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Are you a organ donor?


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Its pretty arrogant to believe your dead body is precious enough to not want to help another person, let alone possibly multiple others, live longer lives. Even if your religious beliefs make you think your body must be buried whole, I'm sure your God is forgiving enough to let you into heaven/paradise/whatever if your dying act was to extend the lives of others.


Have been a donor since I've been eligible

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y ?


Not for me. I have an issue with the anti-rejection drugs they feed people to 'make' others organs work in their body.


Those anti-rejection drugs work against the laws of nature. If nature had intended for you to be able to swap organs, you would be able to without needing drugs.


Just my opinion, I am sure other will disagree. I don't buy into the whole, Doctors don't try as hard to save your life bit, as if anyone could prove that, it would be a huge lawsuit.

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Those anti-rejection drugs work against the laws of nature. .



I can't tell if this is trolling, or if you got dropped on the head as a child (as nature intended).


How can you say that a specific drug "works against the laws of nature." Guess what, so do most things today that have led to the extension of human lives beyond previous limits.



Medical Care



Bug Spray





I mean, if nature wanted you to live, you wouldn't have gotten that heart attack, broken leg, cold, flu, of infection. You should just just lay down and die.


You should probably lock yourself in a bubble to save yourself from the world out there today. :fuuuu::fuuuu:

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Fences. :lolguy:


Stops nature from growing and animals from going where nature intended.

I'm tearing down all fences tonight...


Garth had it right all along...




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I'm kind of joking, the problem is that I recently saw a documentary about organ donation and it does cause me some concern.




How did you see something that's not even out until June? Next time you make up a story, be sure the dates aren't on the picture to prove you wrong

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Im a donor, but only because I'm one of the people that feel like an asshole if i don't donate a dollar to charity when they ask me at a check out counter of a store and i feel they pulled the same thing on me when i got my license. The more i think about it, I'm pretty sure they got me to donate a dollar too
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