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If your home is broken into....


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While you are in it...how would you handle it?


Scenario - Sleeping and your alarm sounds off. Do you just up, grab weapon of choice and go hunt the problem....Do you jump up, secure family, grab weapon of choice, hunt problem....OR Do you jump up, grab weapon and stay put preparing to protect yourself if someone comes to where you are?

Another question...do you stop the alarm from screaming or let it continue to sound off? Often times you hear people say "i'll rack my 12 gauge" and scare a person off....well, if your alarm is screaming...you won't even hear the gauge rack, so that sound won't scare anyone.


This HAS NOT happened to me. I was just thinking if it ever did, I have not come up with an action plan.

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Wake, Grab Weapon, Make sure everyone is accountable for. then Reign fucking terror.


No one but you and your family should be within your house.


Mother fucker steps in my Plain City resident better have Ghost mode cause between me and my roomate we will clip you off from point blank to 2,000ft.




Not to mention that all of our neighbors tote guns like its Texas.

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No alarm. Motion sesor activating a light in that area of activity and a bright flash in the bedroom. That wakes me up. No kids, so get girl to safe room= master walk in closet. Taking with her a hand gun on her side of the bed. In the closet, spare keys to cars to activate panic button to draw attention to the property. Also an old cell phone that is charge, for calling 911. Pepper spray and a 12 gauge are already in there. Close bedroom door and lock it. To get to master walk in closet, you have to go through master bath. Close master bath door and lock it. Close closet door and lock it. If they get through bedroom door and master bath door, when they touch closet door= 2 buck shot through the door with 911 and car alarm going off. If they assault on your position continues, next 3 rounds are 410 grain slugs for shoot back through the walls/ doors. Last round is buck shot. Six loaded, click safety= show time. No racking the weapon to scare them. You are in my home and have passed my barriers. This is on my old house, that's why I'll share this.


Heading back into class. Will finish this in a bit.

Edited by Mojoe
Someone delete the other one. my phone double posted
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cause between me and my roomate we will clip you off from point blank to 2,000ft.




My course of action would be ; get weapon, grab my son, tell him to hide in my room, call 911, tell the intruder I'm armed. If he doesn't leave, then stay prepared. I'm not going to walk around letting him get the drop on me.

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I'm not going to walk around letting him get the drop on me.


This is what I was thinking...See, i'd be upstairs...the entry would be down..so I'd be at a disadvantage walking down those stairs due to the ability of being attacked from the left or right of them, in the dark!

SO I think I would secure the family in walk-in closet, place handgun in wife's hand, have her call 911...I'd shut the alarm off so I could hear what's going on, kneel behind bed face the door to my bedroom and wait for someone to approach.

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grab weapon, and hunt.

your getting a warning, and then one in the gut, and hope a doctor fixes them up.

i'd rather not kill somebody, but, i'm not taking the time to try and shoot a kneecap or some shit.

i have to do it this way at the moment, because my children sleep on a different floor then the Mrs. and I.

Optimal idea is to gather Family together, wife with weapon, myself with weapon, call 911 and stay put.

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The people saying to stay put and call 911 are correct. Unless you're an effin' Navy SEAL, Army Delta, USAF PJ, Marine Force Recon, SWAT, or something similar you are at a SERIOUS disadvantage when you start looking for the intruder. They get the upper hand the very instant you become mobile.


In my situation we have 3 bedrooms covering both ends of the house. In one is an FNP-9 and a Winchester Ranger 12g, at the other end in 1 room is an XD40 and Mossberg 835 12g, and in my bedroom is my SR9c and the wifes Bodyguard .38 Special, all ready for use.


We sit, we wait. Don't come to my door. Take the material crap you want, but don't eff with me or my fam.

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My wife and I both grab guns. She goes to the kids and calls 911 to let them know the alarm is real. I sit at a location outside of the room to protect them if needed. If they decide to get too close to my family their life ends. At this point my dog woiuld already be barking like crazy and the alarm would be going off. If they havnt announced themselves or left I'm leaving peep holes.


If I start to walk down the steps I leave myself pigeon holed with no place to dive or seek cover. I'm not hunting, my house isnt set up for that. I'll let the idiot criminal put their face right in my scope with no place to go.


