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Best supplements to take to lose weight

John Bruh

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All in the diet


Its also in the workouts as well. If you lose weight but you dont exercise or keep up on what you are losing by watching your bf drop down. You run the risk of losing muscle tissue as well. When you lose muscle tissue you lose part of your metabolism. Now that you have lost 2-3lbs of muscle your metabolism has dropped off 150 calories to your total day. this is why when people diet without exercise the weight comes back on quick plus some.

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Now a days everyone is pushing supplements/drugs as a fast and easy way to get results. If you work hard it will stay with you, if you cut corners it will come back. The key to losing weight is to reprogram your body and your habits. Like Bottlefed stated that stuff can seriously mess you up. Yes you will be skinny, but you could be less healthy than you were when you were overweight.


Steve for president :D

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Yup, i keep my cardio to 15-20 minutes everyday.


I never used to be one for the gym, but thanks to some time I have, I knock out a good 2-4 mile run daily before a workout routine. It's amazing what cardio can do in a little bit of time. I was drinking Gatorade protein shakes twice a day as my meals, which helped out quicker than a supliment. I went from the 240's to now right at 200 even, but I'm trying to lean out to my former 185-190 range. The cardio side and a little bit of P90X has been a good ass kicker, but my energy level has gone through the roof.

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I do over an hr of cardio everytime i hit the gym. During my 14 weeks i lost no muscle what so ever. Mind you it was all low intensity and the diet was geared towards fat loss strictly. Its all in what you do and how you do it. No fancy sups needed. 15minute sessions are worthless for fat loss, youll tear more into muscle than doing any good for fat.
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I never used to be one for the gym, but thanks to some time I have, I knock out a good 2-4 mile run daily before a workout routine. It's amazing what cardio can do in a little bit of time. I was drinking Gatorade protein shakes twice a day as my meals, which helped out quicker than a supliment. I went from the 240's to now right at 200 even, but I'm trying to lean out to my former 185-190 range. The cardio side and a little bit of P90X has been a good ass kicker, but my energy level has gone through the roof.


whatever works for you homie! word on the street is though if you do cardio after weight lifting, you are more likely to burn more calories, thus more fat loss.

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I do over an hr of cardio everytime i hit the gym. During my 14 weeks i lost no muscle what so ever. Mind you it was all low intensity and the diet was geared towards fat loss strictly. Its all in what you do and how you do it. No fancy sups needed. 15minute sessions are worthless for fat loss, youll tear more into muscle than doing any good for fat.


lol im not even going to argue with you on this.... 15 min sessions coupled with a low carb/high fat/high protein diet will lose alot of bf very quickly. I just dieted for 2 weeks did 10 min cardio sessions at a moderate pace and lost 3% bf. Which brought me down to 8% for my photoshoot. I gained 1.6lbs of muscle in the process.


If you want to get into that argument. Then, cardio is pointless to begin with, it helps keep your organs healthy but to lose weight it should be left to a crutch.


Ask ramsey i had him on a diet and circut training regimen with no cardio what so ever. Ask him how is progress has been.


Everyone i train does a very minimal amount of cardio. Its boring, it burns up muscle tissue and to me its pointless.



I dont do this for a living or anything.............................

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whatever works for you homie! word on the street is though if you do cardio after weight lifting, you are more likely to burn more calories, thus more fat loss.


Truth because now your body is in a fat burning state. It takes 10 minutes for your body to get into a fat burning state when starting off with cardio.

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^agreed.. you seem to know your shit!


im currently bulking, gained 12 pounds in 8 weeks. taking it slow so i dont add too much fat.. once im up around 185-190 i plan on cutting whatever fat i did gain.

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...it helps keep your organs healthy but to lose weight it should be left to a crutch.


Everyone i train does a very minimal amount of cardio. Its boring, it burns up muscle tissue and to me its pointless.


Maybe if the point is to just lose fat and look good. Maybe that's enough for some people, but not me. I do cardio to actually get into good cardiovascular shape and all of the side benefits that come with it like losing weight (even if it's less than on your plan) and decreased long term risk of life threatening diseases. I want to be able to go mountain bike for 3 hours straight up the side of a mountain. There's no way to get there without actually doing it.


Cardio is not boring if you find something you like doing. I guess it's not for everyone, going to a gym makes me want to kill puppies. It's all about what the person likes doing because just being in shape is not enough to get a vast majority of people motivated to keep doing it. Maybe they are motivated enough to start, but not to necessarily stick to it. If it's something the person enjoys they are much more likely to do it.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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Maybe if the point is to just lose fat and look good. Maybe that's enough for some people, but not me. I do cardio to actually get into good cardiovascular shape and all of the side benefits that come with it like losing weight (even if it's less than on your plan) and decreased long term risk of life threatening diseases. I want to be able to go mountain bike for 3 hours straight up the side of a mountain. There's no way to get there without actually doing it.


