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Where are all the Cav fans today?


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Lebron is not the first and won't be the last professional player that will leave to put themselves in a "better" situation. Cleveland is holding onto him like a stalkerish x girlfriend with seperation issues. Get over it and go find another tall athletic black man to worship.
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He was an ass the way he left Cleveland but as a Celtics fan living in Ohio it's great not having to hear all their bandwagon fans thinking they're good anymore. Last night was the nail in the coffin.


Yea, but we still beat you. The game last night should, if anything, make you feel worse about the Celtics.


I cheer for LeBron, he's a stand up player, he honored his contract and wants to live and play in a better city while he is young. I too would want to live in Southbeach and peruse the crop of hot women down there. Wake up looking at palm trees, pay no State tax, have places I could go that are exclusive and I could eat and be myself in peace. Pickings of hot women have to be 100,000 fold better there. I knew he was gone after Game 5 last year when he took that jersey off. I think I put it in writing on here. He owes Cleveland nothing. Be Glad he made you all relevant for a few years. Back to normal.


You are a moron. Most Cavs fans aren't angry about the fact that he left, it was the way he did it. The people you see in the media don't necessarily represent the majority of rational sports fans in Cleveland. He ignored Dan Gilbert until the "decision", and left us with no real options because all the free agents had already been picked up. "Stand up" would be telling the Cavs early on that he was leaving, giving us time to set up a team for this year. The way he left shows that he has no class and most likely won't ever get it.


Was a truly pathetic display by the Cavs' players. Mo Williams wasn't friendly with him. And an assistant coach told Lebron to shut the fuck up as he was chatting it up during some free throws or a time out. Other than that it was like a family get together. Lebron should have been given the same treatment Mo Williams gave him by every single person on the Cavs and someone should have leveled Lebron on at least one drive to the bucket. Not only do the Cavs lack talent now but last night they showed they lack heart.


It wasn't a family get together, read some of the things Mary Schmitt Boyer wrote about the game last night. Basically said that even things that appeared as friendly conversation on TV weren't really friendly at all. Gibson was asked about him smiling while talking to LeBron, said that he smiles when he's angry and that some things were said that affected friendships between LeBron and other Cavs players last night.


From her Twitter:


Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.


When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.


Daniel Gibson on seeming to smile when talking with #LeBron: "There was nothing friendly about the conversations we had last night."

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Yes, I know this but we are talking from a basketball stand point sir. Most people these days that don't know the history or isn't from Ohio doesnt know Akron as the rubber city. They know it as lebrons home town that's all.



Josh, I wasn't meaning as Dwight on offense I'm saying defense he'd have to guard whom ever he's match up against and follow his man out to the wing or whatever ya know. I know all about Orlando as it's my fav team has been since I can remember. I like Dwayne wade and have followed him since college. So that's why I cheer for the heat lebron was a added bonus.


Just as an aside, most of the people I work with are from anywhere but Ohio. I did an impromptu poll and the answer I got was that Akron was known as the rubber capitol. I get the basketball thing, but when every answer I got from people from all over the country was that Akron is known for being the rubber capitol I'd say that basketball fans may only know the city as that. Hell, the stupid announcer last night didn't know why they were chanting Akron hates you. His response was "It's because there is a rivalry between Akron and Cleveland". Can't say that I have ever heard that before. Carry on, I'm just being an ass and ruining a thread.

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Just as an aside, most of the people I work with are from anywhere but Ohio. I did an impromptu poll and the answer I got was that Akron was known as the rubber capitol. I get the basketball thing, but when every answer I got from people from all over the country was that Akron is known for being the rubber capitol I'd say that basketball fans may only know the city as that. Hell, the stupid announcer last night didn't know why they were chanting Akron hates you. His response was "It's because there is a rivalry between Akron and Cleveland". Can't say that I have ever heard that before. Carry on, I'm just being an ass and ruining a thread.


This is why I hate watching games on TNT or other national cable networks. Announcers don't know shit about shit. I hate watching the Cavs games on TV without Austin Carr even if he doesn't make sense half the time.

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Dave, where do you work? And I'm sure you work with older people who don't follow basketball that deep.