P.S. Another reason not to hunt.. what if there are more than one?

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Now the realistic stuff is coming out. I have done a lot of MOUNT training and urban assault senario run throughs. This is not call of duty. Agressing through your home as soon as you hear something, make you a casualty. Light them up with lights, have a surefire or something near by. I've had a half dozen situations where my rules of engagement authorized me to shoot, but by blinding them and defusig the situation, I didn't have to.


Place peper spray by the door for situations where you may open it for a variety of reasons and not know the person. A gun at the door all the time is a hazard and accident waiting to happen. Have them stashed where you might go to or get put. Like a knife inside the zipper at the back of a couch cousion. Get to it when you can if you find yourself tied up. There are thousands of sinarios. Think like you are in the middle of the bad situation and get out from there. Have a plan and train those in the house so you are thinking alike and know what the next move is you are going to try and do or set up for the other one to do to regain control and get help.


Back into class.

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The people saying to stay put and call 911 are correct. Unless you're an effin' Navy SEAL, Army Delta, USAF PJ, Marine Force Recon, SWAT, or something similar you are at a SERIOUS disadvantage when you start looking for the intruder. They get the upper hand the very instant you become mobile.


In my situation we have 3 bedrooms covering both ends of the house. In one is an FNP-9 and a Winchester Ranger 12g, at the other end in 1 room is an XD40 and Mossberg 835 12g, and in my bedroom is my SR9c and the wifes Bodyguard .38 Special, all ready for use.


We sit, we wait. Don't come to my door. Take the material crap you want, but don't eff with me or my fam.



This.! I honestly believe if a person breaks in, they are after material things and not YOU. Therefore, it's a good chance they won't come looking for more trouble. Also, once the alarm sounds, they'll probably take off.

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I've actually had an intruder situation. No, I did not handle it safely. Yes, I would do things differently...


Laying in bed with my wife and ex-gf. (Long story) Costa Mesa, CA. I see someone pass by apt window, 2nd floor on the way to the front door. Nobody should walk by unless they are coming to my door. I assume it's my roomate/best friend. When he doesnt knock on my bedroom door or say anything, I get suspicious.


I ask the girls to stay back and I walk into the hallway with a view of the living room. Dark. No lights on. I see someone in the window and call Neil's name at the same time realizing it's not him and take a step back into the shadows. That's right, I'm ninja, bitch. I then rush the guy, yanking him from the window and procede to pound on him mercilessly in the hopes of debilitating him and keeping him from attacking me with a weapon.


The girls come into the kitchen and turn on the lights, illuminating the living room. I slam the guy against the front door and begin yelling questions, etc. The guy reaches inside his jacket and pays for it with a huge smash from my elbow/forearm.


A wallet drops to the floor... Shit. He was trying to give me his id.


Anyway, longer story, shorter. The guy was drunk. Lost his keys and had the wrong apt. Im inclined to believe it now since nothing was stolen and he actually seemed to be going out the window when I arrived. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? Btw, I also had firearms in the house. I obviously did not use them.


Why would I with these two natural guns that genetics has given me? :gabe:


(I do have another incident, but eh.)

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The people saying to stay put and call 911 are correct. Unless you're an effin' Navy SEAL, Army Delta, USAF PJ, Marine Force Recon, SWAT, or something similar you are at a SERIOUS disadvantage when you start looking for the intruder. They get the upper hand the very instant you become mobile.


In my situation we have 3 bedrooms covering both ends of the house. In one is an FNP-9 and a Winchester Ranger 12g, at the other end in 1 room is an XD40 and Mossberg 835 12g, and in my bedroom is my SR9c and the wifes Bodyguard .38 Special, all ready for use.


We sit, we wait. Don't come to my door. Take the material crap you want, but don't eff with me or my fam.

I actually agree. As I said above, my course of action was not the best. Plus, keep in mind, this burglar probably has come experience at this. More than likely, quite a bit more than you. He's more skilled. You know what happens on CoD against a much more skilled opponent? Headshot! lol


Get up, gather wife and kids, open door to panic room, shove kids and wife into hallway as bait, lock myself in panic room, call 911.

bwhahaha My first thought was hire a burglar, lock family in the panic room, then move out and leave them for an island paradise.

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