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Ohio State did not beat Miami


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Miami caused our players to make great plays on defense to take away the ball 4 times?


Miami just stood around while our tema ran up and down the field on them?


The crowd meant nothing to Miami, they just didn't "feel like" waiting for the snap to start blocking?


Come on man. Did they make mistakes? Absolutely. But so did OSU. We were the better team today.

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imagine if all those osu field goals were touch downs, and if osu scored at the end, like they could have. osu made retarded mistakes on special teams, just as miami's qb made a few bad throws. score should have been much, much worse (for miami). miami was never really in the game.
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another great thing about this game is when it was over and the Miami players were walking off the field the OSU fans were yelling "Where's your swagger at". So just think whats going through their heads on the ride back to Miami Edited by SinisterSS
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hater's gonna hate.


Im not the biggest osu fanboy but i am an OSU fan and i hate it when people make excuse's for their teams faults and failure's. The team on the field won or lost thats it, mistakes made and capitalized upon maybe but hey thats life.


This isnt directed at anyone in particular but i fucking hate it when people bitch and complain "oh well if it wasnt for the one call, or that one play or that one interception" well it was so get over it! That call/play/interception happened and was the turning point in the game.... thats how it went. (ie, not sure if anyone saw the HS game on ESPN last week, team from Florida lost b/c of a blown call basically, just seem's like the two arguments are similar.)

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Right, no I love Ohio State but I just feel like Miami made tons of mcsteaks that caused them to lose the game. That is all.


Harris was confused by the defense all day. 2 of the picks he thought it was man to man and through the receiver had beat his guy then BOOM defender there. 1 pick was a terrible throw. The 4th was just a really good opportune play by chekwa. I didn't know that being worse in a position = giving the game away? I always thought that meant that the other team just plain wasn't as good? my how times are changing.

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Right, no I love Ohio State but I just feel like Miami made tons of mcsteaks that caused them to lose the game. That is all.


both teams made mistakes. miami made at least two horrible throws, just as osu's special teams made two horrible plays. the two other int's were decent throws, just great defense by osu.

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100% Agree,miami beat miami.And OSU is over rated as always.




BAHAHAHAHA ... love it.


For one thing, if OSU would've played just a modicum of special teams D, the score would have been in blowout territory. Second, the "whoever didn't beat whomever, whomever beat themselves" defense is the most hackneyed, and lamest excuse for losing a team (or fans) can throw out there, as it almost never actually applies. Bad clock management, bad snaps to the QB, Kicker, and other unforced errors are more "beating yourself", only scoring one offensive touchdown is simply not executing.


Literally every team in college football can lose and say "... well, we beat ourselves ...". Cause ... we didn't get the best recruits, or we didn't coach as well, or because our players didn't play to their potential, blah blah blah.



Miami didn't play Miami, they played OSU...


the final score is the final score


if we disected every game during the season it would be nothing but ifs and buts


Or more eloquently ... the above.

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