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Weight Loss Thread "2010/2011"


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so i kinda dismissed this thread, but today, i realized i need to quit whatever the fuck im doing....a few years ago, i was at ~212, got down to ~176 or so, and now im back to 195-200. i can still lift weights like when i was more in shape, but i see my gut coming back hardcore...moreso because my shirts dont fit like they used to, they fit much tighter now than they should...FML


i think its coming back quicker because im unemployed, and now i usually sleep til 1-2pm, and dont do shit during the rest of the day because i really have nothing to do...even going out and looking for a job isnt really shit, because its mainly sitting in a car, driving, going in, sitting down to fill out an app, or being told i gotta fill it out online


i get bored as fuck doing cardio in the gym, sitting in the same place doing the same thing...when summer was here, i loved getting out and riding 30, 40, even 60 miles on my bike, but now that its winter, i cant get out and ride like i want to


i need to do something though...its pissing me off to no end to see all my progress dissipate...i need to be back down to ~180 with some tone by march/april


anyone go to the gahanna YMCA want to get together for some workouts? im in every monday and thursday with another guy for about an hour or so, but i definitely wouldnt be against going 5-6 days a week.

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After bacterial menegitus weight - 190

Current weight - 217

Goal weight- 235-240

Bench - 345

Squat- 425 (blowing my balls out every rep)

Arms- 18

Waist- 33

Neck - 17


Goal BF-5% at 235


Diet-green shit, spinach, super foods, salmon, tuna, chicken bewbs, ranch dressing.

Suppliments- protein, super food, multivitamin ect.

Workout- Joe Defranco's westside for skinny bastards, modified for preseason training. Gained 15lbs since starting it on August.

Edited by Panduh
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AAAHHHH!!!!! the dreaded week after Christmas. I still did fairly good with what I ate. of course I still ate too much but I never got to that overly full feeling. Also kept just drinking water with meals so I'm still pop (soda) free now for near 4 weeks.


Weight loss wasn't as good of course but I still lost around a pound and still managed to drop just over an inch off my chest stomach and waist.




Edited by Benner
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Not going to weigh myself for a couple weeks...if i check daily and dont see progress, even though i shouldnt on a daily basis, itll piss me off...if i wait 2-3 weeks and see 5-7lbs ill be happier


I have bought some new goggles, been swimming, doing more cardio, and just getting into the gym almost daily since i posted last

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Alright, I was down to the lightest I have been since middle school before my accident and have since put on 38 lbs in only 7 months. It's time to stop being a lazy blob and drop some pounds. I'm in.



Starting Weight------226lbs

Current Weight------218lbs

Starting Total Measurement------ TBD

Current Measurement-------------TBD


Diet - Simply portion control and cutting out the junk. No pop, Lots of Water/green tea/Rooibos tea ("South African Voodoo Tea"). Probably going to start exercising again next week. I'm going to give myself a week to get adjusted to the calorie drop before I get back into cardio and such.


EDIT: Also - No beer...:(

Edited by twistedfocus
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so i kinda dismissed this thread, but today, i realized i need to quit whatever the fuck im doing....a few years ago, i was at ~212, got down to ~176 or so, and now im back to 195-200. i can still lift weights like when i was more in shape, but i see my gut coming back hardcore...moreso because my shirts dont fit like they used to, they fit much tighter now than they should...FML


i think its coming back quicker because im unemployed, and now i usually sleep til 1-2pm, and dont do shit during the rest of the day because i really have nothing to do...even going out and looking for a job isnt really shit, because its mainly sitting in a car, driving, going in, sitting down to fill out an app, or being told i gotta fill it out online


i get bored as fuck doing cardio in the gym, sitting in the same place doing the same thing...when summer was here, i loved getting out and riding 30, 40, even 60 miles on my bike, but now that its winter, i cant get out and ride like i want to


i need to do something though...its pissing me off to no end to see all my progress dissipate...i need to be back down to ~180 with some tone by march/april


anyone go to the gahanna YMCA want to get together for some workouts? im in every monday and thursday with another guy for about an hour or so, but i definitely wouldnt be against going 5-6 days a week.


I got this p90x DVD....

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Goal BF-5% at 235


LOL How long are you going to maintain that, are you doing a competition since your going that low?



well im up 10lbs now thanks to the holidays

weight is 191lbs

probably still 11% as waist is 32.25"

squat 460 raw

bench 405 raw

deadlift 565 raw


so far im on track.

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Rough week for me. Only lost 1.2 lbs and 1.2 inches. But have had several people ask me if I've lost weight so that's a definitely an ego booster and will make me keep at it even harder.


I've also started hitting the eliptical for 30 minutes a day along with strength training.


It's officially been a month since I've had any pop as well.

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LOL How long are you going to maintain that, are you doing a competition since your going that low?



well im up 10lbs now thanks to the holidays

weight is 191lbs

probably still 11% as waist is 32.25"

squat 460 raw

bench 405 raw

deadlift 565 raw


so far im on track.


No, no comp, just a goal. Would like to see the numbers, but most likely walk around at 7-10% bf. Im having a hell of a time putting on lbs right now for some reason. Stuck at 217. Fml.

