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the flu truly sucks


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Week and a half ago I woke up with what I believed to be flu. 2 days later my ear started aching. Went to the doctor, turned out to be an ear infection in both ears. Been on antibiotics for a week now, infection is gone now I think, but I still have pressure in my ears, feels like there is fluid in them, they ring when its quiet. I hear that it may take up to a couple of months for them to go back to normal....


+1 for hate being sick.

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Week and a half ago I woke up with what I believed to be flu. 2 days later my ear started aching. Went to the doctor, turned out to be an ear infection in both ears. Been on antibiotics for a week now, infection is gone now I think, but I still have pressure in my ears, feels like there is fluid in them, they ring when its quiet. I hear that it may take up to a couple of months for them to go back to normal....


+1 for hate being sick.


I've had ringing in my ears since Mother's Day 2009. I got tired of paying the doc a 30 dollar co-pay for stuff that wasn't working. I just drown it out with music from headphones or a fan at home. I really should go see a ear, nose, and throat doc.

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i havent had flu in a few years, since i was able to get a shot at work for anywhere from free to $15, depending on the deal they struck up. thought i had it in jan. woke up on a monday and i was fine, got to work an hour later felt kinda "meh". 3 hours later i felt like total shit and left and took off through thursday. finally got to the doc wednesday and he told me it was strep or mono. gave me antibiotics and said if i wasnt better in 3 days to come back to test for mono. i was actually fine later that night and back to 90% by the following day
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Wholly shit my fever broke. Slept from just after dinner (6:30) until about 4am. Woke up in a pool of sweat but oddly I feel 200% better. I hope this isn't a dream.


Ha, gotta love that feeling.


"WTF? Did I piss myself? Nope. Crotch is dry. Damn, I feel good!"



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