And as for the he left them with no options thing. If anything he gave them time to get talent. A "short term contract" try 7 years And not sticking out there to get a second option. I'm no caves fan or lebron bandwagon goer by far, but you have to look at it as a whole picture and not a bias point of view of being a Cleveland fan or hating lebron cause he's good thing. Honestly I'm sure 9/10 on this bored would have left. I agree he did go about it wrong but you can only blame Cleveland and dan for blowing it up. Burning jerseys sending emails bad mouthing him. No matter how he did it the outcome would have been the same, Cleveland hating him. I guarantee that.

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Yea, but we still beat you. The game last night should, if anything, make you feel worse about the Celtics.


It wasn't a family get together, read some of the things Mary Schmitt Boyer wrote about the game last night. Basically said that even things that appeared as friendly conversation on TV weren't really friendly at all. Gibson was asked about him smiling while talking to LeBron, said that he smiles when he's angry and that some things were said that affected friendships between LeBron and other Cavs players last night.


From her Twitter:


Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.


When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.


Daniel Gibson on seeming to smile when talking with #LeBron: "There was nothing friendly about the conversations we had last night."


I feel just fine about the Celtics. It's the NBA regular season. Boston is an older team so they get up for games they feel like getting up for (the 2 games against Miami so far this season for example, games against LA, etc.) then just chill the rest of the season knowing they need to save energy and the playoffs are all that matter. Boston was one of New Jersey's 15 or so wins last season and ended up being one of Kendrick Perkins' knees away from their 18th NBA title. Maybe we'll see you guys in the playoffs when it actually matters... but probably not.


And it was nice seeing Boobie knock down that shot after faking Lebron out then giving him a stare. That was about the most hostile thing (outside of Mo just ignoring Lebron pre-game) a Cavs player did last night. Good for him but it's still pathetic. Lebron is probably cracking up thinking how easy he got off. Why do you think he went off in the 3rd quarter? He went into halftime probably thinking... "That's all they got? After 5 months to dwell on it... that's all they got? Glad I left 'em."

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Dave, where do you work? And I'm sure you work with older people who don't follow basketball that deep.


And as for the he left them with no options thing. If anything he gave them time to get talent. A "short term contract" try 7 years And not sticking out there to get a second option. I'm no caves fan or lebron bandwagon goer by far, but you have to look at it as a whole picture and not a bias point of view of being a Cleveland fan or hating lebron cause he's good thing. Honestly I'm sure 9/10 on this bored would have left. I agree he did go about it wrong but you can only blame Cleveland and dan for blowing it up. Burning jerseys sending emails bad mouthing him. No matter how he did it the outcome would have been the same, Cleveland hating him. I guarantee that.


I work with people of all ages. I have a feeling that we may have a bias over there, because we are in the composite polymers division and Akron is very well known for it's polymer science :) I just don't think that any sports figure, old or young, should define the city they are from. Especially one that was built on many other things, the major one being the rubber industry. It also might have to do with the fact that I was born there and I still have family there :) I may have had family that was involved in some additive development for the rubber industry too. Just throwing that out there.

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Lebron is not the first and won't be the last professional player that will leave to put themselves in a "better" situation. Cleveland is holding onto him like a stalkerish x girlfriend with seperation issues. Get over it and go find another tall athletic black man to worship.


Meet Peyton Hillis... http://www.kansascity.com/2010/12/01/2490630/browns-rb-hillis-an-unlikely-hero.html

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fuck lebron. the heat will NOT win a championship this year or next---count on it. and even if he does win a championship with the heat it will be wade's team that lebron 'tagged along' with. he had every opportunity in cleveland to win and make it his team, and his championship, his legacy---but he quit, failed, jumped ship, etc. his decision will live with him for the rest of his career, and will definitely hurt him in the long run. i'm not even a cavs fan
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fuck lebron. the heat will NOT win a championship this year or next---count on it. and even if he does win a championship with the heat it will be wade's team that lebron 'tagged along' with. he had every opportunity in cleveland to win and make it his team, and his championship, his legacy---but he quit, failed, jumped ship, etc. his decision will live with him for the rest of his career, and will definitely hurt him in the long run. i'm not even a cavs fan


When you win a championship does it really matter who's team it is? If he cared he would have stayed in Cleveland. I dont think KG or Ray Allen cared that it was Pauls team when they were holding the trophy...