Cardio is not boring if you find something you like doing. I guess it's not for everyone, going to a gym makes me want to kill puppies. It's all about what the person likes doing because just being in shape is not enough to get a vast majority of people motivated to keep doing it. Maybe they are motivated enough to start, but not to necessarily stick to it. If it's something the person enjoys they are much more likely to do it.


+3.167248x10^* to what you said.


Do what makes you feel good and I also do cardio for the actual skill you get for doing it. I'm trying to get back into Capoeira and you can't do that by doing some fake ass running in place.


I only do gym cardio in the winter, summer time I gotta get outside.

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All in the diet


^^ mostly. it's very hard to do, but just remember to put the fork down. say it with me "put the fork down" I struggle with it bad. Input-Output issue. Too much food/sugar and not enough exercise. Hand to Mouth disease I call it. :o

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Its boring, it burns up muscle tissue and to me its pointless.


My pointless workout for today. Easy/slow, trying to keep a relatively low average heart rate, working on distance/time endurance.



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Clen. Google it.


Everyone should take some research chemicals at least once in their life.






anyways, with proper diet and hitting the weights one can do reaaaaal good.


it also helps to have a killer metabolism and sweet genetics :D


Eat whatever I want and still have muscles n abs ftw. ecto/meso here btw


6' 182

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I have three steps to help me lose the weight and get to my goal. Well when I started this I weighed 225lbs. I am down to 218lbs. This was only just by eating smaller amounts and eating healthier foods. My only big problem is that I was raised that if there is food on your plate you need to finish it. Which leads me to over eat alot. I have been doing good, but I always get cravings. My goal is 180lbs.


Step 1

Eat smaller amounts of food and eat more frequently (i normally eat 2 times a day. I will start trying to eat 4-5 times with smaller amounts). Eat healthier too.


Step 2

So as of yesterday I bought some Hydroxycut to give it a shot and see what it can do. 1st thing is DO NOT TAKE THESE AT NIGHT or probably even after 2:00. I took two last night at around 7:30. Felt the full effects by 8:00. The effects were like doing a line of coke. I got really really hyper, jittery, and my heart rate increased. Not really what I was looking for, but I am going to continue taking them to see if it does better. I also could not fall asleep until 1:30 and woke up this morning at 5:30.


This is really what I was looking for when I made this thread about supplements. My goal was not to just sit on my ass and take a pill and hope that it drops my weight. I wanted something to supress my hunger, and something that was going to give me a extra boost of energy. Which the hydroxycut did give me engery.


Step 3


I woke up this moring early and decided after 1hr of not being able to fall asleep that I was going to do something about it. I went out and jogged/walked 2miles. About 50-50. I am really out of shape and want to accomplish running the full 2 miles.

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I have three steps to help me lose the weight and get to my goal. Well when I started this I weighed 225lbs. I am down to 218lbs. This was only just by eating smaller amounts and eating healthier foods. My only big problem is that I was raised that if there is food on your plate you need to finish it. Which leads me to over eat alot. I have been doing good, but I always get cravings. My goal is 180lbs.


Step 1

Eat smaller amounts of food and eat more frequently (i normally eat 2 times a day. I will start trying to eat 4-5 times with smaller amounts). Eat healthier too.


Step 2

So as of yesterday I bought some Hydroxycut to give it a shot and see what it can do. 1st thing is DO NOT TAKE THESE AT NIGHT or probably even after 2:00. I took two last night at around 7:30. Felt the full effects by 8:00. The effects were like doing a line of coke. I got really really hyper, jittery, and my heart rate increased. Not really what I was looking for, but I am going to continue taking them to see if it does better. I also could not fall asleep until 1:30 and woke up this morning at 5:30.


This is really what I was looking for when I made this thread about supplements. My goal was not to just sit on my ass and take a pill and hope that it drops my weight. I wanted something to supress my hunger, and something that was going to give me a extra boost of energy. Which the hydroxycut did give me engery.


Step 3


I woke up this moring early and decided after 1hr of not being able to fall asleep that I was going to do something about it. I went out and jogged/walked 2miles. About 50-50. I am really out of shape and want to accomplish running the full 2 miles.


I am in a smiliar boat as you... I am 6"1 and was 220-225. I started not eating so much and not eating when I was not really hungry. That cut me down the 215 pretty quickly and I noticed I did not ahve to eat as much food as I was used to. I also started going to the gym I try about twice a week but even that doesnt happen all the time. After that I cut it down to 205..


Recently I have had some family issues etc and ahve not been able to eat because I just feel sick to my stomach like all the time but I also have dropped down to 199. I know the last 6 pounds have been dropped completely unhealthy but right now I dont feel there is anything I can do about it as long as the situation continues.


ANYWAY my weight goal is also 180 and I think I can get it with some more gym time and better eating.. I still eat the same things I always at before but just eat less of them so I bet if I start eating healthy food I will see a lot better results also..


I also only get about 5-6 hours of sleep a night if that wich I know is not good so I will not be upset or discouraged if After all this stuff I am going through passes if I gain some weight just means I will ahve to work harder and be a little smarter to drop it...

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