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Columbus F*%king STINKS!


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When did they add in that land fill on I-71... What a nice way to be welcomed to Columbus... I had my windows down, it smelled HORRIBLE. Not to mention the breeze was blowing the dirt into the air and across the highway, so you got to drive thru dirt and smell stink for several miles...



Who was the retard that thought right next to the highway was the best place for that shit????

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The trash burning plant was there also. That golf course was a trash dump too.


Yup worst part of town. That area is Columbus' dumpster, the jail, the sewage plant, and wasn't there a glue factory? Avoid that place.

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How the hell can you? Its RIGHT on top of hte highway. I am just saying, the city planners didnt think that thru... think of the number of people that just drive thru columbus going north/south.... and passing that, the impression of the city is going to be that it fucking stinks....
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Inland Products...it's a rendering plant. You'd PREFER a glue plant over that.


Bingo. Inland Products has been around for over 50 years...formerly a Wolfe family company. I toured it when we were working on their business. Incredibly profitable but majorly stinky and somehow grandfathered in from every OSHA regulation in existence today.


I came back from Atlanta on Monday at 11pm...hot, humid night. I smelled that stinkhole from 71/270 through 104 all the way past Berliner Fields...it's disgusting.

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Its still not as bad as when they had the rendering plant on frank rd. Now that was a smell that filtered through the entire south side.


I thought i remember reading in the paper they were thinking of ways to "clean up" the smell in that part of town (south of 70 along 71). Not sure if they make air purifiers big enough for that stench.


Dumb question: what is a "rendering plant"?


Yup worst part of town. That area is Columbus' dumpster, the jail, the sewage plant, and wasn't there a glue factory? Avoid that place.


I use to work at Franklin international right after i graduated HS. Its down off 104/greenlawn ave area. There was no particular bad smell to the plant i worked at, but every night i left work i smelled that aweful stench while driving on 104 and always wondered what it was.

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When did they add in that land fill on I-71... What a nice way to be welcomed to Columbus... I had my windows down, it smelled HORRIBLE. Not to mention the breeze was blowing the dirt into the air and across the highway, so you got to drive thru dirt and smell stink for several miles...



Who was the retard that thought right next to the highway was the best place for that shit????


You're bitching about the South side smelling bad?



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What he said ^^^


I've lived in Columbus my whole life and it's smelled like that for as long as I remember. Maybe you never drive down there and the wind does effect if it smells on 71 or not. It's definitely not a new issue. There's a reason the south end is a (figurative) dump.

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Yes... I do not live in Cbus... and was therefore unaware of the common stench... and never noticed the smell when driving thru, ever, before.


I totally agree with Trowa... sewage and scum go together...


Yes, every city has dumps... most just hide them so that 95% of the population doesnt have to drive right by and smell it....

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A rendering plant basically takes all the leftover stuff from butchering, along with dead carcasses from roadkill, and expired meat from groceries, and the contents of grease traps...and turns it into "useful" products. They boil the stuff, the fat rises to the top of the water and skimmed off for various uses, then the water is drained. The leftover stuff is used for animal feed. The water from that process is supposed to be treated, but mostly gets dumped into the Scioto.


That place has KILLED a few people. Couple of suffocations from fumes, a steam explosion, and one poor bastard got killed while cleaning a jam in a tank. He was in a dry suit at the bottom of the tank clearing the pipe, and pulled out the remains of a monkey skeleton from the labs at OSU. Apparently it freaked him out (they kinda look like human infants...), he puked in his helmet, and drowned in his vomit.

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A rendering plant basically takes all the leftover stuff from butchering, along with dead carcasses from roadkill, and expired meat from groceries, and the contents of grease traps...and turns it into "useful" products. They boil the stuff, the fat rises to the top of the water and skimmed off for various uses, then the water is drained. The leftover stuff is used for animal feed. The water from that process is supposed to be treated, but mostly gets dumped into the Scioto.


That place has KILLED a few people. Couple of suffocations from fumes, a steam explosion, and one poor bastard got killed while cleaning a jam in a tank. He was in a dry suit at the bottom of the tank clearing the pipe, and pulled out the remains of a monkey skeleton from the labs at OSU. Apparently it freaked him out (they kinda look like human infants...), he puked in his helmet, and drowned in his vomit.


they don't really use it for feed as much anymore, but they also take full size dead livestock and put it into a giant grinder.

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