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Just got into an accident, need advices!!

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I thought this will never happen to me nor I wish this on anyone, but on the way home from work I got into an accident. From the look of it I the two driver doors need work and three of the four wheels f-up. Initially me and my wife were ok, but on the ride home I start to have some lower back pain and my wife complained about chest pain. Just wondering where do we need to proceed from here.


The lady did not see our car, slide into our lane, I pulled as far right as I can (curbed the f... out of my two rims), and still she tagged my car. Anyway, the police gave her ticket.


Any help/advice will be greatly appreciate.

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i had the same thing got hit from behind and slammed into a curb messing up the front and rear of the car. Didnt feel bad at the time but went to the hospital later and my back was messed up and had whiplash. Got to go to therapy for a few months and got a nice check
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Call your insurance immediately and setup a claim, then go from there. If needed, they'll pay for physical therapy and pay you for pain and suffering. You'll each get a bunch of money from that, like around $5k or more.



No...i had a guy pull infront of me while i was doing 45 when he was trying to turn left...with an atty, i got like $4200 plus my medical and paying off book value of my car, almost 2 years after it happened...ins companies dont pay out like they used to...


I should add, ive gota bulging disc in my back from this that still gives me issues @ random 2.5yrs later..

Edited by evan9381
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First and formost take care of yourself. Report a claim to your insurance company so they can do the leg work and get things going with her insurance company.


Heres the best advice I can give as far as your injury. If you are not seriously hurt, don't get an attorney. You will have to pay them 1/3 of your settlement and a insurance company is not going to change their offer just because to got an attorney. You can negotiate a settlement just as well as they can. Every injury is different so there is no way to say what you will get out of it.

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First and formost take care of yourself. Report a claim to your insurance company so they can do the leg work and get things going with her insurance company.


Heres the best advice I can give as far as your injury. If you are not seriously hurt, don't get an attorney. You will have to pay them 1/3 of your settlement and a insurance company is not going to change their offer just because to got an attorney. You can negotiate a settlement just as well as they can. Every injury is different so there is no way to say what you will get out of it.


SF wanted me to settle for $1k-$1500 plus my medical...even after attorneys fees i got over 4...i guess it was worth it

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hold on for the ride...it's going to be a fun one...I am still dealing with just the property damage side of my claim over a month later, not to mention all the other aspects of the claim. insurance companies suck.
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