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The "me" approach to the common person. There is little to no consideration to others as a whole. Is it Mtv? Is it bad parenting? From this comes several other bad situations. Over spending. Poor planning, if any, for futures.


Probably not what you were looking for. But it's on my mind often.

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The separation of government actions and respect for the will of the people. Impose strict term limits and completely eliminate any official perks of office besides salary and those running for office will begin to think much more about the welfare of their constituents instead of their ability to be re-elected.


edit: I think this will also help reduce the absurd radicalization of politics where the vocal insane minority dominates the disillusioned moderate majority.


Also, the school system in this country is laughably bad. Teachers should have higher expectations for qualifications and also receive a wage that reflects that.

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I'd like to be able to sell my house easy and make a little cash. I'm ready to buy my 30+ year home.


this is exactly my game plan. I hope the housing market comes back.


Because once the housing market bounces back so will the car market, then start saving like a mad man!

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1. Lack of personal accountability- people want to blame others for their problems and don't like the hard truth for answers.


2. Our moral and value system- the very idea the celeberty gossip is considered news makes me ill. Please see the Jersey Shore for further reference


3. Education- Parents bitch about the schools being to easy, then bitch when their kids bring homework home (please also see number one here, because it is never the kids fault it is the school, teachers, coach....).


4. Abuse of "freedom"- this plays into number two, people think they should have the "freedom" do do whatever they want. Well look where that has put us.


Going back to the values of the 40's and 50's would do wonders for this country. In my head that would fix all of the problems I have listend and put this country back on top.

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The feelings of "entitlement". If you can't afford something, then you shouldn't have it. Just because it's the american dream to have a house and play toys, doesn't mean that you are entitled to any of the previously mentioned things. You earn those things by hard work and desire to earn those things. No one is entitled to anything.
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I personally think we need a flat tax. It would simplify things, end arguing, and eliminate a huge administrative burden that is the IRS. Lets not undermine the principal of percentages. Tax individuals at a certain rate, and businesses at a certain rate, I don't know why this is such a difficult concept.
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Anyone that doesn't have poor money spending/management by the gov't at the very top of their list, far above everything else, is an idiot. A budget in the black with money being used to paid down debt is the ONLY answer. Cutting spending on shit we really don't need, and run this country like a business.


Once THAT is cared for (and should be the only focus until that time):


- Flat tax rate. I'm willing to give up deductions in return for a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage, no matter how many homes, kids, and other BS you can put on a tax form.


- Dump the illegals. I don't care if my fruit and veggies will double in price, we need to care for our own. Deportation and border control are key. Punishment for those hiring and housing illegals should be severe.


- Focus on the US becoming more production oriented. Import tarrifs, creating fair trading, and making it viable for American companies to build things in the US. This includes getting the raw materials right here as well.


After all that is settled, then we can focus on health care, schools, social security, etc. And you know what, those problems would be far easier to deal with if the other issues were cared for.

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To the OP, most of it boils down to this.


The "me" approach to the common person. There is little to no consideration to others as a whole.


Complete separate, don't want to make it seem like I'm connecting the two because I'm not.


I personally think we need a flat tax. It would simplify things, end arguing, and eliminate a huge administrative burden that is the IRS. Lets not undermine the principal of percentages. Tax individuals at a certain rate, and businesses at a certain rate, I don't know why this is such a difficult concept.


The only issue I see with a flat tax, and it's a huge one, is that I see no way for it to not make the rich richer and the poor poorer. That's a slippery slope that leads us into being a 3rd world country. If we instituted that right now we'd have to take people who make below X would get taxed more and have less money to live on and people who make more than that would just have more money to stick in the bank or invest. That X is more than probably anyone by 5-10 people on this board make.


What's so wrong with a progressive tax rate, but getting rid of the plethora of rules and deductions? You make X, you get taxed Y. That's not more or less simple than a flat tax. Just not 'fair' to the people that make a lot of money. But it makes more sense in terms of strengthening our economy and society.


