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I was actually unaware that there was another Brian Carter on ColumbusRacing. I was trying to ascertain why our departed member was somehow a topic of conversation. Thanks for clarifying.


BC (BoostNJuice) and I worked together for 4 years. That was my homeboy. I met him when he was first hired because they gave him the same email box as me. Our first conversation started because my emails kept magically disapearing. After a few calls to tech support I finally emailed myself and said stop deleting my messages and he responded :lol:

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God dammit where is that blerd. I demand answers!!! Tell him to put down the watermelon grape drank and fried chicken.


























































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i have been welding and grinding all week. it takes alot of time on the small stuff. pictures should be up in a few days.



Grrrrrr I'm in great anticipation. If u need someone to watch u do work while they sip on mountain dew eating hot cheetos, I'm your man

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