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for all you highpoint haters


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my wife bought me a highpoint 45ACP for my b-day and besides the part that the gun is an ugly heavy gun, it's awesome... I've probably shot about 75 rounds through it, no jams and accurate as hell. Not bad for a 150 dollar gun!


I would not trust it to be home protection at this time, but it's alot of fun to make alot of noise with and make big holes :)

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Glad you are happy with it and I am glad you are smart enough not to use it for defense. I could write some much about these things it is unreal, but I think I will leave it to the search function.


Curious, did you ever sell any when you worked at Blackwing?

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it's fun to shoot, we'll see about it's reliability over time, and is accurate as hell.


I am curious why people are so down on them.... the sales guy at Vances had nothing but good things to say about them from their lifetime warrenty to their awesome customer service.... I did some googling about people reviews on the 45ACP and everything I read seemed to be pretty positive.

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it's fun to shoot, we'll see about it's reliability over time, and is accurate as hell.


I am curious why people are so down on them.... the sales guy at Vances had nothing but good things to say about them from their lifetime warrenty to their awesome customer service.... I did some googling about people reviews on the 45ACP and everything I read seemed to be pretty positive.


I have heard it's accurate for some odd reason, maybe Greg will tell you a story about that. But, as I have heard, as your rounds through the weapon increases, so will your problems. I've heard of jamming issues, overall parts breaking, and a pain in the ass to tear down for cleaning. Only thing I ever thought about was the hi-point carbine.

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bought my dad a 9mm highpoint cuz thats what he wanted, I picked the gun up and shook it ( no idea why) and it seemed like there was loose parts, I owned a Styre s9 and that thing never rattled with over 3000 rounds through it just saying
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it's fun to shoot, we'll see about it's reliability over time, and is accurate as hell.


I am curious why people are so down on them.... the sales guy at Vances had nothing but good things to say about them from their lifetime warrenty to their awesome customer service.... I did some googling about people reviews on the 45ACP and everything I read seemed to be pretty positive.


Ever heard of commission and spiffs? Yeah, that's it. I am not arguing the round..it's my favorite. However, I am arguing the firearm.

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Really, it is not recommended to take it apart to clean it, which in my opinion is a GD design flaw right off the bat. The factory will tell you to send it to them so they can field strip it for you.


There are creative ways to take them apart though. My favorite involves a hammer, a chisel and a vice. And no, I didn't break it anymore than it already was. Scrubbing solutions and spray lubes do work best on these.

Edited by cinergi
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My buddy bought the Compact 9 and I didn't like shooting it at all. Felt like a 5lb block of pot metal sliding back and forth on a plastic handle. The Hi point handguns aren't for me, but I absolutely love my 995 carbine. I bought it back in 97 or 98 and have put over 10,000 rounds through it. The only major problem I had with it was the extractor wouldn't work on it right out of the box. I sent it back to them and they fixed it and gave me a free magazine. The only part of the bothered me on the warranty process was the lady told me to ship the gun UPS and write on the box that it is "Machined Parts" and specifically told me to NOT tell UPS I'm shipping a gun. That bothered me so I shipped it the correct way. It only cost me $7 more dollars to ship it as a firearm instead of lying to the UPS folks. I still don't understand why she would tell people to do that.....


If Hi Point would ever get off their asses and release the 45ACP carbine I would buy one.


Good luck and have fun with your 45.............

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you need a new wife. lol

I'm very confused about this.... I told my wife that I wanted THIS gun.... so she got it for me. I think that constitutes a fucking awesome wife... so why would I replace her?

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Really, it is not recommended to take it apart to clean it, which in my opinion is a GD design flaw right off the bat. The factory will tell you to send it to them so they can field strip it for you.


There are creative ways to take them apart though. My favorite involves a hammer, a chisel and a vice. And no, I didn't break it anymore than it already was. Scrubbing solutions and spray lubes do work best on these.

yes, the guy told me to never field strip it, just run a barel brush through it... I of course will still apply a thin strip of oil on the barrel like I do all of my firearms, and if I can get to the spring or any other moving parts, I will apply a drop of oil to those parts as well...


as far as if it breaks after 1000 rounds... so what? they are based out of Mainsfield and they have a lifetime warrenty... plus if I'm going to get an extra mag with it if I ever need to have it serviced, then go ahead and break, I want the free mag :)

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yes, the guy told me to never field strip it, just run a barel brush through it... I of course will still apply a thin strip of oil on the barrel like I do all of my firearms, and if I can get to the spring or any other moving parts, I will apply a drop of oil to those parts as well...


as far as if it breaks after 1000 rounds... so what? they are based out of Mainsfield and they have a lifetime warrenty... plus if I'm going to get an extra mag with it if I ever need to have it serviced, then go ahead and break, I want the free mag :)


I recommend Clenzoil or CLP.


Everyone knows how bad Hyundai used to be. I liken Highpoint to this, as why would you want a car (or gun) that you know you will HAVE to use that warranty on. A car is a little different than a portable LIFE saver. I talked to a High Point rep years ago and he said their claim rate was 30-40%. Even the suckass Smith and Wesson Sigma SV series that was a total Glock knock off, except it never worked quite right, was only warrantied 13-15% of total sales figures according to S&W reps. 30-40% is a lot to leave to chance if you're betting your life on something. Highpoints are owned as a home defense "gun" more than any other manufacturer. I cannot remember the stats off the top of my head for the amount of them nationwide, but I do recall hearing that 70% of them are never even fired once. Just tucked away and left to chance... Not good odds at all in my opinion.


Not trying to muck up the thread. I am truly glad your Highpoint works for you, but I cannot personally vouch for them and never would after all of the horror stories I have personally witnessed. I'm actually lucky to still have a hand after an incident with one of them.

Edited by cinergi
grammar fail
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Glad you like it. My first handgun was a Highpoint 9mm and it was a great gun. I think I put around 3,000 rounds through mine with out any major problems. It had a few problems with a few jams, but I found leaving a lot of gun oil on the gun worked great. Break down is not that hard, just need a punch to push out the pin that holds the slide. It was a fun gun to take to the range. I always looked to the positive and if I ever had to use it in defense, if I ran out of bullets or it jamed, I could throw it at the person and probably knock them out.
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(I believe this was mid-2001-sounds like quality has gotten better since then.)


I wa out on my buddies property shooting my Wilson and he decided he wanted a handgun. So, we go to Vance's and look. I urge him to at a minimum get a Taurus, but he is a stubborn old man. Long story story short, he ended up taking a High Point home to my dismay. I tell him how badly it disappoints me, etc, etc. Well, he didn't buy any ammo and I was shooting two Sig 9's, so I left him use that ammo- he had purchased the HP 9 obviously.

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I'm very confused about this.... I told my wife that I wanted THIS gun.... so she got it for me. I think that constitutes a fucking awesome wife... so why would I replace her?


Your wife should have slapped you silly and bought you a glock/XD/MP instead. :D

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