad... although my wife's phone is on it's last leg and I'm not really interested in adding another 10 dollars a month to my phone bill to give her a phone with a fucking keyboard.... VZW pulling this data bullshit is just that... a bunch of bullshit!
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  evan9381 said:
ohhhk. all responses and not one with what i was looking for. lol


$9.99 is for 25mb of use.... $29.99 is unlimited. The 3g phones have html browsers but process slower than smart phones. With the 3g phones you have the choice of $9.99 or $29.99. Smart phones do not have the $9.99 option. As Jones said they are like little laptops now a days. With either phone type you will probably start off surfing CR, branch out, and never go back. I have the corporate plan for $45 and tether my phone to my laptop. I must say the connection speed seems as fast as my wirelsss connection at home. On trips I play POGO games but check my usage regularly because there is a 5gb cap when using the phone as a modem.

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  DarkWS6 said:
$9.99 is for 25mb of use.... $29.99 is unlimited. The 3g phones have html browsers but process slower than smart phones. With the 3g phones you have the choice of $9.99 or $29.99. Smart phones do not have the $9.99 option. As Jones said they are like little laptops now a days. With either phone type you will probably start off surfing CR, branch out, and never go back.


thanks...i understood your post, sorry if it came off like i didnt...it was more of everyone commenting on what they're at with other providers, when i have no intentions on leaving verizon


but i'm sure you'll know the answer to my last post :)

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  evan9381 said:
so if i put 2-3 phones on a single plan, does there have to be 3 seperate data plans ($29.99) on each or would one data plan cover more than one phone?


Per line based on the phone. 3 data phones would be at least $89.97 extra... while 3 phones like Envy Touches would be at least 29.97 extra. So nope.. it not per account its per line.

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  evan9381 said:
thanks...i understood your post, sorry if it came off like i didnt...it was more of everyone commenting on what they're at with other providers, when i have no intentions on leaving verizon


but i'm sure you'll know the answer to my last post :)


My bad I thought you were talking about that question you posted last night.

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