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My Dinner > Yours

Guest Hal

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jesus fucking christ.


ITT: Hals dick becomes a punchin bag for all of CR to beat to death. JP had the KO. Fuck

You're coming back around for more? I thought we already established how much of a failure you are. The only knockout JP has had was when he failed so hard at driving, he ran his faggy little colt into a wall.

Jesus, does every topic on this site have to turn into a dick measuring contest?

Yes. Pretty much every person on here has some obsession with the phallic image. I don't know why, but for some reason they think that a clever quip has to involve some use of dick (or its synonyms).

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Yes. Pretty much every person on here has some obsession with the phallic image. I don't know why, but for some reason they think that a clever quip has to involve some use of dick (or its synonyms).


40 roll for manager's special pork chops at Kroger?

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40 roll for manager's special pork chops at Kroger?


You want to take on the Jeep or Envoy? Also, I'm done with pork for the week. Can we do this for ground beef? I want meatloaf.

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You want to take on the Jeep or Envoy? Also, I'm done with pork for the week. Can we do this for ground beef? I want meatloaf.


Whichever you feel is more of a fair race vs my fiance's Element. Will leave my 15 sec Maxima in the stable. THAT just wouldn't be fair. OH! yeah, been wanting to have taco night, so beef will be perfect when I drag you around 270.

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Whichever you feel is more of a fair race vs my fiance's Element. Will leave my 15 sec Maxima in the stable. THAT just wouldn't be fair. OH! yeah, been wanting to have taco night, so beef will be perfect when I drag you around 270.


Against an Element? Fuck that, you sand bagging son-of-a-bitch. I know what those things run, the race is off.

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Actually, again you fail at a definition/use of a common term. Not once did I say anything about my physique or car building skills. Nothing to backup as I have no claims. Jesus, your feeble mind can't grasp a simple subject like this. I feel embarrassed for you. Next time you attempt to "pwn" someone, at least come up with an argument that is based on reality. I'm calling out your failure to resemble a normal human being. That has nothing to do with me, everything to do with you.


Way to call out a car I don't own, and haven't owned for quite a while. I'm so offended, what will I do? Go ahead, call out my Envoy or Jeep next. They're slow and probably don't make any power, but at least you would be calling out cars that I own.


My food is fail, no care. My food tasted delicious, took 5 minutes to prepare, and got a nice thread going about other people's culinary skills. Do I honestly care what a retard like you thinks is quality food or presentation? Nope, somehow I doubt you even have a clue what a fine meal really tastes like. Go back to the gym, drink/take your supplements, and shut your Speedy Gonzalez lookalike, mouth.


Again, I don't even own a Cobra. I don't have a clue what it is now (fail or win) or if it even still exists. Personally, I couldn't care less. I don't base my life's worth on some piece of shit car and how fast it is.


Care to make sense with that last statement? Pork and potatoes make a person have a flabby ass? That's interesting... Do you know anything about anything? Do you just say whatever random thought comes to your mind? I'm pretty sure I've argued with more competent 6th graders.

I'm just going to take care of the next response from Coltboostin. I think it will be easier than having to wait for his tired attempts.


Here goes:


Blah blah blah, backpedaling is when you don't accept someone else's callout. Blah blah, more incomprehensible bullshit. Blah blah, post a picture so I can know whether to call you fat or anorexic. Blah assumptions, blah.


That car was fail when you DID own it. Haha, I base everything I think, about anything, off of a person's car and its performance. My $3k colt would have smoked that thing. Blah, I don't care that it was more comfortable and didn't end up in a wall because you weren't a wreckless moron.


Your food is fail. I eat more appetizing things I found on the street. Look how clever I am.


People who eat pork and potatoes are fat. Can't you see my abs? I jerk off on them, then rub the cum into them so my skin is super shiny. I'm so successful without a wife, worthwhile career, useful brain, or anything else people judge success on. I can get any Cleveland girl to go home with me, that's my version of a useful life. Haha, I'm so awesome.

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Backpedaling pussy.




Wait just a damned second. Did you actually use that term properly? No, it can't be. No one on CR can actually use a term the way it is meant to be. You need to be banned for letting other people on your account.

