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WTF No more Ohio State vs Michigan games


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Calm down, they are not getting rid of OSU/Michigan. There was a question asked at the b10 meetings 2 weeks ago about OSU and Michigan possibly meeting up earlier in the year, the media has ran wild with it over exaggerating it. I am laughing at all those people who cried about wanting another team added to the big 10 so there could be a conference championship game. Well now that there is a 12th team, topics like the one at hand have come up due to the league eventually splitting into 2 divisions. The big 10 is saying "we fear 1 division would be stronger then the other" so they are talking about setting the divisions up like this




Penn St









Michigan St





The problem with that is 1. Penn State is the furthest team east in the entire conference, how the hell do they get stuck in the west. 2. Penn St vs OSU is becoming a huge rivalry, same with Penn St vs Michigan. 3. Illinois vs OSU is also a big rivalry (they play for the illibuck every year). What they need to do is drop 1 of the out of conference games and add 1 conference game so rivalries will continue on as they are now.

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No more OSU/UM? Where'd you hear that? What the hell are you guys smoking?


If OSU and Michigan end up in different divisions, they will move the game. When Rich Rod gets canned and UM finally gets good again 10 years from now, what happens when OSU wins their division and UM wins theirs? Assuming they continue to play against each other the last game of the regular season, would you really want to see a rematch one week later in the title game? That would be pretty lame, which was one of the initial reasons they were thinking of moving the game earlier in the season.


Personally I'm against it, I say they should just end up in the same division, that way you never have to worry about facing each other in the title game and you can keep the game on the date it's always been.

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Are there rules against them just unofficially getting together and playing anyway? It may not count for anything, but at least we would keep the tradition going.


No coach or AD in their right mind would EVER do anything like that. Have a game against your rival "off the books" just b/c you want to. What happens if your starting QB gets injured and cant play in a bowl game thats already scheduled. Say you win but the opposing team doesnt "observe" that win b/c remember, it was "off the books".


Instead of having a 13 game regular season, make it 14 but somehow unofficial. It wouldnt work.


HOWEVER, i do agree that they should always schedule this game at the end of each teams regular season. Regardless of the possibility BIG10 splitting into two different divisions. If they cant play the last game, let them schedule their first game every year against each other. After all we get to schedule our own 3 non-conference games at the beginning of every year so why not? That way the team would have all summer to prepare too.

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I wrote to both Delany and the AD's. Every real OSU/TTUN fan needs to.






Geographic split makes the most sense because all teams have ups and downs. Not only easier for travel, but to save "THE GAME". Michigan and OSU need to be in the same division, and play the last game of the regular season, in hopes of likely getting a shot at the championship, or spoiling it for the other guy.


Ohio St


Penn St


would be the usual power teams in the east.





would be the traditional power teams west.


Splitting OSU, and Michigan just so you could hope to have an OSU/Michigan B10 Championship is STUPID. Its very unlikely it would happen as often as some people would hope, as generally one team is on the up, and the other on a "down" (down for either team is usually still 7+ wins, Michigan is just being "special" the last two years). Plus seeing as how we are looking at a 9 game in conference schedule within a couple years, the cross divisional play will simply be on a rotation, you're playing teams you want to play.


Look at the Florida St, Miami split in the ACC. How many times have we had the storied ACC championship (the reason they were separated) ... 0 times. That's how many. Or look at the old OU vs Nebraska rivalry which use to be HUGE ... and is now dead because the voters decided to vote against tradition. Sure OU got an even bigger rival in Texas ... but Nebraska got nothing.


Lastly ... playing Michigan in football should be a once a year thing for annual bragging rights, I don't ever want them twice ... ever ... win or lose.

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Lastly ... playing Michigan in football should be a once a year thing for annual bragging rights, I don't ever want them twice ... ever ... win or lose.


You gotta remember though, there are those fans out there that say "I would play michigan every game of the season if that means we went 12-0 and they went 0-12"

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Where did all the talk of NO OSU/UM game come from? Never heard that. Only heard it may not be possible to to have it as the last game.


Come on people.........


It hasn't always been the last game of the season....only since the 40's i believe.


And ND can F off, I hope they never join the Big Ten

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