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What's the quickest you have ever been banned from a forum?


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I dunno if you would call it a "forum" but me and a bunch of guys from 4chan used to troll the hell out of stickam.com. Basically we would get videos of creepy old guys on webcam, broadcast/stream them in girls rooms, then bust out typical pedo-lines like "mmmm your looking good tonight princess" or "do you have a myspace cupcake?" the reactions we got were absolutely priceless. Probably got banned 100 times or so lol.


4chan stickam raids are always a riot.


I've never been banned from a forum, but my friends and I used to see how fast it would take us to get banned from gaming servers. Never really could get banned on Quake unless you started hurling racial slurs, but CS:S you could get banned just for blinking wrong. Fastest ban time was 28 seconds, timed. Friend bought the M249 on Poolday, killed 5 people, kicked and banned for wallhacking and aimbotting (no cheats, we just played like fiends). My fastest was in the mid 30s.

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