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Columbus Ohio Red light cameras


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I'm all for more cameras after seeing that. If someone hits me, I want it caught on tape. And also, i want to see more of these hehe




but i agree.. after getting hit from someone who ran a red light, we def need more red light cameras.

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I dont see that need for them, but they certainly can be entertaining. I like the bicycle he (looks like) flipped off the car that almost hit him


Lucky he didn't get a bar end into his car at the very least. Most who ride around any city on a regular basis are very defensive from almost being killed many times.

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but i agree.. after getting hit from someone who ran a red light, we def need more red light cameras.


no what we need is just time the lights so both directions are red for a short period of time. This way no one begins to entr the intrsection until anyone blowing a red light is passed.

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That Exporer at the end got LUCKY. They saw it and moved just in time.


Thats what I was thinking. Did he have a red? Cause looked like he almost ran it, then stoped scene the accident and took off lol.

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I can't believe people who rear end others that are stopped at a red light. You should lose your license for being an idiot.


What about if you are stopped at a light, think you are too close to the car in front of you, and you decide you want to go in reverse and RAM the car behind you because you didn't see it (a explorer behind a civic)


This happened to my brother.

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It's amazing to see how many people blow through red lights. Man, WTF?

Dude, this NOTHING. I used to deliver pizza all along the east side Morse Rd./161 corridor, and I literally could not get through one delivery without seeing at LEAST 3 cars run lights as late as anything in those vids. And yet, even though I almost never got anywhere near the speed limit because of traffic, COPD still insists on doing targeted speed patrols up there instead of paying an instants attention to red-light runners.

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What about if you are stopped at a light, think you are too close to the car in front of you, and you decide you want to go in reverse and RAM the car behind you because you didn't see it (a explorer behind a civic)


This happened to my brother.


Lose license for being blind.

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