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Kasich YOU are the IDIOT!


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I'm sure most have heard this by now, but I wanted to share a response to his Idiot comment by Deputy Brandy Winfields widow.


Kasich's Comment:





Widow's Response:


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I find this strangely funny. Not because of what he said, but my wife works for the OEPA and she said he had some odd comments during his speech and she mentioned this after it happened. I'm not surprised that someone was recording the speech either.


Thats how dumb he is.........you know everyone has the capability of recording audio/video these days with phones. You can't be too careful anymore.

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You've felt the same way after getting pulled over i'm sure.


Unless I misunderstood somewhere, he got an $85 fine for not moving into the next lane when passing an officer who was making a stop...IN 2008!


I'm sure we've all been aggravated when pulled over for whatever reason, but typically once it's over with and you've calmed down you realize you messed up and you must deal with it. Kasich calling the officer an idiot nearly 3 years later is absurd. Even in 2008 I'm sure he was spending more than $85 on a daily basis trying to live like a bigshot. He could've easily just paid the $85, learned his lesson, and moved on with his life. The fact that he's still hanging on to it and publicly calling the officer who was doing his job an idiot 3 years later shows a lot about his character. Fuck him.

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Unless I misunderstood somewhere, he got an $85 fine for not moving into the next lane when passing an officer who was making a stop...IN 2008!


I'm sure we've all been aggravated when pulled over for whatever reason, but typically once it's over with and you've calmed down you realize you messed up and you must deal with it. Kasich calling the officer an idiot nearly 3 years later is absurd. Even in 2008 I'm sure he was spending more than $85 on a daily basis trying to live like a bigshot. He could've easily just paid the $85, learned his lesson, and moved on with his life. The fact that he's still hanging on to it and publicly calling the officer who was doing his job an idiot 3 years later shows a lot about his character. Fuck him.




Which at the time it occured in 08.....NOT moving over for an emergency vehicle (which is to protect not only the officer/medic's or FF's but also to protect civilians) had already been enacted as law 3 yrs prior!

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I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most law abiding citizen in the state, but I've always moved over when passing stopped emergency vehicles anyway. It's common courtesy and I know if I was on the shoulder of the road with cars passing at 65-70 mph I'd sure as hell appreciate an extra 10 feet or so of comfort. Just like when getting pulled over, I make sure everything is in plain sight, turn the dome light on if it's dark, and make sure I'm up front about everything. It's a respect thing, and unfortunately very few people have it anymore.
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I like the guy but am still very shocked. Not just at why he would make such a comment in public, but in a portion of a clip I saw, he even questioned seeing the officer on the side of the road. I mean, he drove right past him without even slowing down and denies it. Wow.


Some are getting up in arms about an apology, but I say who cares. Why? If he truly is like this and feels this way, a public apology is just going to be fake anyway.

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I saw the video on TV lastnight, I haven't been able to see it again. the video wasn't real clear in the 2 seconds I saw it. Now is he mad because he claims there was a vehicle next to him that prevented him from getting over? Maybe that is his argument? Also I see many cars stay in that lane when someone is pulled over, never seen someone hawked down for that.
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I saw the video on TV lastnight, I haven't been able to see it again. the video wasn't real clear in the 2 seconds I saw it. Now is he mad because he claims there was a vehicle next to him that prevented him from getting over? Maybe that is his argument? Also I see many cars stay in that lane when someone is pulled over, never seen someone hawked down for that.


No his original argument was that he did see the car pulled over with its lights on. As for getting out of the lane when a cop is off to the side I will get over if I have room if not just slow down. I wouldn't say he was hawked down there just happened to be a police car behind him and he got caught.

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I agree he shouldn't ahve made the comment but come on, most officers are "idiots" when they pull you over and most of them don't respect you. so I have to agree with him. we don't know what was said at the side of the road.....
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So he thought he couldn't get over safely. I can understand that, it's a split second decision, his decision nobody got hurt. The fact that the officer pulled over a person on a curve and approached on the driver side shows he doesn't care in the first place for his own saftey. The curve doesn't exactly give the driver a ton of time to make a lane change if you are not looking to change lanes. It's more of a reaction, and if you feel you can maintain the current lane safer you should. Maybe officers should pull people over on the left side or approach from the passenger side. I have had a few come to my passenger side window on the freeway on a stop.


I like his attitude towards highway patrol, it's spot on. Their politics and revenue collection is bad IMO. I have run into a crooked Highway Patrol officer. Why did the HWY Patrol ever have political views? They are public servants, not politicians. They have no business in telling what "the people" (us) what we want. We say, and they enforce what we say.

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I like his attitude towards highway patrol, it's spot on. Their politics and revenue collection is bad IMO. I have run into a crooked Highway Patrol officer. Why did the HWY Patrol ever have political views? They are public servants, not politicians. They have no business in telling what "the people" (us) what we want. We say, and they enforce what we say.


Your the best mod ever. :)

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yeah shows up on local news and makes a post like its a huge deal. :gtfo:

talk about something fucked up like the urine guy getting not guilty on the law his actions created.



or the kid who shot and killed his brother at easton is charged with assult...not murder.

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or the kid who shot and killed his brother at easton is charged with assult...not murder.


read below:


Andrake's brother, 16-year-old Andrew Kelley, was charged Monday with one count of felonious assault in connection with the Easton shooting.


The Franklin County prosecutor's office will considering amending the felonious assault charge to murder, according to CPD.


Andrew was scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning, but the judge and prosecutor saidthere was no point in dealing with the previous charges when the death of the victiim will likely mean new charges. They are awaiting paperwork that will amend or add to existing charges.


Andrew is next scheduled to appear in court on March 4 at 9 a.m.



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