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No, no comp, just a goal. Would like to see the numbers, but most likely walk around at 7-10% bf. Im having a hell of a time putting on lbs right now for some reason. Stuck at 217. Fml.


eat your face off. when i lifted i would slam protein then go to mcdonalds and order like one of everything off the dollar menu. two mcdoubles sometimes.

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Rough week for me. Only lost 1.2 lbs and 1.2 inches. But have had several people ask me if I've lost weight so that's a definitely an ego booster and will make me keep at it even harder.


I've also started hitting the eliptical for 30 minutes a day along with strength training.


It's officially been a month since I've had any pop as well.


Feels good to get compliments, Super hot girl I havnt seen in about 8 months told me my arms were getting larger.


That made my day.


Anyone got progress pics? I think today after the gym I may post two.


Ive been doing cardio and Abs everyday I am at the GYM "3-4 days" along with lifting and the results are slowly showing. Im stoked with whats happening to my body but now Its time to change my workout and do all new stuff.... Shocking your body is a hard thing to do!

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You prolly do not have a job like mine that makes your cardio workout look like the game candy land.....


I climb more flights of steps in a day than you do in a month.

I need your job apparently.

I got winded climbing the stairs briskly this morning. It's only one flight of stairs.


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You prolly do not have a job like mine that makes your cardio workout look like the game candy land.....


I climb more flights of steps in a day than you do in a month.


for cardio i mostly do sets of ten reps of squats with 315-355lbs, deep, well that and i have been doing a lot of extra cardio at night like 3-4 hours worth. :D


but i was more referring to you working your abs every day. If you havent figured it out yet ill give you some help, rest is just important as working out, your muscles grow when they are recovering.........

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for cardio i mostly do sets of ten reps of squats with 315-355lbs, deep, well that and i have been doing a lot of extra cardio at night like 3-4 hours worth. :D


but i was more referring to you working your abs every day. If you havent figured it out yet ill give you some help, rest is just important as working out, your muscles grow when they are recovering.........



However, Im not saying Im a bad ass but in order to stay infront of myself on making sure I do have rest I always work out every other day never back to back.


My cardio and your cardio seem to be on different sides of the map yet still the same.


Burn calories, stay lean. I eat almost whatever I want still pumping in protein like it my job.






Recovery is hard for me cause the same muscles I just worked out the night before are getting hammered on the next day at work every day.....



I would squat but........ Im on the Playbo/summer workout. Just upper body and chicken legs:cool:

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K, I'll play...


Name: Ryan

Starting Weight: 231 lbs.

Current Weight: 219 lbs.

Starting Total Measurement: ?

Current Measurement: ?


My last season of hockey ended in late November, the day after i started the p90 "intensity" workout. Its basically p90x light, all cardio and calistenics work. It was made by the same people but the guy who leads the p90x workouts doesnt do the 'intensity' workouts.


I saw moderate/slow gains when i began but most of the blame lays on my diet. I wasnt as strict as i should've been. However, with some support from my girl, starting January 3rd i cut down my diet big time. All of the obvious things are gone, fast food, soda, processed foods. More greens, chicken, lean meats, fish, nuts and whey protein shakes. Now My average day consists of consuming approx 2000 calories (so hard right?) doing my 'intense' cardio in the morning, some lifting after work at night. If i eat carbs they're complex carbs and its either in the morning or during the day never at night. Im doing well, feel good looking better but i REALLY wanna get down to my goal weight of 200 by time we go to vegas in June. At this pace I think thats very doable.


Oh and as for the compliments, my girl was surprised when she saw my arms when i was playing COD the other day, but she warned me she didnt want me to get too "muscle-y". Another good compliement was after not playing with my hockey team for a month we had our first game last sunday and everyone was like "wtf did you do to get so much faster?" that brought a smile to my face.

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K, I'll play...


Name: Ryan

Starting Weight: 231 lbs.

Current Weight: 219 lbs.

Starting Total Measurement: ?

Current Measurement: ?


My last season of hockey ended in late November, the day after i started the p90 "intensity" workout. Its basically p90x light, all cardio and calistenics work. It was made by the same people but the guy who leads the p90x workouts doesnt do the 'intensity' workouts.


I saw moderate/slow gains when i began but most of the blame lays on my diet. I wasnt as strict as i should've been. However, with some support from my girl, starting January 3rd i cut down my diet big time. All of the obvious things are gone, fast food, soda, processed foods. More greens, chicken, lean meats, fish, nuts and whey protein shakes. Now My average day consists of consuming approx 2000 calories (so hard right?) doing my 'intense' cardio in the morning, some lifting after work at night. If i eat carbs they're complex carbs and its either in the morning or during the day never at night. Im doing well, feel good looking better but i REALLY wanna get down to my goal weight of 200 by time we go to vegas in June. At this pace I think thats very doable.


Oh and as for the compliments, my girl was surprised when she saw my arms when i was playing COD the other day, but she warned me she didnt want me to get too "muscle-y". Another good compliement was after not playing with my hockey team for a month we had our first game last sunday and everyone was like "wtf did you do to get so much faster?" that brought a smile to my face.



Compliments go a loooooooooong way.

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