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fuck lebron. the heat will NOT win a championship this year or next---count on it. and even if he does win a championship with the heat it will be wade's team that lebron 'tagged along' with. he had every opportunity in cleveland to win and make it his team, and his championship, his legacy---but he quit, failed, jumped ship, etc. his decision will live with him for the rest of his career, and will definitely hurt him in the long run. i'm not even a cavs fan


Well put. Some people think that chanting "Scottie Pippen" during the game was a compliment to LeBron, but it's pretty clear that being a wingman isn't something LeBron is accustomed to. He went from being the star of the show in Cleveland to 1/3 of the star players for the Heat. It's unfortunate that he went about his move to South Beach the way he did, because it will still haunt him years from now.

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That is modern day sports, hell look at Favre watch this year, they had to take a private jet and drag his ass to to play because offering him 2 Million more on top of the Millions they offered him to play wasn't enough to get him there. That is unbelievable to me, Favre is an average quarterback at best, his stats speak the truth, his fame is his starting record.


Imagine if Jordan played today...... Wow!


Absolutly not! Just b/c your a sports figure doesnt mean you have to be a total and complete jerkoff. I refuse to think that its merely acceptable b/c this is the day we live in. One of the marks of a true sports legend is how he handles himself in certain situations. Someone said it perfect in this thread, he's a boy stuck in a mans body.


Perfect for instance, everyone said Jordan was a great leader but Jordan never said that of himself. Great leaders never DECLARE themselves great leaders, but thats what lebron did last year. His true colors show in his actions, when asked if he thinks if he's a good leader he simply said "yes i think im a great leader". Wrong answer.


Lebron will never be as great as Jordan, hell i dont even think he'll be as great as Kobe. This coming from a hockey fan.

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When you win a championship does it really matter who's team it is? If he cared he would have stayed in Cleveland. I dont think KG or Ray Allen cared that it was Pauls team when they were holding the trophy...


There's a glaring difference here. Neither KG, Ray Allen nor Paul Pierce ever made it to an NBA Finals on their own. They never had the best record in the NBA 2 years in a row (don't think they ever had the best record in the league). And the biggest one of all... they never aspired to be Michael Jordan.


Kirks is 100% right. He had the opportunity to be this generation's Michael Jordan and he ran away. He may win some titles in Miami (Wade already has - another big difference from the Boston situation) but he'll never be on the same level as Jordan because of this decision. And I never liked Jordan.

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Real Sports hero's died when Barry Sander's walked off the field and away from the game because he said it wasn't "fun" anymore. He was the last in my eyes. He did exactly what Jim Brown did. Left in the height of his career. I hope his Son plays just like him, but I don't think he will have the humility Barry had, the interviews I have seen already show he has an ego just waiting to come out. I wish Tressel would have been successful in recruiting him though, I would have bought season tickets and wore a tOSU Jersey proudly.
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When you win a championship does it really matter who's team it is? If he cared he would have stayed in Cleveland. I dont think KG or Ray Allen cared that it was Pauls team when they were holding the trophy...


As stated above, there's a huge difference. None of those guys wore #23 and called themselves the king. Lebron wants to be known as the best player in the game, he wants to be mj. When you think of all those bulls championships you think of Jordan, not pippen.

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As stated above, there's a huge difference. None of those guys wore #23 and called themselves the king. Lebron wants to be known as the best player in the game, he wants to be mj. When you think of all those bulls championships you think of Jordan, not pippen.


Flawed argument.. If people think Jordan not Pippen then why has his name came up so much and why were people chanting Pippen at the game. Even you yourself are talking about Pippen and Jordan together when saying no one thinks about him. Thats like saying no one thinks of Robin when you say Batman. Pippen is the best number 2 ever. Hes a hall of famer, has won championships, and is a top 50 player of all time. Take away Pippen and you take away a third of Jordans legacy. The only people that think Jordan with no Pippen are people that dont follow basketball.


There's a glaring difference here. Neither KG, Ray Allen nor Paul Pierce ever made it to an NBA Finals on their own.


Flawed argument.. Look up the Twolves team with KG, Cassell, and Sprewell and the 2001 Bucks.


The fact that KG was a championship chaser is ignored because he waited until later in his career to do it. KG had great teams that lost deep in the playoff. There was a time when he was going to be "the best player ever". He was extrememly close to doing it himself just like Lebron. Lebron just made a big deal of it because people let him... and still are.


Lebron is young and got tired of his surroundings. You cannot question his work ethic, he puts in more time than most. When he grows up a little he'll look back and feel embarrassed for what he did. When you make statues of a man and worship him you kind of have to expect him to get a big head. Its not a bad move until time proves it is, right now its just a move. On the other side of the fence he could be finals and team mvp. If that story book ending happens then isnt Wade the forgot about Pippen? Stop counting your chickens before they are hatched people.

