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Android pwns Iphone in Q2 also (suck it SpaceGhost)


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SpaceGhost made a friendly bet with me right after Android beat the Iphone in Q1 that the Iphone4 will kill Android phone sales...





I win :D

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Galaxy S


I haven't played with this one yet but it looks good. My favorite so far is the Droid X. I have the old an busted Droid. Overclocked to 1.0 GH though to keep up with some of the new hotness hitting the scene.

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I haven't played with this one yet but it looks good. My favorite so far is the Droid X. I have the old an busted Droid. Overclocked to 1.0 GH though to keep up with some of the new hotness hitting the scene.


A co-worker just got the Galaxy S on AT&T and its nice, beautiful screen, and samsung didnt change the OS too much from vanilla android. I bought my brother the X and its too big for me, and I dont care for motoblur but I can dig the phone for what it is. I still love my N1 the best.

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Good to see any company doing well....period.


However, the article is about OS vs OS not the iPhone hardware. Should Apple have multiple networks and 42+ phones then we might be able to compare them fairly. Otherwise, it's just one phone, one OS and one network vs the world. I'd like to see how one particular model of Android phone is doing against the iPhone as a hardware platform.


When I see people with smart phones and I asked them what made him choose it over an iPhone or another model Smart Phone, they most always say I'm with XXX Carrier and the upgrade path gave them XXX choices. I don't call on too many techno-geeks anymore though, so I'm sure the tides rises over there too.

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Thumbs up!


On a side note, what's your favorite new Android based phone?


Loving my htc incredible... but this is my 1st smartphone, so i havent had much to compare to...ive played with my brothers iphone...im glad i didnt hold out for a vzw iphone.

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Good to see any company doing well....period.


However, the article is about OS vs OS not the iPhone hardware. Should Apple have multiple networks and 42+ phones then we might be able to compare them fairly. Otherwise, it's just one phone, one OS and one network vs the world. I'd like to see how one particular model of Android phone is doing against the iPhone as a hardware platform.


When I see people with smart phones and I asked them what made him choose it over an iPhone or another model Smart Phone, they most always say I'm with XXX Carrier and the upgrade path gave them XXX choices. I don't call on too many techno-geeks anymore though, so I'm sure the tides rises over there too.

I agree. If iPhone was on Verizon, you would see sales far Superior to the Android phones. Hands down the iPhone is a nicer platform IMHO.

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Now just wait until the iphone hits verizon, it might just kill android then... well as long as steve jobs stops being an apphole.


But that's exactly the problem with the iphone/apple. Steve Jobs and his cocky attitude, where he wants people to adapt to his products, instead of the product adapting to you. On a positive note, it makes it a lot easier now to know how big of a slut a girl is. Android = prude, BB = kinda a slut, Iphone = ass to mouth.

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But that's exactly the problem with the iphone/apple. Steve Jobs and his cocky attitude, where he wants people to adapt to his products, instead of the product adapting to you. On a positive note, it makes it a lot easier now to know how big of a slut a girl is. Android = prude, BB = kinda a slut, Iphone = ass to mouth.


The way I read that study was :

If you own an iPhone you can get laid pretty much on demand (yeh, there's an app for that)

If you own a BB you are probably boning your secretary

If you own a Droid you couldn't get lucky at a brothel with a fistful of hundred dollar bills.

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But that's exactly the problem with the iphone/apple. Steve Jobs and his cocky attitude, where he wants people to adapt to his products, instead of the product adapting to you. On a positive note, it makes it a lot easier now to know how big of a slut a girl is. Android = prude, BB = kinda a slut, Iphone = ass to mouth.


The flipside though is there's so many phone platforms and firmware versions out there that owners of all these phones are going to spend time waiting for "their" updates, apps to work with them and bugs to be worked out without Google needing to give a shit as it's not really their issue.


Personally, I spend enough time in forums and message boards trying to make any number of gadgets in my life work, I don't really need the potential to be doing the same with my phone.


From a developers standpoint it's bad too. They not only have to deal with firmware of the phones, but the carriers ROM. So in the end they have to develop apps that work on multiple firmware platforms, multiple ROM's and tons of devices that never seem to stay put for more than a few months.


Some things are better off left simple. I stand behind the belief that just because you can doesn't mean you should....and it doesn't mean it's better.


My 3Gs runs iOS 4 and just plain works and the apps.....all work with it just fine too. From what I've read there have been six major releases of the Android platform in little more than 18 months. Fuck that.



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SpaceGhost made a friendly bet with me right after Android beat the Iphone in Q1 that the Iphone4 will kill Android phone sales...





I win :D


are you really comparing an OS that is on like 40 phones to an OS that is on 1 brand of phone???


of course you are gonna win.


get off the internet

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