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03SVT - I'll take it easy on you for this round. You're about as moronic as people get, so I can only assume that any significant bashing will shatter your already weak self esteem. You strike me as another tiny-dicked poser without the ability to think at a high enough level to adequately understand what I've even typed thus far. Before you call out someone's thread, why don't you look at your obvious attempt to not look like such a useless fuck. Go back, jerk off over your piece of shit 'Vette, then come back here and try again.


I appreciate you taking it easy on me sir, the internet is serious business and I certainly do not know how to take a joke or defend myself should a confrontation arise. From now on I'll be sure to steer clear of you and focus only on the automotive based threads on this "Columbus Racing" forum and check out "Columbus Cooking" for my culinary interests.


BRB, jerking off to piece of shit vette...

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I'm just going to take care of the next response from Coltboostin. I think it will be easier than having to wait for his tired attempts.


Here goes:


Blah blah blah, backpedaling is when you don't accept someone else's callout. Blah blah, more incomprehensible bullshit. Blah blah, post a picture so I can know whether to call you fat or anorexic. Blah assumptions, blah.


That car was fail when you DID own it. Haha, I base everything I think, about anything, off of a person's car and its performance. My $3k colt would have smoked that thing. Blah, I don't care that it was more comfortable and didn't end up in a wall because you weren't a wreckless moron.


Your food is fail. I eat more appetizing things I found on the street. Look how clever I am.


People who eat pork and potatoes are fat. Can't you see my abs? I jerk off on them, then rub the cum into them so my skin is super shiny. I'm so successful without a wife, worthwhile career, useful brain, or anything else people judge success on. I can get any Cleveland girl to go home with me, that's my version of a useful life. Haha, I'm so awesome.


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I appreciate you taking it easy on me sir, the internet is serious business and I certainly do not know how to take a joke or defend myself should a confrontation arise. From now on I'll be sure to steer clear of you and focus only on the automotive based threads on this "Columbus Racing" forum and check out "Columbus Cooking" for my culinary interests.


BRB, jerking off to piece of shit vette...


Probably a wise move, even if it was failed sarcasm.

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I forgot that JP was the stand in for the shot of abs in that movie. It must have been his big break. I actually heard that they paid him enough that he can build a $6k "car" this time!

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Recipe for manly meal:


-deer you killed yourself (well, a Lincoln Navigator took 90% of its life. My Glock 19 took the other 10%)

-Potatoes. Every meal needs these.

-mac n cheese. It goes well with everything.

-bacon. Do I really need to explain this?

-You will also need McCormick's Montreal steak seasoning, seasoning salt, REAL butter, and garlic powder.


Start with a good chunk of back strap. The Navigator caused the bruising you see here:



Cut into steaks. Wrap in bacon, securing with toothpicks. Thin bacon works better, but this thick stuff is all I had. Season with Montreal, garlic, and seasoning salt:



Start your potatoes. Lots of butter. Season with seasoning salt and some more garlic powder. Fry on low heat, flipping occasionally. You can also start your mac n cheese. If you can't make this, then I'm not sure how to help you:



Throw steaks on grill. Charcoal/wood is preferred for flavoring reasons, but gas will do in a pinch. Cook to medium rare. Any more and they will get tough and gamey tasting:



Throw on plate and eat:


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Recipe for manly meal:


-deer you killed yourself (well, a Lincoln Navigator took 90% of its life. My Glock 19 took the other 10%)

-Potatoes. Every meal needs these.

-mac n cheese. It goes well with everything.

-bacon. Do I really need to explain this?

-You will also need McCormick's Montreal steak seasoning, seasoning salt, REAL butter, and garlic powder.


Start with a good chunk of back strap. The Navigator caused the bruising you see here:



Cut into steaks. Wrap in bacon, securing with toothpicks. Thin bacon works better, but this thick stuff is all I had. Season with Montreal, garlic, and seasoning salt:



Start your potatoes. Lots of butter. Season with seasoning salt and some more garlic powder. Fry on low heat, flipping occasionally. You can also start your mac n cheese. If you can't make this, then I'm not sure how to help you:



Throw steaks on grill. Charcoal/wood is preferred for flavoring reasons, but gas will do in a pinch. Cook to medium rare. Any more and they will get tough and gamey tasting:



Throw on plate and eat:




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