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Got in dog trouble today


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Funny how this shit works :( So I'm dog sitting for my buddy and the dog is pit and rot mix. I chained him up and went back in the house and fell asleep and he got loose and was chasing/running with the kids on there bikes. This dog wouldn't hurt any of these kids just likes to play.


Well the wife just got off and seen the dog at our front door and as soon as she goes to let the dog in here comes the animal control. Well the animal control gave me a ticket for failure to control a viscous dog and having no tags for a viscous dog. Well I augured with this guy for awhile and I started getting pissed after he started to get loud and started being a dick.



I told the dick head that I know both parents of the dog and I watched this dog be born and it's not a full blooded pit. Well they gave me the ticket stating it's a pit. T he dog was already in the house and don't think he even seen the face of the dog and just going off what neighbors are saying.


What is the best thing I can do and would like your guys input..

Welcome to Ohio. Read the laws regarding identification powers of the animal control officers. Pay the tickets, don't be irresponsible (i.e., chaining the dog unsupervised), and move on.

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Yeah I know it sucks cause there trying to say it's a pit and it's not. I read the ohio laws and they said that if it looks like a pit mean it is a pit.


Well there ya go, you know what to do now.

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We have a pit and ive got buddies with pits and what ive been told is pretty much what you said, if it looks like a pit then its a pit. Its kinda shitty but, its really cut and dry unfortunately. We have to carry higher homeowners insurance because of ours.
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If I had a kid, and there was a pit OR a rottweiler (or any "large" breed) chasing them, I would either be calling the owner or calling animal control too. You can't be trusting other people's animals and training abilities.
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If I had a kid, and there was a pit OR a rottweiler (or any "large" breed) chasing them, I would either be calling the owner or calling animal control too. You can't be trusting other people's animals and training abilities.


I understand and agree

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We have a pit and ive got buddies with pits and what ive been told is pretty much what you said, if it looks like a pit then its a pit. Its kinda shitty but, its really cut and dry unfortunately. We have to carry higher homeowners insurance because of ours.


They try that, but as I posted above, a few letters from some veterinarians stop that shit. Fairfield county has a full on pit ban and the letters get people out of trouble

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We have a pit and ive got buddies with pits and what ive been told is pretty much what you said, if it looks like a pit then its a pit. Its kinda shitty but, its really cut and dry unfortunately. We have to carry higher homeowners insurance because of ours.


most homeowners policys include 100k for dog attacks.:confused:

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Well depending on how much the total fines im gonna just do jail time cause they ain't getting nothing out of me.


that'll teach 'em. If you really want to get them back then ask for more time. When they give you 30 days you say "screw you guys.....I'm doing 60". :lol:


Just busting your chops. Pay the fine and move on.

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its not just ohio with the pit issues.. SC is just like it (and everywhere else of course).. if it has any attributes to make it look like a "pit" they'll call it one.. part of the reason "pit bulls" have such a large bite/attack count


DNA test might be a good idea if you really want to fight in.. most dna tests don't recognize "pit bull".. some of them have Staffordshire terriers but not all and the dog probably wouldn't give a 50/50 rotty staff mix

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just have the dog tested, my buddy ran into serious trouble for his "pit" in deleware. Test came back with 46 breeds and everything was dropped.


its not just ohio with the pit issues.. SC is just like it (and everywhere else of course).. if it has any attributes to make it look like a "pit" they'll call it one.. part of the reason "pit bulls" have such a large bite/attack count


DNA test might be a good idea if you really want to fight in.. most dna tests don't recognize "pit bull".. some of them have Staffordshire terriers but not all and the dog probably wouldn't give a 50/50 rotty staff mix


The guy doesn't even want to pay a simple fine Id bet money be's not gonna be paying for a DNA test.

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Thats incredibly retarded that people owning a dog that is "mean" have to deal with this. ANY dog can kill if trained to but pits get a bad rep because they are the ones generally trained to kill and fight. I could train a fucking poodle to bite people...
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The guy doesn't even want to pay a simple fine Id bet money be's not gonna be paying for a DNA test.


I'd pay for anything before paying a "vicious dog" fine.


Give me a ticket for the dog getting out, whatever, but the vicious dog stuff is stupid.

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