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College? what to do.

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Okay here is my story....

I am a disabled vet (25 years old)(electronics technician)


I am also a police officer. looking to get a degree to hopefully get a better paying job.


a job in criminal justice is not going to happen(departments dont care what your degree is in as long as you got it.. and if i get hurt and have to get out of the field i want something different to fall back on.)



What are some ideas on for what kind of degree to go for.

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Good luck, I am wondering the same thing at this point. Seems like everything is down and without a longterm degree, good jobs are hard to come by. Why not stay a cop? My buddy recently became one and between all the extra duty stuff hes making $90K+ per year.


Off topic, how did you get disabled and how were able to maintain a job as a peace officer?

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Electrical Engineering? Seems like an easy field to fall into with the electronics technician background and can be applied in many fields. I am working towards my mechanical or electrical engineering degree to further my automotive research career.
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I had a injury to my arm/wrist.

you only gget 1 year to heal on limited duty. at that point you can put in a waiver to stay in or you can get out..


after spending years on a submarine.. i chose to get the HELL OUT.. lol..


so after about another year it had healed enough for me to go to the police academy.


so thats where im at..


it still hurts and a lot.. but i managed the academy so yeah..

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Electrical Engineering? Seems like an easy field to fall into with the electronics technician background and can be applied in many fields. I am working towards my mechanical or electrical engineering degree to further my automotive research career.


My dad is an EE with about 30 years experience. He's usually a year or two inbetween jobs (he's laid off right now) and all he can find are gov contracts that only last a couple years. Its also meant him moving a couple times. Best to come up with something with a widespread need rather than a narrow one, so you can find a job anywhere. Can't go wrong with the medical field.

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Good luck, I am wondering the same thing at this point. Seems like everything is down and without a longterm degree, good jobs are hard to come by. Why not stay a cop? My buddy recently became one and between all the extra duty stuff hes making $90K+ per year.


Off topic, how did you get disabled and how were able to maintain a job as a peace officer?


+1. my buddy said he was right at about 90k with his regular pay, special duty, court pay, etc. id be thrilled to make what he said he does without court pay or special duty...anything extra would just be sweet

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  • 1 month later...

Bringing this back from the dead

I plan on staying a cop.. but no one is hiring full time right now at a place that pays decent.. and the best paying departments you have to have a degree of some kind to even apply..


So i decided im going to sinclair starting this month..


Ive decided after doing some recent work on computers and a few other things.. i wouldnt mind doing something with electronics again....


just not exactly sure what i should go into exactly..

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Bringing this back from the dead

I plan on staying a cop.. but no one is hiring full time right now at a place that pays decent.. and the best paying departments you have to have a degree of some kind to even apply..


So i decided im going to sinclair starting this month..


Ive decided after doing some recent work on computers and a few other things.. i wouldnt mind doing something with electronics again....


just not exactly sure what i should go into exactly..


What kind of degree are they looking for? I'm getting a degree in ME from UC right now. I'm working for GE as a co-op currently, it's cool and all but it's not that exciting.

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Being a Submarine Sailor also I first will say, NUB, then I will say thank you for your service.


If you want to go IT then certs are a better way to learn (I don't really agree with certs that much but its a good way to get some basics).


I see an emerging need for good IT security, having a law enforcement background makes you a perfect forensics incident responder. Look at GCIH.


That or penetration tester, for less than $1000 you can start looking at http://www.offensive-security.com/ If you have a knack for it, and dig it, its a pretty easy 6 figure lifestyle.

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I am still trying to figure out-


how are you a disabled Vet, but you are able to be employed as PD in any jurisdiction, even a farm town?


Are you collecting Disability?



I was discharged for an arm injury.. i had 1 year to heal.. i had surgery and got a metal plate put in.. after 1 year i still had issues doing push ups.. and they asked if i wanted to stay i would have to try and get waiver put in or i could get out..


about a year after i got out i was able to do push ups still hurts like hell.. but i made it through the academy.. and can still pass the opota standard..


Yes i do collect disability.. its the minimum amount though

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First of all I would like to say thank you for your service I greatly appricate what you have done. Anything electronical based seems to be doing well these days. Business would be a bad choice because of the recession. Are you a hands on kind of guy? I so maybe look into some trade fields and with a good education you could easily want into a management/foreman position given that you will have good leadership and problem solving skills with you background in the service.
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