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in your 30's time to cut out unhealthy foods?

Guest 614Streets

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I lost 5 lbs of "holiday fat" in the past month by drinking 3 cups of coffee in the morning, then at LEAST 64oz of water. I have a 32oz plastic Cols Clippers cup at my office that I'll fill and kill 2-3 times just at work.


I think that's key, because the water keeps me alert and prevents me from snacking.


When I DO snack at home, I keep up my supply of plain almonds and shelled walnuts (not flavored or salted) that I get 3 baggies for $10 at Marc's.


When I eat leftovers, cereal, etc at home, I've been very conscious of servings about the size of my fist. Like, literally. I'll have a Ziploc bag of leftover pasta and I'll just grab a handful and throw it on the plate. Perfect serving size!


I have NO BEER at home, just Tito's vodka, 2 bottles in the freezer. If I'm expensing happy hour for business, or someone else is buying, I drink vodka. I try to minimize my beer/wine intake. THEY ARE THE WORST FOR YOUR GUT.


Also, just as a precaution, I've started taking low-dose (81mg) of aspirin every day. Marc's has 300-pill for $2.49. I think it helps. :)


I haven't even stepped up my exercise...I want to get back up to running 2 miles a day in the spring...that should REALLY help me lose some poundage.


I'm taking the time to type all of this because I've seen a marked decline in my bodyfat over the last 1-2 months with small (but significant) changes in my diet. Nothing crazy, easy and cheap to do. Good luck, brougham.

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i am working on getting to 8% body fat, so my diet consists of eggs, protein shakes, chicken and rice, then eat normal on the weekends otherwise i lose to much muscle to fast.i aim for 1500 cal a day with 2000ish on the weekends.


this diet allows my digestive system to feel a lot better, but i dont have the energy like i do on a 4000+ calorie bulk. which consists of semi-dirty eating.


the older i get the more i have to narrow down my diet to stay leaner, but i am getting leaner and more muscle mass then i was when i was younger.

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This shit takes years off the END of your life and those years are shitty anyway so who cares. I eat whatever I feel like.






45 year old guy goes to his new doctor for a checkup. doc runs TONS of tests/bloodwork, and tells him he is in 'pretty' good health. a bit irked by that, the guy says "well, do you think i'll live to be 80?"


doc says, i don't know, do you:


drink beer?----no


eat fast food??--no


eat unhealthy/fattening foods??---no


stay up late hanging out with the guys???--no


go to strip clubs??---no


drive your car fast, get speeding tickets, or ever drive aggressively??--no


have dirty thoughts/actions towards women other than your wife??--no


doctor says "then why do you even give a shit if you're going to live to be 80?"

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Guest 614Streets
I lost 5 lbs of "holiday fat" in the past month by drinking 3 cups of coffee in the morning, then at LEAST 64oz of water. I have a 32oz plastic Cols Clippers cup at my office that I'll fill and kill 2-3 times just at work.


I think that's key, because the water keeps me alert and prevents me from snacking.


When I DO snack at home, I keep up my supply of plain almonds and shelled walnuts (not flavored or salted) that I get 3 baggies for $10 at Marc's.


When I eat leftovers, cereal, etc at home, I've been very conscious of servings about the size of my fist. Like, literally. I'll have a Ziploc bag of leftover pasta and I'll just grab a handful and throw it on the plate. Perfect serving size!


I have NO BEER at home, just Tito's vodka, 2 bottles in the freezer. If I'm expensing happy hour for business, or someone else is buying, I drink vodka. I try to minimize my beer/wine intake. THEY ARE THE WORST FOR YOUR GUT.


Also, just as a precaution, I've started taking low-dose (81mg) of aspirin every day. Marc's has 300-pill for $2.49. I think it helps. :)


I haven't even stepped up my exercise...I want to get back up to running 2 miles a day in the spring...that should REALLY help me lose some poundage.


I'm taking the time to type all of this because I've seen a marked decline in my bodyfat over the last 1-2 months with small (but significant) changes in my diet. Nothing crazy, easy and cheap to do. Good luck, brougham.



Clay! Wow man our taking a huge risk taking asprin daily at your age! My mom lost hearing in her right ear and developed a rare intestinal problem from taking daily asprin. Just fair warning!



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IMO it depends on your lifestyle. I think cutting out the stuff that isn't good regardless of your age or lifestyle is key regardless. I'm doing that just because with kids, family and lots of responsibilities, I owe it to them. What I owe myself is the need to get more active like I used to be and to trim up so that I feel good inside. I'm working on both.


Not the answer you likely wanted, but a glimpse into what I am considering and using the help affect a change. So far I've only lost 8lbs so I'm 5'9 and 182lbs, far from my 165lb goal, but I'm also lifting a lot more weight than I ever have and feel as if I'm gaining more muscle. I've lost about 1-2 inches in my waist with more to go of course. I really could care less what I weigh so long as I'm not carrying around flab.

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My diet consists of pressing coffee and making espresso shots for breakfast. Maybe a few bagels or 3. Lunch is chipotle, raising canes, or subway whatever I feel like. Dinner is pasta on 2 pieces of breaded butter. Sometimes 2 sandwiches if I am hungry. And wash it down with about 6 beers. On the weekends I only eat ramen noodles and any type of red meat I have cooked on my george foreman. Oh and more beer I get thirsty being so awesome.
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