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If your home is broken into....


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We've actually had one intruder situation back in 1994 and haven't been the same since. It wasn't at our home now, but at an apartment in UA.

We do have a very planned out scenerio and back up plan too. Wife is a very skilled marksman with handgun and has hers ready. Alarm is loud as hell and does call 911 and should they cut the lines, it has a cell back up.

In our case step one is "release the hounds". I've actually tested and gotten them both very used to the siren. They run down the stairs immediately usually barking as loud as the sirens. I figure they would either take off or corner the intruders or at the very least, take a bullet that would normally head towards me. I'll have my Mossberge in hand within seconds, securing the kids into our master walk in which is inside the master bath. Wife is to go there with her handgun.

My plan is not to go hunting. No need. Cops arrive here at our house within 2 minutes or so as the station is just down the road and we always have a cruiser near us.

There's only one way up to the second floor and the landing is directly in the line of fire from my spot in the bedroom. They'd have to make two quick turns at the top of the stairs before they know I'm there and that won't happen. There will be a huge pool of blood in that spot no questions asked. If a second one comes up, he's dumber than the first.

My wife is instructed to not open either door until she see's a badge and or hears me yell to her. We keep our cell phones upstairs charging, one next to my bed and hers in the master walk-in closet where she's at. We also keep our keys to the cars up there and as already noted, can set the alarms on those off too.

Off to go clean 'em and load up some fresh rounds.

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Dogs are a great deterrent. We have a toy poodle that hears anything that moves getting near the house, and by the time it get's barking the doberman is not far behind. I feel like the fact that an intruder would be looking at the doberman eye to eye through the window by the front door means they would be likely to go away and find an easier target with better stuff.
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I get the joking and goofing on some of this. My head is where it is, because of some of the work training I've done and simply because of fear. I'm afraid to fail or let people down. I don't know how I would live with myself if I hadn't planned or wasn't at all prepared to at least try to defend the ones arounds me.


My coworkers 23 year old daughter was abducted last August and got away because she was luck a cop picked up on a distressed look she gave him driving by him. He turned around and pulled her over. When her car stop the guy jumped out of he car and ran, she was safe. They did catch him. This was near the park of Roses, in Columbus. Hate cops all you guys want to on here. That guy should be getting a blowjob every half hour the rest of his life. That guys was going to kidnap and rape her. Not just kill her after.


I'm not saying be consumed with this stuff. Just think through it and have the ones you love informed and have a plan.

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I get the joking and goofing on some of this. My head is where it is, because of some of the work training I've done and simply because of fear. I'm afraid to fail or let people down. I don't know how I would live with myself if I hadn't planned or wasn't at all prepared to at least try to defend the ones arounds me.


My coworkers 23 year old daughter was abducted last August and got away because she was luck a cop picked up on a distressed look she gave him driving by him. He turned around and pulled her over. When her car stop the guy jumped out of he car and ran, she was safe. They did catch him. This was near the park of Roses, in Columbus. Hate cops all you guys want to on here. That guy should be getting a blowjob every half hour the rest of his life. That guys was going to kidnap and rape her. Not just kill her after.


I'm not saying be consumed with this stuff. Just think through it and have the ones you love informed and have a plan.


Joe, my post wasn't poking fun at you, FYI. If anything, I agreed the most with you.

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Joe, my post wasn't poking fun at you, FYI. If anything, I agreed the most with you.


No issues John. I actually started writing that on my phone 2 hours ago. Got out of class, worked out, and finished it while I ate. Haha I can see how it looked like I posted that based on your post. Your creative spin spurs thoughts. Lol

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No issues John. I actually started writing that on my phone 2 hours ago. Got out of class, worked out, and finished it while I ate. Haha I can see how it looked like I posted that based on your post. Your creative spin spurs thoughts. Lol



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for those of you who don't have a alarm system. take your car keys with you to bed. you hear something, push the panic alarm on your car. might scare off intruder. maybe good to tell your wives and/or girlfriends when they are home alone.
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Did I ever tell you about the time I killed Bin Laden?

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My wife and I both grab guns. She goes to the kids and calls 911 to let them know the alarm is real. I sit at a location outside of the room to protect them if needed. If they decide to get too close to my family their life ends. At this point my dog woiuld already be barking like crazy and the alarm would be going off. If they havnt announced themselves or left I'm leaving peep holes.


If I start to walk down the steps I leave myself pigeon holed with no place to dive or seek cover. I'm not hunting, my house isnt set up for that. I'll let the idiot criminal put their face right in my scope with no place to go.


P.S. Another reason not to hunt.. what if there are more than one?


In case you missed it, since no one answered....

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In case you missed it, since no one answered....


I wouldn't hunt either, but in all honesty, if you fire at one of them, and especially if you hit them, I highly doubt second mofo's going to stick around to defend his buddy. Crack heads usually don't have a taking a bullet for their friends in their code of life. At that point the front door is likely swinging open. Not every time but I bet a lot of times this would be the case. However, if they did stick around, you just have to kill them both.

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I wouldn't hunt either, but in all honesty, if you fire at one of them, and especially if you hit them, I highly doubt second mofo's going to stick around to defend his buddy. Crack heads usually don't have a taking a bullet for their friends in their code of life. At that point the front door is likely swinging open. Not every time but I bet a lot of times this would be the case. However, if they did stick around, you just have to kill them both.


No honor amongst theives...

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P.S. Another reason not to hunt.. what if there are more than one?

Brian, you quoted your post thT you asnswered your own question to. Are you asking for ways to deal with more than one person at a time? The answer you posted is exactly right, as to why you don't agress through your home with family in the house.

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P.S. Another reason not to hunt.. what if there are more than one?

Brian, you quoted your post thT you asnswered your own question to. Are you asking for ways to deal with more than one person at a time? The answer you posted is exactly right, as to why you don't agress through your home with family in the house.


Yes, I want to know how the keyboard Rambos plan to deal with multiple criminals. i.e. how many tumble rolls, backflips, mid air reloads, and black paint under the eyes would be needed? :lol:

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Yes, I want to know how the keyboard Rambos plan to deal with multiple criminals. i.e. how many tumble rolls, backflips, mid air reloads, and black paint under the eyes would be needed?


All you need is paint cans on strings, a bb gun, and a catch phrase.


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I keep a louisville slugger tucked away in a somewhat accessible area by my bed. Chances are very low an intruder would ever see it. If the opportunity presents itself I will use it to buy enough time to get my wife out of the house. The only kink in the plan is my daughter is upstairs and we are downstairs. I would not leave the house without her.
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