The only way I could possibly see a flat tax working is if it cuts off at a certain level or there is some base deduction that everyone get's to take i.e. you make below X and you get taxed less (or none). I'm talking poverty levels here, not anything like most people here hopefully make. It would still mean most of us taking home and having less so the (truly) rich can have more.


Some parts of this might sound like I'm just not wanting taxed more, but that's not it at all. I'd just like to see a truly fair and simple system that strengthens this country and our communities. I'm actually all for being taxed more along with everyone else in this country if it could mean strengthening our society through social programs, infrastructure, etc. and getting out of debt. Unfortunately I don't trust our government (whether we are talking local/city, state or federal) to do any of that (even though I do think that should be there job).

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Also, the school system in this country is laughably bad. Teachers should have higher expectations for qualifications and also receive a wage that reflects that.


I am not real political and I don't complain about shit either, we live a far better life than MOST the people in this world, and even on the course we are on now will likely continue to do so.


However there is much room for improvement, there always is, and I believe a fundamental issue is our education system k-12-College level needs evaluation and changes.

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One of the most pressing matters here in the US is our health as it has been declining more and more rapidly.


Directly related to the above is agribusiness and sustainable agriculture.


Education has already been mentioned and this is killer as we do not reap the rewards immediately but if we do not get the education system working better, we stand to lose exponentially in the future.


The decline of bees in the US.

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Anyone that doesn't have poor money spending/management by the gov't at the very top of their list, far above everything else, is an idiot. A budget in the black with money being used to paid down debt is the ONLY answer. Cutting spending on shit we really don't need, and run this country like a business.


Once THAT is cared for (and should be the only focus until that time):


- Flat tax rate. I'm willing to give up deductions in return for a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage, no matter how many homes, kids, and other BS you can put on a tax form.


- Dump the illegals. I don't care if my fruit and veggies will double in price, we need to care for our own. Deportation and border control are key. Punishment for those hiring and housing illegals should be severe.


- Focus on the US becoming more production oriented. Import tarrifs, creating fair trading, and making it viable for American companies to build things in the US. This includes getting the raw materials right here as well.


After all that is settled, then we can focus on health care, schools, social security, etc. And you know what, those problems would be far easier to deal with if the other issues were cared for.



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To the OP, most of it boils down to this.




Complete separate, don't want to make it seem like I'm connecting the two because I'm not.




The only issue I see with a flat tax, and it's a huge one, is that I see no way for it to not make the rich richer and the poor poorer. That's a slippery slope that leads us into being a 3rd world country. If we instituted that right now we'd have to take people who make below X would get taxed more and have less money to live on and people who make more than that would just have more money to stick in the bank or invest. That X is more than probably anyone by 5-10 people on this board make.


What's so wrong with a progressive tax rate, but getting rid of the plethora of rules and deductions? You make X, you get taxed Y. That's not more or less simple than a flat tax. Just not 'fair' to the people that make a lot of money. But it makes more sense in terms of strengthening our economy and society.


The only way I could possibly see a flat tax working is if it cuts off at a certain level or there is some base deduction that everyone get's to take i.e. you make below X and you get taxed less (or none). I'm talking poverty levels here, not anything like most people here hopefully make. It would still mean most of us taking home and having less so the (truly) rich can have more.


Some parts of this might sound like I'm just not wanting taxed more, but that's not it at all. I'd just like to see a truly fair and simple system that strengthens this country and our communities. I'm actually all for being taxed more along with everyone else in this country if it could mean strengthening our society through social programs, infrastructure, etc. and getting out of debt. Unfortunately I don't trust our government (whether we are talking local/city, state or federal) to do any of that (even though I do think that should be there job).



we need a consumption tax, you use more, pay more.

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THe thing that affects me most is TSA touching my penis. but, that's not the biggest problem. i am really worried about the economy. there is been no progress, and there is A LOT of smoke and mirrors. it's gotta catch up at some point. the government just keeps passing out money, socialism is closer now than it's ever been.
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