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Mid Ohio has been sold


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I feel like that place has not changed much since I started going there at 5 years old.


err....what are you guys referring to specifically? Mid-Ohio has some of the best facilities of any road course this side of VIR in my opinion.



Overall, I'm interested in the change and it seems from the article that since they're keeping all of the current management structure in tact that they are just looking to build on what's worked well for them and not make any huge changes.


They'll have big shoes to fill. The family and management that ran Mid-Ohio sometimes was a bit stuffy/stiff from the enthusiast's point of view, but looking from an outside prospective they did a great job keeping it a high class facility that brought great racing there time and time again.


Personal story time....my brother reached out to Mid-Ohio last year about my family spreading our father's ashes at the track. They not only allowed us to do so, but one of the management team drove up from Dublin to meet us, drive us on parade laps around the track, and allow us to spread his ashes there at a place we enjoyed together for so much of our lives. The management and ownership team there have been nothing short of a class act all the way. Hopefully the new owners realize this and respect it going forward.

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Personal story time....my brother reached out to Mid-Ohio last year about my family spreading our father's ashes at the track. They not only allowed us to do so, but one of the management team drove up from Dublin to meet us, drive us on parade laps around the track, and allow us to spread his ashes there at a place we enjoyed together for so much of our lives. The management and ownership team there have been nothing short of a class act all the way. Hopefully the new owners realize this and respect it going forward.


Cool as fuck

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