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If you are thinking about getting the Thunderbolt...

V8 Beast

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If you have insurance. Go to the store and say it was lost/stolen. Pay 100 bucks and now you have a new Tbolt...that is worst case scenario.


Did you make a backup before you went to GB? If so wipe Data/Cache/Davlik/Bat 3 times each and go back to that. You will need to place a Froyo Radio on the phone via HBOOT.


I've got the Gingerbread radio and das BAMF 2.0-6 REMIX running on it right now. Wiped everything (3 times as you said), and just reflashed the BAMF ROM. Should I still revert back to Froyo? I was going to try and find a new kernel for BAMF right now.

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It's just the regular kernel that comes with BAMF 2.0-6 REMIX. Just wiped and am trying to restore. If that doesn't work I'll wipe again and reflash the rom.


Jones, what kernel are you running with this ROM? The battery life was ass all day long, and it took HOURS on the charger to get from 70%-100%.



Something must be horribly wrong.


I did my phone, and my buddies phone yesterday and we both have INCREDIBLE battery life that I have never seen before on Froyo. I watched 2 hour long docmentaries today via netflix, surfed, played games, trying to drain it all day. Still got 30% left at 2AM, I can't kill it.


What I did:




Netflix Fix

MR2 Radio


Put them all on SD Card.

Rebooted into recovery.

Installed Rom, & Netflix Patch

Upon reboot, got into bootloader and loaded MR2 Radio.


Setcpu Set @ 1.4ghz, with InteractiveX Scaler, and a screen off profile of 245/368.


That's it.

Did it on both our phones and we are both in hog heaven.

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I downloaded a new kernel, the imoseyon lean kernel (v3.01GBtest1, downloaded v2.5.3GBtest7 as well, in case I don't see improvement with this one). It's taken just about half an hour to get from 80%-100% and I'm just about to wipe the battery stats. I do know that when I flashed the ROM the first time, and wiped the battery stats I wasn't at full charge...I MIGHT have even had the cord plugged in, but I can't remember.


I've read that these can cause a huge hit to battery life, and that this (the kernel I'm running, and charging 100% and wiping battery stats) seems to fix it. Also, your tip of turning off USB debugging seemed to help too. I've also got Netflix working, so I'll see tomorrow how it all goes. Crossing my fingers for good battery life and no boot loops lol.

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Awesome. Good job. Jones has a good method there too, with the SetCPU. That is going to help your battery life as well.


Thanks a ton for all your help. The kernel I downloaded automatically undervolts and also overclocks to 1.4, as well as sets a governor. I had it off the charger after wiping the battery stats for about 20 minutes and it stayed at 99% the entire time. I just woke up so I haven't taken it off today, but things are looking good so far!

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Thanks a ton for all your help. The kernel I downloaded automatically undervolts and also overclocks to 1.4, as well as sets a governor. I had it off the charger after wiping the battery stats for about 20 minutes and it stayed at 99% the entire time. I just woke up so I haven't taken it off today, but things are looking good so far!


What kernel are you on? I think with BAMF2.1, they packaged it with the kernel you are running

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The Imoysen GB lean kernel. I haven't checked the forums since last week haha they've got 2.1 out now? Jesus haha.


Yup. Did you run the speedtweak.sh script? If so what setting?


I went to 2.1 this morning, having REALLY slow charging. So I am trying to see what settings everyone is using

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Yup. Did you run the speedtweak.sh script? If so what setting?


I went to 2.1 this morning, having REALLY slow charging. So I am trying to see what settings everyone is using


I used the first setting with speedtweak. Haven't tried the battery saver yet. My battery life is better than stock, but sometimes it still seems to drain pretty quickly, but I don't have super slow charge any more. It also seems that if I wipe battery stats at full charge, I get better battery life for that day. Next time I upgrade I'll be sure to flash the ROM at full charge, because I didn't do that this time.

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Lovely, just had my phone freak out on me. Everything was fine, was listening to the radio with my phone. I went to unlock it and there was no unlock ring or icons. Couldn't do anything. Took the battery out, rebooted, same thing except I had a voicemail icon in the top corner. I'm trying to wipe everything and reflash now...this is quite the annoyance.
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Full wipe and reflash fixed my little issue yesterday. Still pretty annoying, but at least I took care of it on my own lol.


What are you guys using for tethering? I used to use PDAnet, but its out of its trial period and I can't see secure sites, plus it was a wired tether.

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Full wipe and reflash fixed my little issue yesterday. Still pretty annoying, but at least I took care of it on my own lol.


What are you guys using for tethering? I used to use PDAnet, but its out of its trial period and I can't see secure sites, plus it was a wired tether.


The mobile hotspot app that comes with the device

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I bought a thunderbolt today. Instantly rooted and now running BAMF 2.1 nte and mr2 radio. This phone is tits. 799kB/s downloading a file with only 1 bar of 4G in my house. Impressed by far :)
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I thought you had to pay for that one? And it says its 3G, is it also 4G?


4G as well.. use the hotspot for now yes.



Some people DO HAVE problems running 2.1 or GB roms.. thats going to be the nature of it until there are more leaks to base off of.


Im still rocking Froyo roms and dont have any issues.

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I'm still running BAMF 1.6 Remix... I should upgrade.


Yes pu should update but make a backup of your current install in case you need to roll back. Also google wireless tether for root users. That's what I use on my androids.



Also can anyone tell me how to set the led notification light to blink constantly until I check my phone? It seems like 10 or whatever minutes it stops. I don't want to turn on my screen after I wake up to see if I have anything.

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I don't want to turn on my screen after I wake up to see if I have anything.


One of the many reasons it will be hard for me to switch to a new phone...how i will miss my trackball notifications.


Have you tried handcent sms and messing with the notification settings?

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One of the many reasons it will be hard for me to switch to a new phone...how i will miss my trackball notifications.


Have you tried handcent sms and messing with the notification settings?


Haven't tried hand cent yet on this phone. I tried easy notification but it doesn't work at all. Another thing that is really stupid is the led for charging th phone overrides any other notification light. Who designed this crap ? Must of been someone who has never used a smart phone before. Other then the led issues and the poor battery life this phone is cool.

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Is there a way to use the hotspot or tethering without paying the extra fee? My contract ends this weekend and want to buy a phone while I can grandfather in the unlimited data




Root, and then use one of the many free tethering apps.

Gotta be rooted though. :fuckyeah:

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I saw mention of a forum? What is the best forum for getting all these free apps and rooting information? I am a complete smart phone noob


Google wireless tether for root users. That all you need

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