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what are your 4th of july weekend plans?


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Same thing I did last year. Spend $300 on fireworks and set them off. Get stupid drunk and have my lesbian senior citizens neighbors yell curse words at me for setting off mortars in the road. They will threaten to call the police and I will tell them go ahead and nothing else will happen. Then I will drink more beer.


Good times.

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Same thing I did last year. Spend $300 on fireworks and set them off. Get stupid drunk and have my lesbian senior citizens neighbors yell curse words at me for setting off mortars in the road. They will threaten to call the police and I will tell them go ahead and nothing else will happen. Then I will drink more beer.


Good times.



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Myrtle Beach...


did this last year pretty last minute (like 4-5 days before we left we booked) and had a blast. we were able to use g/fs dads rewards points and score a free night at a hotel, so we paid the same for a hotel right on the strip as we would have for a hotel 8 miles from the beach. walked across the street and was at the beach.


when you go, just sit out on the beach the night of the 4th. people will be lighting off fireworks all night long. i dont know the legality of them there, but people dont seem to give a shit.


and if you like to fish, take a couple big rods out there, and head to the pier, get some double hook rigs, a heavy weight, and some squid, and throw your line out as far as you can off the beach...after dusk, you'll pull in doubles of little sand sharks all night long. its a blast. theres pics of the ones i was catching last year somewhere here

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wife's company rented out North Bank Park, with catering.

usually have it on top of her office building. better local this year, with awesome views.

then for the weekend, probably doing the same thing i have done for about 20 years. heading out to my uncles house off of 104, on the edge of the Scioto, near Circleville. get stoooopid drunk and have a huge, illegal firewoks show for the kids.


good times

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working nights also. i asked to work, too good of money not to.


Their making us work saturday the 3rd so we can get monday the 5th off to "celebrate", which is fucking bullshit. Luckily i have the whole week prior off so it doesnt effect me.

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Guest tbutera2112
RW&B fucking sucked last year...what a waste of my evening to go down there....we did have awesome seats at a trailer in the vets memorial parking lot though, was fun....but the show itself was unimpressive...wont be doing that again
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