Edited by V8 Beast
spell check
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Flawed argument.. If people think Jordan not Pippen then why has his name came up so much and why were people chanting Pippen at the game. Even you yourself are talking about Pippen and Jordan together when saying no one thinks about him. Thats like saying no one thinks of Robin when you say Batman. Pippen is the best number 2 ever. Hes a hall of famer, has won championships, and is a top 50 player of all time. Take away Pippen and you take away a third of Jordans legacy. The only people that think Jordan with no Pippen are people that dont follow basketball.




Flawed argument.. Look up the Twolves team with KG, Cassell, and Sprewell and the 2001 Bucks.


The fact that KG was a championship chaser is ignored because he waited until later in his career to do it. KG had great teams that lost deep in the playoff. There was a time when he was going to be "the best player ever". He was extrememly close to doing it himself just like Lebron. Lebron just made a big deal of it because people let him... and still are.


Lebron is young and got tired of his surroundings. You cannot question his work ethic, he puts in more time than most. When he grows up a little he'll look back and feel embarrassed for what he did. When you make statues of a man and worship him you kind of have to expect him to get a big head. Its not a bad move until time proves it is, right now its just a move. On the other side of the fence he could be finals and team mvp. If that story book ending happens then isnt Wade the forgot about Pippen? Stop counting your chickens before they are hatched people.



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Flawed argument.. Look up the Twolves team with KG, Cassell, and Sprewell and the 2001 Bucks.


T-Wolves lost in the western conference finals. So... I'm right there. And the Bucks never made it past the eastern conference finals so I'm right again. Where is it flawed?


What I was saying is that Lebron made it to an NBA finals in Cleveland without adding other superstars or joining them. KG, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce never did that. Lebron had already done more than any of them on their own then he gave up.

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T-Wolves lost in the western conference finals. So... I'm right there. And the Bucks never made it past the eastern conference finals so I'm right again. Where is it flawed?



I read conference finals for some reason, my mistake. Lebron did go further then both of them without packing the team full of stars. Not that it makes much difference but I think the teams that beat KG and Ray Allen won it all :o

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As stated above, there's a huge difference. None of those guys wore #23 and called themselves the king. Lebron wants to be known as the best player in the game, he wants to be mj. When you think of all those bulls championships you think of Jordan, not pippen.
I can see what you are saying but last I checked it was the media that gave Lebron the name King James, and also heard at times Prince James. The media hyped him for years, hell he was on the cover of Sports Illistrated as a jr in highschool for crying out loud, and on the cover they called him Prince James I believe. He is nothing more than a person with an ego that the media has been the main contribution towards. He does want to be the best ever, but it is mostly the media that has been pushing this Lebron is going to be better than Jordan crap because since Jordan left the game it hasn't been the same and they are looking for another great talent that the game can use as a face of the NBA to save the league. It was going to be Kobe but he has to many haters that he is not a "team player" even though he is one of the few if not only that can truely take over a game and be the deciding factor in its outcome. Honestly, I think Lebron left Cleveland to a point because he was tired of being the reason for a win and the reason for a loss as well. Too many fans wanted to see him take over a game and put the team on his shoulders just like Jordan had once done and Kobe does now, but for some reason Lebron tended to fold in these instances and not pull it out. He seems like a player that needs a D Wade or a few other stars around because he either lacks the confidence to do it all on his own and needs them to win the games, or he is simply all hype and god given talent missing the rest of the qualities that makes good players great and great players gods.
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*Puts on flame jacket*


There have been many people in the league that have been overall better than Jordan. What they lack is a dependable supporting cast and the reckless abandon to shoot repeatedly while ignoring open teammates. People dont shoot the ball like Jordan any more because they work within a system. Just look at all the issues Kobe had when he tried. He did the exact same thing but was labeled as not being a team player. Michael Jordan lost a lot of games by shooting too much. Michael Jordan pissed off his teammates and coaches by shooting too much. The one thing he had like stated was he could consistently make shots (like 70% of nba players) and when he got hot the game was over. As long as people pass the ball and dont take 15 shots in a row while being gaurded by 3 people there will never be another Jordan. The bulls were my favorite team for Jordans entire career. What he did then people just cant do today. The other people on the teams ego's are too big and everyone wants their 5-10 shots a game.

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